Paige vs. Plastic Read-Along eBook , livre ebook









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In this graphic novel, Polly the mermaid works as a postal worker who dreams of becoming an environmental scientist. Her underwater world is filled with too much plastic, and with the help of her friends Danica the Dolphin and Ollie the Octopus, they concoct a plan to clean it up. Students will enjoy this illustrated fiction reader that features compelling text, grade-appropriate vocabulary, and chapter format to build reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. This hi-lo reader is perfect for students who need high-interest, low-readability books.
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Date de parution

02 décembre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

17 Mo


Bo ok Club Q ue st ion s
1 . Wh y is p lastic s o har mful to
t he env i r on ment?
2 . What are s o m e wa ys that p lastic
in t h e ocean a ff ects mar ine lif e ?
3 . What ki n d o f wo rk d oes an
env i ron ment a l i s t do ?
4 . What are s o me wa ys t hat h umans
can red uce the ir use o f plasti c ?
5 . I s i t t he r espo nsi bility of
h umans to p ro tect an d sav e our
env i r on me nt? W hy?
6 . H ow do the s to r i es o f othe rs h e lp
u s u nder s t a nd a nd emp at h i z e
wi th th e m ?

By Monika Davies
Illustrated by Arielle Jov ellanos

Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo, M. S.Ed., Publishe r
Conni M ed ina, M . A . Ed. , Edito r in Chie f
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Content Dire cto r
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec tor
No elle C ris tea, M . A . Ed. , Senior Edi tor
Joh n Leac h, Assis tant Editor
Jess J oh nson , Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos
Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publication Data
Nam es: Dav ies , Mon ika , auth or. | Jovell anos , Ari ell e, illu str ator.
Ti tle: Pai ge vs . pl asti c / by Mo nik a Davi es ; illu str ated b y Ari elle
Oth er ti tle s: Paig e ver sus pl asti c
Des cri ptio n: Hunt ing ton B each , CA : Teacher Cr eate d Mate rial s, [2020] |
Incl ude s bo ok clu b que sti ons . | Audie nce: Ag e 10. | Audien ce: Gra des
4 - 6.
Ide ntif i er s: LCCN 20 19029962 (pr int) | LCCN 20 1 90299 63 (ebo ok ) | ISBN
978 164 491 3659 (pap er bac k) | ISB N 978 1 6 4 491 4557 ( e bo ok )
Subje c ts : LCSH: Re ade rs (E lem ent ar y) | Me rma ids- -Juven ile f i c tion . |
Mer mai ds- - Co mic b oo k s, s tri ps, e tc. | M arin e po llut ion - -Juveni le
f ic tio n. | Ma rin e po llut ion - - Co mic b oo k s, s trip s, e tc. |
Environmentalism- -Juvenile fictio n. | Environmentalsim- - Comic book s,
str ips , etc. | G ra phic n ovels .
Classi f ic atio n: LCC PE 1 1 1 9 .D3 46 85 2020 (pri nt) | LCC PE 1 1 1 9 (ebo ok ) |
DD C 428.6/2- - d c23
LC record av aila bl e at ht tps: / /l ccn. lo c. gov/201 90299 62
LC ebo ok re cord av aila ble a t ht tps: / /l ccn. lo c.g ov/201 90299 63
530 1 Ocea nus D rive
Hunti ngto n Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
w w
I S B N 978-0-7439-6752-5
© 2020 T ea cher C reate d Mate ria ls, In c.

T a bl e o f Con t en ts
P a ig e t he P os t a l W or ke r
Danica th e Do lp h in
Si mone t he S e a T u r t le
Cam e ron th e Cr ocodi le
O ll ie the Oct op us
A Cl ear Fu tu re
A b o u t Us

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