Adventure at the Reef , livre ebook









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In this hi-lo book, Lilah is excited for her vacation in Key West where she''ll spend an entire week scuba diving with her dad. But when they get separated, Lilah must find her way back to the boat on her own. She''ll have to deal with the creatures she bumps into—friendly and not-so friendly--along the way. With full-color illustrations, this 32-page chapter book will capture the interest of reluctant readers who enjoy adventure fiction stories with survival elements and an ocean setting.

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Date de parution

02 décembre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

a t the reef
By Caroline T ung Richmon d
Illustrated by Chris C halik

Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo , M.S.Ed., Publ isher
Conni M ed ina , M. A . Ed ., Edi tor in Chi ef
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Conte nt Dir ec tor
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec to r
Set h Ro ger s, Ed itor
Valerie Morales, Associ ate Edito r
Kevin Ph am, Graphic Designer
Image Credits
Illustrated by Chris C halik
Librar y of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Library of Congress Cataloging-in -Publication Data
Nam es: Ri chm ond , Car olin e T ung, au tho r. | Chalik , Chr is, il lus trato r.
Ti tle: Ad ventu re at th e ree f / by Ca rol ine Tung Richm on d ; illus tr ated b y
Chris Ch alik .
Des cri ptio n: Hun ting ton B eac h, CA : Teache r Create d Ma teri als, [201 9] |
Audie nce: Ag es 1 3 | Audie nce: G rad es 4 - 6 | Summa r y: Ten-y ear- old L ilah
is scu ba di vin g wit h her r ecen tly - divo rced f ath er in Ke y West, Fl ori da,
whe n they a re se par ate d and sh e mus t ret urn to t he b oat al on e, pas t
dang ero us cre atur es. I nclu des “ B ook C lub Qu es tio ns.”
Ide ntif i er s: LCCN 20 1 902642 4 (pr int) | LCCN 20 1 9026425 (eboo k) | ISB N
978 1 64 491 34 4 4 (p ap erb ack ) | ISBN 9781 6 4 491 34 4 4 (ebo ok )
Subje c t s: C Y AC: Sc uba d ivi ng - - Fic tio n. | M arin e ani mals- -Fi c tion . |
Divo rce - - Fic ti on . | Fathers a nd dau ghte rs- -Fi ct ion . | Key West
(Fla.) - - Fic ti on.
Classi f ic atio n: LCC P Z7 .R 39867 Adv 201 9 (p rint) | LCC PZ7 . R398 67 (eboo k)
| DD C [Fic]- - dc 23
LC record av aila bl e at ht tps: //lccn. lo c.g ov/201 9026424
LC ebo ok re cord av aila bl e at ht tps: //lccn. lo c.g ov/201 9026425
530 1 O cean us Dr ive
Hunti ngt on Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
w w
ISBN 978- 0- 74 39 - 6686- 3
© 2020 T each er Cr eate d Mate rial s, In c.

T ab le o f Con te n ts
Chapter One:
S uiting U p fo r an Adv en ture
Chapter T wo:
Diving in to the Oce a n
Chapter Th ree:
B ump ing in to a S trang e r
Chapter F our:
S w imming in to a B ig Pr ob le m
Cha pt er F iv e: S a f e at La st
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