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Publié par
Date de parution
02 décembre 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
02 décembre 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
a t the reef
By Caroline T ung Richmon d
Illustrated by Chris C halik
Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo , M.S.Ed., Publ isher
Conni M ed ina , M. A . Ed ., Edi tor in Chi ef
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Conte nt Dir ec tor
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec to r
Set h Ro ger s, Ed itor
Valerie Morales, Associ ate Edito r
Kevin Ph am, Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illustrated by Chris C halik
Librar y of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Library of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Nam es: Ri chm ond , Car olin e T ung, au tho r. | Chalik , Chr is, il lus trato r.
Ti tle: Ad ventu re at th e ree f / by Ca rol ine Tung Richm on d ; illus tr ated b y
Chris Ch alik .
Des cri ptio n: Hun ting ton B eac h, CA : Teache r Create d Ma teri als, [201 9] |
Audie nce: Ag es 1 3 | Audie nce: G rad es 4 - 6 | Summa r y: Ten-y ear- old L ilah
is scu ba di vin g wit h her r ecen tly - divo rced f ath er in Ke y West, Fl ori da,
whe n they a re se par ate d and sh e mus t ret urn to t he b oat al on e, pas t
dang ero us cre atur es. I nclu des “ B ook C lub Qu es tio ns.”
Ide ntif i er s: LCCN 20 1 902642 4 (pr int) | LCCN 20 1 9026425 (eboo k) | ISB N
978 1 64 491 34 4 4 (p ap erb ack ) | ISBN 9781 6 4 491 34 4 4 (ebo ok )
Subje c t s: C Y AC: Sc uba d ivi ng - - Fic tio n. | M arin e ani mals- -Fi c tion . |
Divo rce - - Fic ti on . | Fathers a nd dau ghte rs- -Fi ct ion . | Key West
(Fla.) - - Fic ti on.
Classi f ic atio n: LCC P Z7 .R 39867 Adv 201 9 (p rint) | LCC PZ7 . R398 67 (eboo k)
| DD C [Fic]- - dc 23
LC record av aila bl e at ht tps: //lccn. lo c.g ov/201 9026424
LC ebo ok re cord av aila bl e at ht tps: //lccn. lo c.g ov/201 9026425
530 1 O cean us Dr ive
Hunti ngt on Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
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ISBN 978- 0- 74 39 - 6686- 3
© 2020 T each er Cr eate d Mate rial s, In c.
T ab le o f Con te n ts
Chapter One:
S uiting U p fo r an Adv en ture
Chapter T wo:
Diving in to the Oce a n
Chapter Th ree:
B ump ing in to a S trang e r
Chapter F our:
S w imming in to a B ig Pr ob le m
Cha pt er F iv e: S a f e at La st
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