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Kelly loves the cabin she has made from a refrigerator box. It has a window with curtains, pictures on the walls, a cabin-sized table and a wonderful view. It sits in the vacant lot next door, transformed into the rugged farm of a pioneer family. Now if only Kelly can find the right person to share it with.
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Date de parution

01 mars 2006

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2 Mo

Kelly s Cabin
Linda Smith with illustrations by Zorica Krasulja
Text copyright 2006 Linda Smith Interior illustrations copyright 2006 Zorica Krasulja
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Smith, Linda, 1949-
Kelly s cabin / Linda Smith; with illustrations by Zorica Krasulja.
(Orca echoes)
ISBN 1-55143-408-3
I. Krasulja, Zorica II. Title. III. Series.
PS8587.M5528K44 2006 jC813 .54 C2006-900338-6
First published in United States: 2006
Library of Congress Control Number: 2006920830
Summary: Kelly creates a cabin out of a huge cardboard box but has no one to share it with.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage s Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP), the Canada Council for the Arts, and the British Columbia Arts Council.
Design by Lynn O Rourke
Orca Book Publishers Orca Book Publishers PO Box 5626, Stn. B PO Box 468 Victoria, BC Canada Custer, WA USA V8R 6S4 98240-0468
Printed and bound in Canada
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To my nephew Stephen, who once showed me the special house he had as a child. - L.S. For everyone who s ever believed in me. - Z.K.
Chapter One
Kelly drew lines and circles. Then she drew circles and lines. She did it over and over again.
She dropped her pencil and threw the paper on the floor. She didn t want to draw.
She didn t want to do anything. She was bored.
I wish we hadn t moved, she said out loud. If they still lived in Calgary, she could ask Amanda to come over, or Star or Rachel. They could play hide-and-seek or pretend to be spies. Rachel might bring her dog, Dandy. Dandy loved to play tug-of-war with a rag. He would run after sticks for hours.
But they d come to Grande Prairie three weeks ago, at the end of June. Here, there was only Melissa to play with. And Melissa went to her dad s on the weekend.
Kelly looked out her bedroom window. Sean was riding by on his bike. Sean lived on the next block, like Melissa. He d been in Melissa s class last year. Mum said Kelly should talk to him, but Kelly wouldn t. Melissa said he was mean.
Sean biked out of sight.
A truck drove up and parked in front of Kelly s house. Two men opened the back of the truck. One man was tall and had gray hair. The other was shorter. They put a huge box on a dolly and wheeled it up the sidewalk. It must be the new fridge Mum and Dad had bought.
Kelly stayed where she was. She knew grown-ups didn t like kids getting in the way when they moved things. But when she saw the men wheel the old fridge out, she left her room. She heard Mum and Dad putting food away in the kitchen.
The empty box was in the living room.

She peeked in it. The box was so long that it was dark at the other end. She didn t like the dark. This end was light, though. She crawled inside. When she reached the middle, she sat down. Her legs didn t even touch the other side. The box was as big as a house. Well, it was as big as a playhouse anyway.
Kelly s eyes widened. This box could be her playhouse!
The front door opened and closed. Heavy feet came into the living room. Kelly felt the box being lifted.
She squeaked.
The box dropped. What was that? asked a deep voice.
What was what? Mum said. She must have come into the living room.
There was a squeak from inside the box. It sounded like a great big rat.
She wasn t a rat! Kelly stood up. She only had to bend a little. The box was big and she was small. She d been the smallest kid in her class last year. She walked out.
It s a pretty big rat, all right, Dad said. He laughed.
So did Mum and the two men who d brought the fridge.

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