What Makes Us Unique? : Our First Talk About Diversity , livre ebook









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Our conversations with children about cultural, religious and physical differences are more important than ever, and they need to start at an early age, but we know it can be difficult to know where to begin.

What Makes Us Unique? provides an accessible introduction to the concept of diversity, teaching children how to respect and celebrate people's differences and that, ultimately, we are all much more alike than we are different. Additional questions at the back of the book allow for further discussion.

Child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts designed the Just Enough series to empower parents/caregivers to start conversations with young ones about difficult or challenging subject matter. Other books in the series deal with birth, death, separation and divorce.

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27 septembre 2016

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What Mak es Us
Our Fi rst T alk About Diversity
D r . Ji lli an Roberts
i llustr ated by
Ci ndy Revell
Te x t copy right © 201 6 Jil lia n Rober ts
I llu st rat ion s copy right © 201 6 C indy Revel l
A l l r ights r eser ve d. No par t of t hi s publ icat ion m ay be repr oduce d or
t ra nsm it ted in a ny for m or by a ny mea ns , ele ct ron i c or me cha nic al,
i nclud ing ph o to copy in g , rec ordi ng or by a ny i nfor mat ion sto rage
a nd ret rie val s ys tem now k now n or to be i nvente d, w i t hout
pe rm iss i on i n wr it ing f rom t he publ ishe r .
Li b ra r y and A r chi v es C ana da Cat alog u ing i n Publ icat ion
Roberts, Jillian, 1971 -, author
What makes us unique? : our first talk about diversity / Jillian
Roberts ; illustrated by Cindy Revell.
(Just enough)
I ssue d i n pr int a nd elec tr onic f orm a t s.
is bn 9 7 8- 1 -4 59 8-0948- 2 ( bou nd ) . —i s bn 97 8 -1-4 59 8 - 0 9 4 9 - 9 ( pdf ) .—
i sb n 97 8 -1- 459 8 - 0 950 -5 ( epub )
1. Cultural pluralism—Juvenile literature. 2. Difference
(Psychology)—Juvenile literature. 3. T oleration—Juvenile literature.
I. Revell, Cindy , 1961 –, illustrator II. T itle.
h m 1271. r 62 016 j 3 0 5 .8 c 20 1 6-9004 96- 1
c 20 1 6-9004 9 7- x
Fi rst pu b l ished i n t h e Unit ed Stat es, 2 016
Lib rar y of C ong res s Co n t rol Numb er: 2 016 9318 63
Su mma r y : A non fi c tion pi ct ur e bo ok th at int rod u ce s ver y
you ng ch ild ren t o t he conc e pt of d iver sit y in a w ay th at is
upl ift i n g and appro a ch a ble.
O rca Bo o k Pu blis h er s is de dica ted to pr eser vi n g the e nvir onm ent an d has
pr int e d thi s book o n F or est S tewa r d s hip Co un cil
cer tifi e d paper .
Or ca Bo o k P u bl isher s gr a tef u ll y ac kn o wledg es t he supp ort f or its
publ ish i ng prog ra ms prov ided b y the f ollow in g agenc ies:
t he Gov ern ment of Ca nad a t hr ough t he Ca nada B ook Fu n d a nd the
Ca nad a Co unc il for t he A r ts , and t he Pr o v inc e of Br iti sh Colu mbia
t hr o ugh t he BC A r t s Cou nc il a n d t he Book P ubl ish in g T a x Cred it.
Co ver and i nter ior ar t work cr eated d igit al ly u sin g Co rel Pai nter .
Cover artwork by Cindy Revell
orca book publishers
w w w .orcab ook.com
Pr int ed and b ound i n Ca nad a.
T his b ook wa s in spir ed by T h e F ac ts of L ife app, a re su lt of
t he cre a t iv it y , sk i ll a nd ha r d work of s tud en t s a nd gr aduat es at
t he Cent re for D igit al Me dia . Spe cia l t han k s to A nd rea Ma yo,
T om C heu ng, Shev a Shen a nd Paul a Bar ca n te. T ha nk s al so to
Brent St ern ig a n d t he Res ear ch Par t n er ship s and K now l edg e
Mobi li zat i on u nit at t he Un ivers i t y of V i ct ori a— and t he
bc ic
St ar tSm ar t vou cher prog ra m— for prov id ing s ign ific ant s uppor t,
g uid anc e a n d re sour ces t o ex pa nd the r each a nd sco pe of The Fact s
of Li fe proje ct . W i t h out t he col labor atio n of t hese a ma zi ngly
i nspi red te am s, t he projec t wou l d not hav e be en pos sible.
T han k you!
The Facts of Life app is available for download.
For Kiersten.
For T abitha, who thinks on a gr and scale, and
Allan, the hardworking and hardplaying daredevil.

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