Avoiding Hunger and Finding Water , livre ebook









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Our population of over six billion people is putting increasing pressure on the world's resources. So what solutions are there to the many challenges facing the environment today? This series encourages readers to think about what they would do about a range of local and global topics, providing them with ideas, tools, and skills to research and understand difficult questions. Its practical, down-to-earth treatment and case studies will encourage critical thinking and keep students engaged, whilst providing guidance on the information and media literacy skills that are part of the modern curriculum.
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Date de parution

10 juin 2011

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Poids de l'ouvrage

15 Mo

Andrew Langley
RaIntree Is an ImprInt of Capstone Global LIbrary LImIted, a company Incorporated In England and Wales havIng Its regIstered oice at 7 PIlgrIm Street, London, EC4V 6LB – RegIstered company number: 6695582
Text © Capstone Global LIbrary LImIted 2011 FIrst publIshed In hardback In 2011 He moral rIghts of the proprIetor have been asserted.
All rIghts reserved. No part of thIs publIcatIon may be reproduced In any form or by any means (IncludIng photocopyIng or storIng It In any medIum by electronIc means and whether or not transIently or IncIdentally to some other use of thIs publIcatIon) wIthout the wrItten permIssIon of the copyrIght owner, except In accordance wIth the provIsIons of the CopyrIght, DesIgns and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a lIcence Issued by the CopyrIght LIcensIng Agency, Saron ouse, 6–10 KIrby Street, London EC1N 8TS (www.cla.co.uk). ApplIcatIons for the copyrIght owner’s wrItten permIssIon should be addressed to the publIsher.
EdIted by Andrew Farrow and Adam MIller DesIgned by VIctorIa Allen OrIgInal IllustratIons © Capstone Global LIbrary Ltd 2011 ïllustrated by Tower DesIgns UK LImIted PIcture research by MIca BrancIc OrIgInated by Capstone Global LIbrary Ltd PrInted In ChIna by South ChIna  PrIntIng Company.
ïSBN 978 1 406 22858 8 (hardback) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Langley, Andrew, 1949- AvoIdIng hunger and îndIng water. -- (EnvIronment  challenge)  1. Food supply--JuvenIle lIterature. 2. Food securIty-- JuvenIle lIterature. 3. Water-supply--JuvenIle lIterature.  ï. TItle ïï. SerIes  363.8-dc22
Acknowledgements He author and publIshers are grateful to the followIng for permIssIon to reproduce copyrIght materIal: CorbIs p.5Sygma/© Jon Jones, p. 7 Reuters/© Eduardo Munoz, p.11© CorbIs, p.12epa/© BIshop Asare, p.13epa/© FrancIs R. MalasIg, p.15Top Reuters/© MunIsh Sharma, p.16© ans Georg Roth, p.18San FrancIsco ChronIcle/© Paul ChInn, p.19Star Ledger/© Tony Kurdzuk, p.20AgStock ïmages/© DavId GubernIck, p.21epa/ © Stephen MorrIson, p.22Reuters/© GIl Cohen Magen, p.23© Ocean, p.24© DavId SaIlors, p.25© Pool/Reuters, p.26© Pool/Reuters, p.27Reuters/© ïsmael AbdI, p.34© DavId owells, p.35AgStock ïmage/© BIll Barksdale, p.38© Jane ahn, p.39© RIck D’ElIa; CorbIs Sygma p.15bottom © PIerre Vauthey; Getty ïmages p.9AmerIca 24-7/Arthur Pollock, p.10Cate GIllon, p.30AFP Photo/Peter Martell p.32Gallo ïmages/Travel ïnk, p.36AFP Photo/Peter Parks; IStockphoto.com p.17© Wrangel, p.28© Redelga, p.29© Bartosz adynIak, p.41© Amanda Grandîeld; Shutterstock p.6© MosIsta PambudI, p.37© GaIl Johnson.
Cover photograph of a South AfrIcan gIrl drInkIng water from a communal tap (one of three taps servIng a communIty of nearly 2,000 people) Is reproduced wIth permIssIon of CorbIs epa/© Jon ursa.
We would lIke to thank MIchael D. Mastrandrea, Ph.D. for hIs Invaluable help In the preparatIon of thIs book. Every eort has been made to contact copyrIght holders of any materIal reproduced In thIs book. Any omIssIons wIll be rectIîed In subsequent prIntIngs If notIce Is gIven to the publIsher.
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Famine and drought .............................................................................. 4
Too many mouths to feed ...................................................................... 8
Growing food ........................................................................................ 14
The water crisis ..................................................................................... 20
From farm to plate ................................................................................. 26
Vanishing fields...................................................................................... 32
We want good food............................................................................... 38
What we all eat ..................................................................................... 42
Glossary ............................................................................................... 44
Find out more........................................................................................ 46
Index..................................................................................................... 48
Words appearing in the text in bold,like this, are explained in the glossary.
Famine and drought Have you ever been really hungry? Real hunger is not just going without food for a few hours. It means never having enough food for periods of weeks, months, or even years. And have you ever been thirsty? Imagine never being able to quench your thirst, with no tap to turn on and no bottle to drink from. A hungry world Across the world, huge numbers of people go What’s the point of food?hungry and thirsty. Without enough healthy food, these people’s bodies will never grow or fight disease Everybody eats food. We need properly. They will bemalnourished, meaning they it to stay alive. If we do not eat, lack essentialnutrition, and many people will die. our bodies will not be able to People can also die from lack of clean water. Here operate. Food gives us the energy are some figures relating to hunger. to do work. It also gives us the nutrientsthat allow us to growtotal• The population(number of people) in the and stay healthy.world is about 6.9 billion. Where does food come from?• Over 872 million people do not have enough food. Most of it is taken from plants orOver 60 per cent of these people are women. animals. We grow crop plants such • Every minute, ten children die due to lack of as grains, fruits, and vegetables. proper food. We raise animals, including cattle, • Over one billion people do not have access pigs, and sheep, so that we can to safe drinking water. eat their meat. We also eat other animal products, such as eggs and milk.
Millions of the world’s population do not have enough food or water. The darker red areas on this map mark the worst affected places.
North America
0–5% 5–15% 15–25% 25–35% 35–50% more than 50% no information
Undernourishment in total population
South America
UK Europe
Democratic Republic of Congo
China India
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