Island in the Salish Sea , livre ebook









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This gorgeously illustrated picture book is a celebration of summer vacation and West Coast island life.

Every day is different on Gran's island in the Salish Sea as granddaughter climbs big-leaf maples, eats blackberries, explores tide pools and sandstone caves and examines ancient middens and petroglyphs. She and Gran watch harbor seals sunning themselves and Gran's neighbor carving an eagle out of a piece of cedar while drinking fresh nettle tea. And on her way home, our young narrator sees a pod of orcas, breaching, tail lobbing and spy-hopping as she says goodbye to the island for another summer.

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Date de parution

18 septembre 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

in the
Salish Sea Shery l McF ar lane Leslie R edhead
Come Spend The
spend the

summer on an i sland
in the Salish Sea .
in the
Salish Sea Shery l McFa rlane and Leslie R edhead
To my family, and to all who love our beautiful Salish Sea. , and to all who love our beautiful Salish Sea. —S.M. To all the strong and creative mothers and gra ndmothers in my life and to my children, who inspire me to paint and follow my heart. —L.R. Te xt copyr ight © 2018 Shery l McFa rlan e Illu strat io ns copy rig ht © 2018 Lesli e Redh ead All right s r eserv ed. No pa rt of th is p ublic ati on may be reprod uced or t ransm it ted i n a ny f orm o r by an y mean s, elect ron ic or mech anic al, i nclu ding photoco pyi ng, recordi ng o r by an y in form ati on stora ge an d retr ieval sy stem now k no wn or to be i nvent ed, wi th out per missi on in wr iti ng f rom th e publi sher. Library and A rch ives Canad a Cata log uing in P ubli cati on McFa rlan e, Sher yl, 1954 –, aut ho r Island in th e Sal ish S ea / She ry l McFa rlan e; il lust rat ed by L eslie Redh ead. Issued in p rin t an d elect ron ic form ats . isbn 9 78-1 -45 98- 134 5-8 ( hardcove r ). —is bn 9 78-1 -45 98- 134 6-5 ( pdf ). — isbn 9 78-1 -45 98- 134 7-2 (ep ub) I. R edhead , Les lie, 1972 –, il lus trat or I I. Titl e. ps857 5.f3 9i73 201 8 j c81 3 '.54 c2017 -90 7662 -0 c2017 -90 7663 -9 Fi rs t pu bl is hed i n th e U ni te d St at es , 201 8 Li br ar y of C on gr es s Co nt rol N um be r: 20 18 933 71 6 Sum ma ry : A be au ti fu l pi ct ur e bo ok a bo ut t he si mp le j oy s of s pe ndi ng s um me r va ca ti on on a n is la nd in t he Sa li sh S ea w it h Gr an . Or ca B oo k Pu bl is he rs i s de di ca te d to p re se rv ing t he e nv ir on me nt a nd h as p ri nt ed thi s bo ok o n Fo re st S te wa rd shi p Co un ci l ® cer ti fie d p ap er . Or ca B oo k Pu bl is her s gr at ef ul ly a ck now le dg es t he su pp or t fo r it s pu bl is hi ng p ro gr am s pr ov id ed by t he fol lo wi ng a ge nc ie s: th e G ov er nm en t of C an ad a th ro ug h th e C an ad a Bo ok F und a nd the C an ad a Co un ci l fo r th e A rt s, a nd th e P ro vi nc e of Br it is h Colu mb ia t hr ou gh t he BC A rt s Co un ci l an d t he Bo ok P ub li sh in g Ta x Cr ed it . Ed it ed b y Li z Ke mp Ar two rk c re at ed w it h wa te rc olo rs Cover and interior artwork by Le sl ie R ed hea d orca book publishers

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