Desert Habitats Around the World , livre ebook









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Did you know that Antarctica is the largest desert in the world? It receives so little rain or snow that it is almost as dry as the Sahara! Whether cold, hot or somewhere in between, a third of the Earth's land is desert. Learn about the geography and resources of desert habitats as well as how animals and people have adapted to and changed desert environments. Explore this habitat's future and what people can do to help keep it safe.
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Date de parution

02 avril 2020

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Poids de l'ouvrage

9 Mo

Exploring Earth’s habitats Deserthabitats Around the World M. M. Eboch
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Edited by Gina Kammer Designed by Julie Peters Original illustrations © Capstone Global Library Limited 2020 Picture research by Morgan Walters Production by Kathy McColley Originated by Capstone Global Library Ltd Printed and bound in the United Kingdoms
ISBN: 978 1 4747 8572 3 (hardback) ISBN: 978 1 4747 8585 3 (paperback)
British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA full catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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