Crossing the Ghost Light , livre ebook









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For as long as he can remember, Jonah has loved being a performer. Now he has the opportunity to star in his community theater''s production of Oliver. But will some behind-the scenes antics cost him his chance to shine in the spotlight? Especially appealing to theater fans, this short, 32-page chapter book explores what it''s like to be part of a theater production. With full-color illustrations and a compelling story, this hi-lo book will appeal to reluctant readers.

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Date de parution

15 octobre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Bo ok Club Q ue st ion s
1. What d oes J o nah lov e to d o ?
2. What d o J o na h a n d his fr ie n ds
ha ve in co mm o n ?
3. What d oes i t m ean on p ag e 1 9
t hat th e ca st “ had b u tte r  i es ”?
4. Adam p lays a b i g ro le in this
boo k, eve n tho u gh h e’ s o nly in
t h e last cha pt e r . What w a s t h e
au t ho r’ s p ur pos e in inc l uding him
in t his way ?
5. Are J onah a n d his fr ie n ds really
ba d, or ar e t he y jus t mak ing
a litt le misc hie f ? Ex plain
you r p os it ion .
6. What l es so ns do es J o na h le a r n ?
H ow ab ou t T eddy ?

By Dona Herweck Rice
Illustrated by Katie Kear
crossing the
Ghost Light

Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo, M .S. Ed., Publisher
Conni M ed ina, M . A . Ed. , Edito r in Chie f
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Content Dire cto r
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec tor
Susa n Dad dis, M . A . Ed. , Edito r
Joh n Leac h, Assis tant Editor
Jess John son, Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illus tr ated by K ati e Kear
530 1 Oce anus D ri ve
Hunti ngto n Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
w w
© 2020 T eache r Crea ted M ateri als, I nc .
ISBN 978-0-7439-7088-4

T ab le o f Co n te n ts
Cha pt e r One : Bo r n to P e r fo r m
Cha pt e r T wo : Th e L eg e nd o f
t h e Gh os t L igh t
Cha pt e r Thr ee : B lame I t on
t h e Gh os t L igh t
Cha pt e r F o ur: “P l ease , Sir”
Cha pt e r Fi ve : Jo na h ’ s Bi g B reak
Chapter Si x: Cur t a i n C a l l
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