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Publié par
Date de parution
02 avril 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
This book is a quiet story of treasure lost and found, and the beautiful developing relationship between a black crow and a curious child.
A crow watches from afar as a child collects a unique assortment of curios in a secret hideout: a thimble, a button, a ribbon. When a storm hits and scatters everything, the child must search for the beloved items again. The crow returns one of the lost items, and in return the child offers something else. Together child and crow discover the best gift of all. Treasure is a lovely tale for beginner readers that teaches simple word concepts with sweet illustrations.
Publié par
Date de parution
02 avril 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Treasu re
Mindy Dwyer
Tex t an d Ill ustra tions © 201 9 by Mi ndy Dwyer
Edite d by Mi chelle McCan n
All righ ts res erve d. N o par t of this book may be repr odu ced o r tr ansm itted in any for m or by an y means, elec troni c or mech anica l, inclu ding phot ocopyi ng, record ing, or by a ny inf orm ation s torage an d ret riev al system, without writt en p ermission of th e pu blisher .
Libra ry o f Co ngre ss C atal oging- in-Publ icati on D ata is o n f ile.
ISBN 97815 1326195 9 ( hard bound )
ISBN 9 7815 13261966 ( e- book)
Printe d i n C hina 22 21 20 19 1 2 3 4 5
Publishe d by We st Mar gin Pres s ®
WestM argi nPre ss.com
Proud ly dis tribute d by Ingra m P ublish er S ervices .
WEST MARGIN PRESS Publishin g Dir ector: Jen nife r N ewen s Marke ting Man ager: Angel a Zbo rnik Edito r: O livi a Ng ai Design & Prod uction: Rach el L opez Metzger