A Search for the Northern Lights , livre ebook









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A mother-daughter story of an adventure-filled search for the amazing aurora borealis.

Alix and her mom are fascinated by the nighttime light displays in the sky known as auroras, or northern lights, but being able to see them in person proves to be more challenging than expected. Where do they appear? When? How could Alix and her mom get there to see the auroras before they disappear from the sky? Inspired by the authors’ own experiences, A Search for the Northern Lights brings the reader along on a fascinating journey as Alix and her mom eagerly learn what auroras are and how to find them. The book also includes science and more information on auroras, plus a helpful guide for those hoping to catch their own glimpse of the incredible northern lights.

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Date de parution

14 avril 2020

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2 Mo

A Search

for the

Nor th ern Li ghts
By Eliz abeth Rusch and Izzi Rus ch Illustrations by Cedar Lee
Tex t © 2020 by Elizab eth Rusch and Izzi Rusch Illustrati ons © 2020 by C edar Le e
Edited by Michelle McCa nn
All ri ghts r eserv ed. No part of this b ook may be reprod uced or transmitted in any for m or by a ny means, electr onic or mec hanical, including photo copying, recording, or by any in formation s torage and retriev al system, without writt en permiss ion of the publisher .
Library of Congre ss Cata loging-in-Pub lication Dat a
Names: Rusch, Elizabet h, author . | Rusch, Iz zi, auth or . | Lee, Cedar , illustrat or .
Title: A Search f or the N orthe rn Ligh ts / by Elizab eth Rusch and Izz i Rusch; illustrat ions by C edar Le e.
Description: [Berke ley] : W est Margin P ress, [ 2020 ] | Incl udes bibliographica l referen ces. | Audience: Ag es 7–9 . | Audience: Gr ades 2–3. | Summary : “A mother a nd daughter go on adve ntures as they search for a glimpse of the n orthe rn light s”— Provided by publisher . Includes scient ifi c notes and a gu ide to au rora hunti ng.
Identifi ers: LCCN 20 190450 10 (print ) | LCCN 2019 045011 (e book) |
ISBN 9781513262 901 (har dback) | ISBN 97815132 62918 (e book) Subjects : CYA C: Aurora s—Fictio n. | Moth ers and d aughters—Fict ion. |
Adventure an d adventure rs—Fiction.
Classif ic ation: L CC PZ7. 1.R863 Se 2020 (p rint) | LCC PZ7. 1.R863 (e book) |
DDC [E]—d c23 LC record a vailable at https:/ / lccn.loc.gov /20 190450 10 LC ebook re cord avai lable at htt ps:/ / lccn.loc.gov /20 190450 11
Proudly dist ributed b y Ingram Publisher Se rvic es
Printed i n China 24 2 3 22 2 1 20 1 2 3 4 5
Published by West Margin Pre ss
West MarginPress. com
WEST MARGI N PRESS Publishing Direct or: Jenni fer Newens Marketing Manager: Angela Zbo rnik Editor: O livia Nga i Design & P roduction: Rachel L opez Metz ger
A Note fr om the Au thors
This f ic tional stor y is inspired by a real h unt for the nort hern lights that co-authors Izzi R usch and their m om Elizabe th Rusch embark ed on when Izzi was homeschool ed for 8th grade. Duri ng the year , they searched in An chorage and Fairbanks, Alaska; outside Re ykjavik , Iceland; in Gl acier National P ark, Montana ; and in the dark est ar eas near their home in Port land, Oregon.
Though they sa w aurora s in Iceland a nd near Port land, they ta lked to many people who witnessed colorf ul shows in Alaska and all along the nort hern United State s. In additio n to all the cool science they learned, Iz zi and Liz discove red that hal f the fun was th e search its elf, all the amazing experiences th ey had, and the wo nderf ul people they met .
Happy hunting, every one!
From th e top of T ab le Rock Mounta in in Orego n, Alix wat ched a black moon slide slowly acros s the mornin g sun, blott ing out all th e light. I n an insta nt, the tempe rature plu mmeted and tw inkling s tars appeared. A pearly whi te halo shimmere d against t he darke ned sky .
“Wo w,” Alix whispe red.
“Am azing, ” her mom said.
They ke pt their eye s glued to the sky until the ecl ipse was over , until the halo a nd stars fade d, and the sun and warmth return ed.

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