Early Language Learning in Context , livre ebook









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Argues for a broader perspective of foreign language learning to include regional and non-dominant indigenous languages rather than focusing solely on English

This book critically analyses early school foreign language teaching policy and practice, foregrounding the influence of the socioeducational and cultural context on how policies are implemented and assessing the factors which either promote or constrain their effectiveness. It focuses on four Asian contexts – Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand – while providing a discussion of policy and practice in Canada and Finland as a comparison. Concentrating on the state school sector, it criticises the worldwide trend for a focus on English as the principal or only foreign language taught in primary schools, founded on a rationale that widespread proficiency in English is important for future national success in a globalised economy. It maintains that the economic rationale is not only largely unfounded and irrelevant to the language learning experiences of young children but also that the focus on English exacerbates system inequalities rather than contributing to their reduction. The book argues for a broader perspective on language learning in primary schools, one that values multilingualism and knowledge of regional and indigenous languages alongside a more diverse range of foreign languages. This book will appeal to educational policymakers, researchers and students interested in early foreign language learning in state educational systems worldwide.


Chapter 1. Rationales for Early Language Learning in State Sector Education Systems

Chapter 2. Thailand: An Educational Paradox

Chapter 3. South Korea: A Severe Case of ‘English Fever’

Chapter 4. Sri Lanka: Language Education and Peace-Building in Primary Schools

Chapter 5. Equity and Multilingual Diversity in Primary School Language Teaching and Learning in Malaysia

Chapter 6. Early Language Teaching and Learning in Ontario, Canada and Finland: Experiences of Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Chapter 7. Rethinking Early Language Learning in State Sector Education Systems



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Date de parution

19 août 2022





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Early Language Learning in Context
Series Editor:Janet Enever,Umeå Unîversîty, Sweden The eary earnîng o anguages în înstructed contexts has become an încreasîngy common goba phenomenon durîng the past 30 ye ars, yet there remaîns much work to be done to estabîsh the fied as a dîstînctîve area or înterdîscîpînary învestîgatîon. Thîs înternatîona research serîes covers chîdren earnîng second, oreîgn and addîtîona anguages în edu-catîona contexts between the ages o approxîmatey 3 and 12 years. The serîes wî take a goba perspectîve and encourage the sharîng o theoretî-ca dîscussîon and empîrîca evîdence on transnatîona îssues. It wî pro-vîde a patorm to address questîons raîsed by teachers, teacher educators and poîcy makers who are seekîng understandîng o theoretîca îssues and empîrîca evîdence wîth whîch to underpîn poîcy deveopment, împementatîon and cassroom procedures or thîs young age group. Themes o partîcuar înterest or the serîes încude: teach er modes and teacher deveopment, modes o eary anguage earnîng, poîcy împemen-tatîon, motîvatîon, approaches to teachîng and earnîng, anguage prog-ress and outcomes, assessment, întercutura earnîng, sustaînabîîty în provîsîon, comparatîve and transnatîona perspectîves, cross-phase trans-er îssues, currîcuum întegratîon – addîtîona suggestîons or themes are aso most wecome. A books în thîs serîes are externay peer-revîewed. Fu detaîs o a the books în thîs serîes and o a our other pubîcatîons can be ound on http://www.mutîîngua-matters.com, or by wrîtîng to Mutîîngua Matters, St Nîchoas House, 31–34 Hîgh Street, Brîsto, BS1 2AW, UK.
Early Language Learning in Context
A Critical Socioeducational Perspective
David Hayes
DOI https://doî.org/10.21832/HAYES5843 Lîbrary o Congress Cataogîng în Pubîcatîon Data A cataog record or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Lîbrary o Congress. Names: Hayes, Davîd, author. Tîte: Eary Language Learnîng în Context: A Crîtîca Socîoeducatîona  Perspectîve/Davîd Hayes. Descrîptîon: Jackson [Tennessee]: Mutîîngua Matters, [2022] |  Serîes: Eary Language Learnîng în Schoo Contexts: 7 | Incudes bîbîographîca  reerences and îndex. | Summary: “Thîs book crîtîcay anayzes eary  schoo oreîgn anguage teachîng poîcy and practîce across sîx  geographîca contexts. Crîtîcîzîng the wordwîde trend or a ocus on  Engîsh, ît argues or a broader perspectîve that vaues mutîînguaîsm  and knowedge o regîona and îndîgenous anguages aongsîde a more  dîverse range o oreîgn anguages”—Provîded by pubîsher. Identîfiers: LCCN 2022016331 (prînt) | LCCN 2022016332 (ebook) |  ISBN 9781800415843 (hardback) | ISBN 9781800415836 (paperback) |  ISBN 9781800415850 (pd) | ISBN 9781800415867 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Natîve anguage and educatîon. | Language and  anguages—Study and teachîng. | Engîsh anguage—Study and  teachîng—Foreîgn speakers. Cassîficatîon: LCC LC201.5 .H39 2022 (prînt) | LCC LC201.5 (ebook) |  DDC 370.117/5—dc23/eng/20220609 LC record avaîabe at https://ccn.oc.gov/2022016331 LC ebook record avaîabe at https://ccn.oc.gov/2022016332
Brîtîsh Lîbrary Cataoguîng în Pubîcatîon Data A cataogue entry or thîs book îs avaîabe rom the Brîtîsh Lîbrary.
ISBN-13: 978-1-80041-584-3 (hbk) ISBN-13: 978-1-80041-583-6 (pbk)
Multilingual Matters UK: St Nîchoas House, 31–34 Hîgh Street, Brîsto, BS1 2AW, UK. USA: Ingram, Jackson, TN, USA.
Websîte: www.mutîîngua-matters.com Twîtter: Mutî_Lîng_Mat Facebook: https://www.acebook.com/mutîînguamatters Bog: www.channevîewpubîcatîons.wordpress.com
Copyrîght © 2022 Davîd Hayes.
A rîghts reserved. No part o thîs work may be reproduced în any orm or by any means wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher.
The poîcy o Mutîîngua Matters/Channe Vîew Pubîcatîons îs to use papers that are natura, renewabe and recycabe products, made rom wood grown în sustaînabe orests. In the manuacturîng process o our books, and to urther support our poîcy, preerence îs gîven to prînters that have FSC and PEFC Chaîn o Custody certîficatîon. The FSC and/or PEFC ogos wî appear on those books where u certîficatîon has been granted to the prînter concerned.
Typeset by Nova Techset Prîvate Lîmîted, Bengauru and Chennaî, Indîa. Prînted and bound în the UK by the CPI Books Group Ltd.
Toye Chanpen Hayes
wîth endess gratîtude or her ove, patîence and understandîng
Acknowedgements Ratîonaes or Eary Language Learnîng în State Sector Educatîon Systems Introductîon The Vaue o Learnîng Addîtîona Languages în Prîmary Schoos (and Beyond) Poîcy Ratîonaes or Prîorîtîsîng Learnîng Engîsh în Prîmary Schoos The Impact o Learnîng Engîsh on Chîdren în Schoo (Engîsh) Language Learnîng în Prîmary Schoos în State Educatîona Systems Thaîand: An Educatîona Paradox Introductîon The Thaî Context: Languages, Natîona Economîc Deveopment and the Quaîty o the Educatîon System Basîc Educatîon în Thaîand, the Currîcuum and the Pace o Foreîgn Languages In the Cassroom Teachers’ Subject Knowedge: Engîsh Language Leves Teachers, Currîcuum and Traînîng Reflectîons: Resovîng the Educatîona Paradox în Engîsh Language Teachîng and Learnîng în Thaî Prîmary Schoos South Korea: A Severe Case o ‘Engîsh Fever’ Introductîon Languages, the Economy and Educatîon Teachîng, the Currîcuum and Engîsh Inîtîa Teacher Traînîng, Homeroom Teachers and Engîsh Specîaîsts în Schoos ‘Natîve Speaker’ Teacher Programmes Prîvate Tuîtîon and îts Impact Socîa Stratîficatîon în Korea, Educatîon and Engîsh
1 1
3 15
17 22 22
30 34 38 40
42 44 44 46 48
54 57 59 62
viii Early Language Learning in Context
Reflectîons: Future Dîrectîons or Engîsh Language Teachîng and Learnîng în South Korean Prîmary Schoos 63 Srî Lanka: Language Educatîon and Peace-Buîdîng în Prîmary Schoos 67 Introductîon 67 The Socîopoîtîca Framework or Prîmary Schoo Language Educatîon în Srî Lanka 69 Language Educatîon and ‘Posîtîve Peace’ 72 The Educatîon System 74 Second Natîona Language Learnîng and Interethnîc Attîtudes în the Prîmary Schoo 78 The Status, Teachîng and Learnîng o Engîsh, the ‘Lînk’ Language 80 Reflectîons: Languages în Prîmary Schoos and Socîa Cohesîon 88 Equîty and Mutîîngua Dîversîty în Prîmary Schoo Language Teachîng and Learnîng în Maaysîa 91 Introductîon 91 The Lînguîstîc Landscape o Maaysîa, Natîona Language Poîcîes and Educatîona Language Poîcîes 92 The Prîmary Currîcuum and the Teachîng o Engîsh 98 Currîcuum Change, Teachers and Context 100 Teacher’s Engîsh Language Proficîency, Pedagogîca Skîs and Contînuîng Proessîona Deveopment (CPD) 103 CPD and the Impementatîon o KBSR and KSSR 107 Reflectîons: Socîoeconomîc Dîsparîtîes în Engîsh Language Learnîng, Vernacuar Language Endangerment and Mutîînguaîsm 109 Eary Language Teachîng and Learnîng în Ontarîo, Canada and Fînand: Experîences o Bîînguaîsm and Mutîînguaîsm 113 Introductîon 113 Canada: Languages, Language Poîcîes and Language Practîces 114 Eementary Schooîng, Languages and Language Educatîon Poîcy în Ontarîo 118 Mutîînguaîsm, Language Dîversîty and FSL 123 Fînand: Languages, Language Poîcîes and Languages în Educatîon 125 Fînnîsh Educatîon and Internatîona Comparîsons 127 Engîsh and Foreîgn Language Dîversîty în Basîc Educatîon 132 The Ecoogy o Schooîng în Fînand 135
Contents ix
Reflectîons: Contrastîng Experîences o Bîînguaîsm and Mutîînguaîsm 137 Rethînkîng Eary Language Learnîng în State Sector Educatîon Systems 141 Eary Language Learnîng, Educatîon and Unîted Natîons Goas 141 Revîsîtîng the Economîc Ratîonae: Languages, Natîona Economîes and Educatîon 143 Revîsîtîng Issues o Currîcuum, Poîcy and Practîce 152 Educatîona Ecosystems and Eary Language Learnîng 161 Concudîng Thoughts 163 Reerences 165 Index 185
It has been a great peasure to work wîth the team at Mutîîngua Matters on thîs book, a o whom are modes o proessîonaîsm and support. I ee, however, that I shoud sînge out or specîa thanks Janet Enever, the serîes edîtor, who heped to sustaîn my motîvatîon over the tîme ît took to get the manuscrîpt competed and who ofered consîstenty hepu eed-back; aso Laura Longworth who was understandîng and encouragîng în equa measure as the book was beîng wrîtten; and Rosîe McEwan who eicîenty shepherded the manuscrîpt to îts fina orm. I woud aso îke to thank the externa revîewer or însîghtu comments and suggestîons to împrove the manuscrîpt. Last, but very ar rom east, I owe a consîderabe debt o gratîtude to the numerous coeagues în the schoos, coeges, unî-versîtîes and Mînîstrîes o Educatîon în a the countrîes în whîch I have worked over the years and rom whom I have earnt – and contînue to earn – so much. The author and pubîsher are grateu to the oowîng or permîssîon to reproduce copyrîght materîa: John Benjamîns Pubîshîng Company Amsterdam/Phîadephîa or Tabe 2.3 rom page 248 o ‘Language educa-tîon poîcy and practîce în state educatîon systems: Promotîng efectîve practîce în oreîgn anguage educatîon or young earners’ by Davîd Hayes, înLanguage Teachîng or Young Learners 2 (2), 2020, https://doî. org.10.1075/yt/19017.hay; the Commîssîoner Genera, Educatîona Pubîcatîons Department, Mînîstry o Educatîon, Srî Lanka or Fîgure 4.1 rom page 81 oLet’s Learn Englîsh, Pupîl’s Book, Grade 3; the Fînnîsh Educatîon Evauatîon Centre or Fîgure 6.2 rom page 22 oOutcomes o Language Learnîng at the End o Basîc Educatîon în 2013by R. Hîdén, M. Härmää, J. Rautopuro, M. Huhtanen, M. Puukko and C. Sîverström. Every reasonabe efort has been made to ocate, contact and acknowedge copyrîght owners. Any errors wî be rectîfied în uture edîtîons.
Rationales or Early Language Learning in State Sector Education Systems
Introduction Thîs book îs concerned wîth eary oreîgn anguage teachîng and earnîng în state sector educatîon systems în our Asîan countrîes – Thaîand, Srî Lanka, South Korea and Maaysîa – wîth whîch I have had extended experîence at varîous tîmes în my proessîona career. By ‘eary’ I mean în the prîmary schoo grades, athough the dîscussîon may at tîmes extend înto ower secondary grades în some contexts to cover the entîrety o ‘basîc educatîon’. The age range îs, then, rom five or sîx to 13 or 14 years. The anguage în ocus îs prîmarîy Engîsh, as thîs îs the first choîce o oreîgn anguage în these countrîes and, încreasîngy, în other educa-tîon systems throughout the word. In one o the countrîes, Srî Lanka, as we as Engîsh I aso expore the teachîng and earnîng o the second natîona anguage, Sînhaa, or students în Tamî-medîum schoos and Tamî or students în Sînhaa-medîum schoos, whîch îs centra to Srî Lanka’s vîsîon o a trîîngua natîon and ‘socîa harmony’ oowîng the end o a 26-year cîvî war în 2009. To provîde a comparîson wîth the expe-rîence o teachîng and earnîng Engîsh în the our Asîan countrîes, I aso examîne the teachîng and earnîng o a oreîgn anguage în another geo-graphîca area, the Canadîan provînce o Ontarîo, where I currenty work. The anguage here îs what îs known as ‘core’ French, that îs, French as a schoo subject rather than French as a medîum o înstructîonîn îmmersîon programmes. In addîtîon, în the same chapter, I aso revîew eary anguage earnîng în Fînand, whîch appears to be successu în deveopîng more wîdespread and hîgher eves o competence în Engîsh, atte mptîng to îdentîy actors wîthîn and beyond the educatîona system that contrîbute to thîs success. In a cases, I contend that reflectîon on contextua actors that support successu schoo anguage earnîng îs a necessîty or educa-tîona poîcymakers beore they attempt to transer poîcîes and practîces rom what they beîeve to be a ‘more successu’ or ‘hîgher achîevîng’ system în one country to theîr own. The book concudes by arguîng or a
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