New Zealand , livre ebook









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New Zealand offers complete coverage of this fascinating country, including sections on history, geography, wildlife, infrastructure and government, and culture. It also includes a detailed fact file, maps and charts, and a traceable flag.
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Date de parution

12 mars 2012

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Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

Countries Around the World New Zealand
Mary Colson
RaIntree Is an ImprInt of Capstone Global LIbrary LImIted, a company Incorporated In England and Wales havIng Its regIstered oice at 7 PIlgrIm Street, London, EC4V 6LB – RegIstered company number: 6695582
Text © Capstone Global LIbrary LImIted 2012 FIrst publIshed In hardback In 2012 He moral rIghts of the proprIetor have been asserted.
All rIghts reserved. No part of thIs publIcatIon may be reproduced In any form or by any means (IncludIng photocopyIng or storIng It In any medIum by electronIc means and whether or not transIently or IncIdentally to some other use of thIs publIcatIon) wIthout the wrItten permIssIon of the copyrIght owner, except In accordance wIth the provIsIons of the CopyrIght, DesIgns and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a lIcence Issued by the CopyrIght LIcensIng Agency, Saron ouse, 6–10 KIrby Street, London EC1N 8TS ( ApplIcatIons for the copyrIght owner’s wrItten permIssIon should be addressed to the publIsher.
EdIted by CatherIne VeItch and Charlotte GuIllaIn DesIgned by Steve Mead OrIgInal IllustratIons © Capstone Global LIbrary Ltd 2012 ïllustrated by Oxford DesIgners & ïllustrators PIcture research by annah Taylor OrIgInated by Capstone Global LIbrary Ltd PrInted and bound In ChIna by CTPS
ïSBN 978 1 406 23536 4 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Colson, Mary. New Zealand. -- (CountrIes around the world) 993'.04-dc22 A full catalogue record for thIs book Is avaIlable from the BrItIsh LIbrary.
Acknowledgements We would lIke to thank the followIng for permIssIon to reproduce photographs: Alamy ïmages pp. 21 (© Suzanne Long), 27 (© Greg Balfour Evans), 9 (© John Elk ïïï); Alexander Turnbull LIbrary, WellIngton, New Zealand p. 7; BrIdgeman Art LIbrary p. 8 (Alexander Turnbull LIbrary, WellIngton, New Zealand); Getty ïmages pp. 6 (BrIdgeman Art LIbrary), 29 (WIreïmage), 31 (Je J MItchell); Istockphoto p. 15 (© Mykhaylo); PhotolIbrary pp. 18 (OSF/RobIn Bush), 24 (age fotostock/DavId Wall), 28 (LOOK-foto/travelstock44), 30 (Dallas and John eaton), 38 (ïmagebroker/FB-FIscher); Rex Features pp. 34 (Stephen Barker), 35 (NewspIx/CraIg GreenhIll); Shutterstock pp. 5 (© Woody Ang), 11 (© Gr8), 13 (© Chester Tugwell), 14 (© DennIs Albert RIchardson), 17 (© Matthew Fry), 19 (© KïS), 20 (© JIrI Foltyn), 22 (© Sam DCruz), 25 (© B.S.Karan), 33 (© Robyn MackenzIe).
Cover photograph of a MāorI totem reproduced wIth permIs-sIon of PhotolIbrary (TIps ïtalIa/Andrea PIstolesI).
Every eort has been made to contact copyrIght holders of any materIal reproduced In thIs book. Any omIssIons wIll be rectIîed In subsequent prIntIngs If notIce Is gIven to the publIsher.
He author would lIke to thank TIm Dryden and Nathan Penny for theIr Invaluable assIstance In the preparatIon of thIs book. He publIsher would also lIke to thank arshan KumarasIngham for hIs valuable assIstance In the preparatIon of thIs book.
Disclaimer All the Internet addresses (URLs) gIven In thIs book were valId at the tIme of goIng to press. owever, due to the dynamIc nature of the Internet, some addresses may have changed, or sItes may have changed or ceased to exIst sInce publIcatIon. WhIle the author and publIsher regret any InconvenIence thIs may cause readers, no responsIbIlIty for any such changes can be accepted by eIther the author or the publIsher.
Introducing New Zealand....................................................................4 History: becoming one nation..........................................................6 Regions and resources: landscape and living........................12 Wildlife: protecting the natural world.......................................18 Infrastructure: politics and people..............................................22 Culture: national identities..............................................................28 New Zealand today.............................................................................34 Fact file.......................................................................................................36 Timeline.....................................................................................................40 Glossary.....................................................................................................42 Find out more.........................................................................................44 Topic tools................................................................................................46 Index............................................................................................................48
Some words in the book are in bold,like this. You can find out what they mean by looking in the glossary.
Introducing New Zealand
What do you think of when you picture New Zealand? Do you think of birds that cannot fly and people playing dangerous sports? Or do you imagine rugby players performing the fearsomehaka?
Located in the remote South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is a land of mighty mountains, rushing rivers, spectacular volcanoes, and bubblinggeysers. Its nearest neighbour is Australia, over 1,600 kilometres (1,000 miles) away. The two main population groups are the Europeansettlersand theMāori, but people fromPolynesia, Asia, and other parts of the world live there as well.
Cultural life Māori myths and language dominate the country’s culture, along with European sports, such as cricket and rugby. When a New Zealander greets you, you will either shake hands or perform ahongi. This is a meeting of foreheads and noses.Hongimeans “one breath”.
Welfare matters New Zealand is a young, forward-thinking country of over four million people. It has had aparliamentarydemocracyfor about 200 years. In 1893, it was one of the first countries to allow women to vote. The country was one of the first in the world to create laws for old-agepensions, minimum wages, and child health services.
How to say... These words are in the Māori language. Good morningAta mārie How are you?Kei te pēhea koe? My name is…Ko ... ahau I come from…Nō ... ahau Goodbye!Haere rā
(aahta mahree-eh) (kay teh peh-heh-ah kweh) (kaw ... a-hoe) (naw ... a-hoe) (hi-eh-reh rar)
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