What’s In The Pot? , livre ebook









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Sam can’t wait for supper. What’s in the pot? Wait and see. Découvrez le site internet de l’éditeur en cliquant ici !
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01 novembre 2016

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2 Mo

What’s in thePot? Hayley Alonzo Crystal Warren Rat Western
What’s in thePot?
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Every child should own a hundred books by the age of Five. To that end, Book Dash gathers creative professionals who volunteer to create new, African storybooks that anyone can freely translate and distribute. To Find out more, and to download beautiful, print-ready books, visit bookdash.org.
What’s in the Pot? Illustrated by Hayley Alonzo Written by Crystal Warren Designed by Rat Western Edited by Nabeela Latha Kalla with the help of the Book Dash participants in Grahamstown on 12 November 2016.
ISBN: 978-1-928377-26-9
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What’s in thePot?
Hayley Alonzo Crystal Warren Rat Western
 “What’s forsupper?” asked Sam.
“It’s asurprise”, said Mama, putting abig poton the stove.
She added a jug ofwater. Sam was worried. “Are we havingwaterfor supper?” he wailed.
“It’s a surprise. Wait and see.” replied Mama.
“Can Ihelp?” asked Sam. “I couldstir.”
“You are still a bitshort,”  said Mama. “Thepotmight fall over. But you can help me byfetchingthings.”
“Can you bring me anonion, please.”
“This doesn’tsmellvery nice.”
“They willtastenice once they arecooked.”
“Now I need sometomatoes.
No, that is anapple. The tomatoes are also round and red, but you will find them in the fridge.”
“Can you bring mepotatoes. They areroundandbrown.”
“Issupperready yet?”
“If you are hungry you can eat theapple while you wait.”
“What about these?”
“No, we won’t needbiscuits. We can save those for aftersupper.”
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