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Publié par
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22 septembre 2020
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Introducing the magnificent crumpled paper art by debut author Kunal Kundu, Wildlife on Paper brings to life animal species at risk from all around the world while teaching kids how cool and unique each animal is.
Amazon's Best Books of the Year (Children Nonfiction, 2020)
One of Society of Illustrator's Featured Artists in the Original Art 2021
Winner of a 2021 Eureka! Honor Award, presented by the California Reading Association
Gold Medal Recipient of the Moonbeam Spirit Awards, 2021
Winner, Next Generation Indie Book Awards (Children's Picture Book, Nonfiction, All Ages)
Winner of India's Best Design Awards 2021, presented by Design India
From the Peary caribou in Northwest Canada to the Galapagos Penguin in Ecuador, the Royal Bengal Tiger in India to the Hawksbill Sea Turtle in Australia, this book celebrates the rich diversity of wildlife on almost every continent. Each of the sixteen exquisitely handcrafted paper sculptures come with interesting trivia and facts about where the animal lives and how it survives in its habitat and interacts with nature. Also included is a map of where each creature lives on the globe, plus a list of helpful resources and the author's favorite nature conservation organizations.
Sure to be a favorite for kids and adults alike, Wildlife on Paper opens the world wide as you marvel at the gorgeous crumpled paper art journey through the ocean, forest, desert, and more to learn about the diversity of animals and their incredible characteristics.
(Please note the artist creates his sculptures sourced from eco-friendly paper companies that plant a tree for every ream of paper sold.)
Wildlife on Paper includes these animals:
Publié par
Date de parution
22 septembre 2020
Nombre de lectures
A nimals a t Risk A roun d the Globe
T ext & Il lustrations © 2020 by Ku nal Ku ndu
Edited by Clarissa Wong
The paper sculptures in this boo k were cr eated usin g eco-fri endly pape r brand s that p lant one tree for every pack of p aper sold.
All rights reserve d. No part o f this bo ok may be reprodu ced or t ransmitted in any f orm or by any mea ns, elect ronic or mechanical, including photocop ying, recording, or by any information storage a nd retriev al syste m, wit hout writt en permission of the publisher .
Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publ ication Data
Names: K undu, Kunal , author , i llustrator . Title: Wildlife on pape r : ani mals at r isk arou nd the globe / Ku nal Kun du.
Description: B erkele y : Wes t Margin Press, [ 2020] | Includes b ibliographical references . | Au dience: Ages 6– 9 | Audi ence: Gr ades 2–3 | Summ ary: “Sixte en crumpled paper art s culptures of animals at risk acr oss the w orld fea ture alongs ide facts about wher e each an imal live s and h ow it su rvive s in nature. A map a nd cited works are inclu ded at the back” —P rovided by pub lisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020 014382 | ISBN 9 781513264 356 (hardb ack) |
ISBN 97 81513264363 (eb ook)
Subjects: LC SH: Endange red species— Juve nile literature. | Endanger ed species in art s—Ju venile literature. | Paper art— Juv enile literature. | Paper sculpture—J uvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QL 83 .K 86 202 0 | DDC 591.68 — dc23 LC record availab le at htt ps:/ / lccn.loc.
gov/2 020014382
Proudly distri buted by Ingram Publisher Serv ices
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Published b y Wes t Margin Press
WestMa rginPress.co m
WEST MARGIN PRESS Publishing Direct or: Jenn ifer New ens Marketing Manager: Angela Zb ornik Project Spec ialist: Gab rielle Maud iere Editor: Ol ivia Ngai Design & P roduction: Rachel Lope z Metzge r
A uthor ’s Note
I was born and bro ught up in Calcutta (p resently Ko lkata) , India. I li ved in a place called Pa tuli, a suburban locality off the southe rn fringes of the city.
I grew up flyi ng kites and pla ying cri cket and ma ny othe r outdoor games wi th my friends in the green fields dott ed by ponds and small lake s near my home. Many kinds o f trees surroun ded the fields. There was ev en a smal l cemeter y nearby t hat was so dens e with trees and shr ubs, it felt like a forest to me .
Having spen t my childhoo d in such a green space allowed me to see man y animals, big and small , from close quar ters. I spent hours looking at wa ter buffaloes swimming in the pond b y my home. Sometimes I dangled m y feet outside the window as I watc hed the buffaloes. I saw the glow ing ey es of jackals during po wer ou tages at nights. I saw mongooses, lizards, different species of birds, and snakes al l around me.
I watched vultures feeding and wo ndered how w ide their wings co uld spread. I sparred an d headbutted wi th my neigh bor’s kid goats. I we nt hungry many time s so I could feed the loca l stray dogs and cats. I tri ed catching little fish with m y hands fro m ditches and ponds. Sometimes I ev en used m y mother’ s old saree (a n Indian dress ) as a net to ca tch the fish. If I managed to catch some, I kept them in my aquar ium for a few days before releasing them back in the wild.
I grew up lo ving an d caring for these anima ls. This green hea ven of the place that was my home is long gone now . Be cause of urbani zation, the animals I saw during my c hildhood are now here to be fo und today .
I still care fo r animals. If we don’t take care of our plane t’s species div ersity , the magnificent wi ldlife we huma ns cohabit wi th will cease to ex ist and our future generat ions will ex perience the m on paper only . T his book is my attempt to bring a warenes s of animal cons ervatio n to yo ung people. I hope that future generations will see to it that the immense speci es diver sity of this plane t is never lost.
— Kunal K undu
N orth Atlant ic Righ t Whal e
Coast of Newf oundland, North Am erica
The North At lantic right wh ale is one of the rar est marine mammal species and gro ws to more than fifty feet. It is mostly black in color wit h white marki ngs on its head that look li ke patches. Those are called ca llosities. U nlike ot her whales, the North Atlan tic right whal e does not hav e a dorsal fin on top. Instead of t eeth, it has baleen plates in its mouth that filte r the zooplankt on it eats.
Like othe r mammals, a new born right wha le, known as a ca lf, keeps close c ontact wit h its mother by swimming up on her back or butting her with it s head. Sometimes the mother may roll ov er to hold her calf wi th her flippers. The wh ales speak to each o ther by making lo w-pitche d moaning and whining sounds.