Story of My Life Read-Along eBook , livre ebook









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Je m'inscris








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Seventh grade isn't going so well for Lexi. Stuck in a remedial gym class-and stumped for ideas for a playwriting contest-she's convinced she'll never be able to reach her dreams. Then, to her surprise, she discovers she's been working toward them all along. Written in a compelling diary format, this fiction reader features full-color illustrations, compelling text, and chapter format to build reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. This hi-lo reader is perfect for students who need high-interest, low-readability books.
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Date de parution

02 décembre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

23 Mo


Bo ok Club Q ue st ion s
1. What are s o m e p ros an d co ns o f
Lexi ’ s re m edia l g y m class ?
2. Wh y doe s L exi be liev e
M s. B eck er di d n ’ t m ean to
emba r r a s s her ?
3. H ow d oes Lexi fe el a bo u t he r
ta le nt as a wr it e r ?
4. H ow d o othe r stu de n ts he lp Lexi
feel b et t er a b out her sel f ?
5. Wh y does Le x i r un ou t of the
cafe te r ia a fte r h ear ing h e r dia r y
re a d a loud?
6. Wh y does Le x i be l i ev e sh e can
help Ma h a?

By Heather E. Schwartz
Illustrated by Linda Silv estri






Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo, M. S.Ed., Publ isher
Conni M ed ina, M . A . Ed. , Edito r in Chie f
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Content Dire cto r
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec tor
Set h Rog er s, Edi tor
Valerie Morales, Asso ciate Ed itor
Kevin Ph am, Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illustrated by Linda Silv estri
Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data
Nam es: Sc hwar t z , Hea the r E. , auth or. | Silves tri, L ind a, ill ust rato r.
Ti tle: T he s tor y of my l ife / by H eath er E . Schw ar t z ; illu str ate d by Lin da
Des cri ptio n: Hunt ing ton B each , CA : Teacher Cr eate d Mate rial s, [2020] |
Incl ude s bo ok clu b que sti ons . | Audie nce: Ag e 1 3. | Audi ence: G ra des
4 - 6. | S umma r y: “ Seve nth gr ade i sn’t g oing s o wel l for Le xi . Stuck in a
rem edi al gy m clas s - - and s tum pe d for i dea s for a p lay wr itin g conte st
she wa nts to e nter - - s he’s convi nced s he’ ll neve r be a ble to r each h er
drea ms. T hen , to her s urp ris e, she di scover s she ’s bee n work in g towa rd
them a ll al ong ”-- Pr ovid ed by p ub lishe r.
Ide ntif i er s: LCCN 20 1 9031 459 (pr int) | LCCN 20 1 9031 4 6 0 (ebo ok ) | ISBN
978 164491 3567 (paper ba ck) | IS BN 978 164 491 4 4 65 (ebo ok )
Subje c ts : LCSH: Re ade rs (E lem ent ar y) | Physic al e duc atio n and
training- -Juvenile fic tion. | Over weight children- -Juvenile fictio n. |
Playwrighting--Juv enile fic tion. | Middle schools- - Juvenile fiction.
Classi f ic atio n: LCC PE 1 1 1 9 . S 4 47 20 20 (p rint) | LCC PE 1 1 19 ( eb o ok) | D DC
428 . 6 / 2 - - d c 2 3
LC record av aila bl e at ht tps: / / lccn .l oc .gov/201 9 031 459
LC ebo ok re cord av aila ble a t ht tps: / / lccn. lo c. gov/201 9 03 1460
530 1 Oce anus D rive
Hunti ngto n Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
w w
ISB N 978 - 0- 74 39 - 6713-6
© 2020 T e ach er Crea ted M ater ials , Inc .

T ab l e o f Co n t en ts
Cha pt e r On e : J ust An othe r Da y in
( Re medial ) Gym Class
D ear Di ar y
Chapter T wo : Th i n k Posi t ive!
Cha pt e r Thr ee : Th e Jo ke ’ s on M e
Cha pt e r F o ur : S ur p r ise E nding
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