Leaders in the Community , livre ebook









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Learn what it takes to be a community leader. This nonfiction book emphasizes the importance of local leaders and it includes a fiction story related to the topic, glossary, bonus activity, useful text features, and engaging sidebars. This 28-page full-color book describes the roles and responsibilities of various leadership positions. It also covers important civics topics like volunteerism and leadership, and includes an extension activity for grade 2. Perfect for the classroom, at-home learning, or homeschool, to explore communities, local government, and how individuals can make a difference.

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Date de parution

07 septembre 2021





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Re ad an d R espo nd
1. Wh at k in ds o f l eade rs do y ou see in
yo ur c om mu ni ty ?
2. Wh y do c om mu ni ti es n eed l eade rs ?
3. Wh at m ak es a g oo d c om mu ni ty
le ad er?

Salima Alikhan, M.F .A.
Le aders Leaders in th e in th e
Commu ni ty Commu ni ty

Reader C
Jennifer M. Lopez, M.S.E d. , NBCT
Se nior Coordinator—Hist ory/Social Studies
Nor fo lk Public Schools
Ti na Ristau, M.A., SLMS
Te acher Librarian
Wa te rl oo Community School Distr ict
iCivics Consultants
Emma Humphries, Ph.D .
Chief Education Officer
Ta ylor Davis, M.T .
Di re ct or of Curriculum and Content
Natacha S co tt, MA T
Di re ct or of Educator Engagement
Pu blishing C re dits
Ra chelle Cracchiolo , M.S.E d. , Pu blisher
Emily R. Smith, M.A.E d. , VP of Content Development
Vé ro nique Bos, Creativ e Direc tor
Do na Her we ck R ic e, Se nior Content Manager
Dani Neiley , As sociate Content Specialist
Fa biola Sepulveda, Se ries Designer
Image C re dits:
p10 Kansas Historical Societ y; p11 Allison Dinner/ZUMA
press/Newscom; p15 Saeed Khan/Contributor Getty Images; p17 Xochitl Neri;
p19 Kimberly Cabrera; p21 Martha Rial; p22 Cyrus McCrimmon/Getty I mages
Co nt ri butor; p23 Giulio Napolitano/Shutterstock; pp24  25 Alen Th ien/Shutterstock;
all other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock
Library of Congress C at aloging-in-Public at ion Data
Names: Alikhan, Salima, author .
Ti tle: Leaders in the community / Salima Alikhan.
De scription: Huntington Beach : Te acher Crea te d M ate ri als, 2021. | Includes
index. | Audience: Grades 2-3 | Summar y: " What are community leaders?
Th ey are people who help run our t ow ns and cities. Th ey help in big and
small w ay s. T hey solve problems and cr ea te new ideas. E ve ry communit y
has leaders!"-- P ro vided by publisher .
Identifiers: L CC N 2020043593 (print) | L CC N 2020043594 (ebook) | ISBN
9781087605067 (paperback) | ISBN 9781087619989 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Civic leaders-- Juvenile liter at ur e. | Communit y
leadership--Juvenile liter at ur e.
Classification: L CC HN42 .A55 2021 (print) | L CC HN42 (ebook) | DDC
LC rec ord a va ilable at https://lccn.loc.go v/2020043593
LC ebook rec ord a va ilable at https://lccn.loc.go v/2020043594
Th is book may not be reproduced or distributed in an y
wa y without prior written consent from the publisher .
5482 Argosy A ve nue
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1039
www .tcmpub .com
© 2022
Te acher Crea te d M at erials, Inc.
Th e name “i Civics ” and the iCivics logo are
re gi stered trademarks of iCivics, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-0876-2

Ta bl e of C on te nt s
Wh at Is a C om mu ni ty L eade r? .. 4
Ju mp i nt o F ic ti on:
H el p f or t he F ir e St at io n! ......... 6
Ty pe s of L eade rs ....................... 10
Co ul d Y ou Do I t? ..................... 24
Gl os sa ry ................................... 26
In dex ........................................ 27
Civ ic s i n A ct io n ........................ 28

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