Headless Hall Monitor Read-Along eBook , livre ebook









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Nicki Crane is tired of Bram Bones's nasty pranks, and she knows of someone who also can't stand bullies-the Headless Hall Monitor. Every Halloween, this terrifying specter haunts the school hallways, seeking the cruelest kids for his revenge. And Bram Bones is about to find out if the legend is real. Readers will be "haunted" by this spooky, modern spin on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow that explores the theme of bullying. Students who enjoy suspenseful stories will not be able to put this one down.
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Date de parution

02 décembre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

24 Mo


By Anne Lam b
Illustrated by James Rey Sanchez
hall monitor
The legend of the

Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo , M.S. Ed., Publisher
Conni M ed ina, M . A . Ed., Ed itor in Ch ief
Nik a Fabienke , Ed. D., Content D irec tor
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna dou , Ar t Dir ec tor
Set h Rog er s, Edito r
Valerie Morales, Associ ate Edito r
Kevin Ph am, Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illus tra ted by J ames R ey Sa nche z
Library of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Nam es: L amb er t, N anc y (N anc y R .), auth or. | Sanch ez , Jame s, ill ust rator.
Ti tle: T he le gen d of th e Hea dle ss Hall M oni tor / by N anc y R . L amb er t ;
illus tra ted by Ja mes S anch ez .
Des cri ptio n: Hunti ngto n Bea ch, C A : T each er Crea ted Ma teri als, [2020] |
Incl ude s bo ok club q ues tio ns. | Aud ien ce: Age 1 3. | Audi ence: G ra des
4 - 6. | Su mmar y: “ Nick i Cra ne is tir ed of B ram’s nas t y pra nk s, an d she
kn ows so me one e lse wh o can’ t st and b ulli es - - the H ead less H all M onito r.
Ever y Ha llowe en , this ter rif yin g sp ec ter ha unts t he hal ls of Sl eep y
Hol low Cent ral S cho ol, s ee kin g the cr ue les t ki ds for h is reven ge. Is t he
Hea dle ss Hall M oni tor re al or jus t ano the r sca r y sto r y ? Bram B on es is
abo ut to f in d out .. .”-- Prov ide d by pub lish er.
Ide ntif i ers : LC CN 201 9031 483 ( pri nt) | LC CN 201 9031 48 4 (eb ook ) | ISB N
978 164 491 34 68 (p ap erb ack ) | ISBN 9781 6 4 491 4366 (ebo ok )
Subje c ts: LC SH: Re ade rs (El eme ntar y) | H allo ween - -Juveni le f ic ti on. |
Bullying --Juvenile fic tion.
Classi f ica tion: LCC PE1 1 19 .L285 2020 (p rint) | LCC PE 1 1 19 ( e bo ok ) | DD C
428 . 6 / 2- - d c 23
LC record av aila ble a t htt ps: / / lccn .l oc .gov/201 9031 4 83
LC ebo ok re cord ava ilab le at ht tp s://lccn .lo c. gov/201 9031 48 4
530 1 Ocean us Dr ive
Hunti ngto n Bea ch, C A 92649 - 10 30
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ISBN 978- 0- 7439 - 6703- 7
© 2020 T eac her Cr eate d Mater ials , Inc .

T ab l e o f Con t en ts
Cha pte r On e : B ad to the B o n es
Cha pte r T wo : C re ep I t Re a l
Chapter Th ree:
A Fr i g ht t o Rememb er
Cha pte r F our : S cr eam Co m e T r u e
Cha pte r F ive : H ead o f t h e Class
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