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Makerere University started in 1922 as a humble technical school enrolling 14 day students of Carpentry, Building and Mechanics. Nine decades later, the University has made giant strides�enrolling over 35,000 students in over 145 study programmes hosted by nine colleges spread across various campuses. As one of the first higher education institutions in East and Central Africa, the university has had to contend with a multiplicity of issues, including relevance, curricula reform, community engagement and graduate employability; access, equity, massification and quality assurance; national politics, regulation, institutional autonomy and academic freedom; funding and financial management; student politics and activism; staff unionisation, management and brain drain; physical resources expansion, utilisation and maintenance; liberalisation, privatisation, commercialisation and internationalisation; Information and Communication Technology (ICT); and institutional leadership and integrity. Today, the University stands out proudly as a hallmark of innovation and excellence in teaching, research and community engagement, notwithstanding the challenges it has experienced over the years. As it celebrates 90 years, the higher education scholarly and policy fraternity take the opportunity to honour and continue the University�s tradition of scholarship and innovation � through contributing ideas for dealing with some of the challenges that the University and similar institutions are contending with. Although studies of Makerere University have been included, it must be understood that this book is not necessarily about the University. Additional studies have been drawn from Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and other institutions in Uganda.
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26 septembre 2017

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5 Mo

InnovatingUniversity Education Issues in Contemporary African Higher Education
A Book in Honour of Makerere University’s 90 Years of Excellence 1922–2012
Edîtors Jude Ssempebwa Peter Neema-Abookî J.C.S. Musaazî
Fountain Publishers P. O. Box 488 Kampala E-mail: Website:
On behalf of East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University
Distributed in Europe, North America and Australia by African Books Collective Ltd (ABC), Unit 13, Kings Meadow, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford OX2 0DP, United Kingdom. Tel: 44(0) 1865–726686, Fax: 44(0)1865–793298. E-mail: Website:
© The authors 2017 First published 2017
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, including copying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
ISBN 978-9970-25-935-9 (paper back) ISBN 978-9970-25-945-8 (ebook)
Cover design: Ritah N. Edopu. Photos (Clockwise): 1. Makerere University Main Building (Side view from the South-East) in 1941; 2. Some staff and students of Makerere College in 1938; 3. L-R: Presidents Julius K. Nyerere (Tanzania), Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya) and Kenneth Kaunda (Zambia) in procession at the inauguration of Makerere University on 8th October 1970; 4. President Yoweri K. Museveni takes a joy ride in Kiira EV (a vehicle design project of Makerere University’s College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology) to mark its ofIcial launch on 24th November 2011; 5. HRH Edward A.C.G.A.P. David, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), and Makerere College Principal Mr Douglas G. Tomblings inspecting the College in 1928.
To te memory o Sîr Pîîp Euen Mîtce (Governor o Uganda, 1935–1940)
Dedîcatîon........................................................................ îîî Contrîbutors ......................................................................îx Tables .............................................................................. xîx Acronyms ......................................................................... xxî Foreword .......................................................................xxîîî Preace and Acknowledgements....................................... xxvîî Capter: 1 Hîger Educatîon or Innovatîon and Deveopment............... 1 Haruna Yakubu ïntroductîon ................................................................................ 1 Hîger Educatîon and Natîona Scîence, Tecnoogy and ïnnovatîon Capacîty .................................................................... 3 Wat îs te Purpose o Hîger Educatîon?................................... 8 Foundatîon or Capacîty Buîdîng.............................................. 11 Communîcatîon o Scîence and Tecnoogy ïnnovatîon............. 12 Concusîon ................................................................................ 17 Capter: 2 Caenges and Opportunîtîes or Quaîty Assurance o Cross-Border Hîger Educatîon în East Arîca...................... 18 Pîlîpo Lonatî Sanga ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 18 Ratîonae or Cross-Border Hîger Educatîon ............................ 20 BeneIts o and hreats to Cross-Border Hîger Educatîon ........ 21 Quaîty Assurance or Hîger Educatîon în East Arîca .............. 22 Caenges în ïmpementîng Cross-Border Hîger Educatîon în East Arîca ............................................................................. 25 Opportunîtîes o ïmpementîng Cross-Border Hîger Educatîon în East Arîca ........................................................... 30 Concusîon ................................................................................ 32
Capter: 3 Wîîam Senteza-Kajubî as a Cange Agent în Uganda’s Educatîon System wît Specîic Reerence to Wîdenîng Access to Unîversîty Educatîon............................................................. 34 Fred E. K. Bakkabulîndî ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 34 Wo was Senteza-Kajubî? .......................................................... 36 Purpose ...................................................................................... 38 Metod ...................................................................................... 38 Wîdenîng Access to Unîversîty Educatîon or Prîmary Scoo Teacers..................................................................................... 39 Wîdenîng Access to Unîversîty Educatîon or Secondary Scoo Teacers..................................................................................... 41 Caîng or te MassîIcatîon o Access to Pubîc Unîversîtîes ..... 42 Caîng or te Openîng o Prîvate Unîversîtîes .......................... 44 Groomîng Nkumba Unîversîty to Maturîty ............................... 45 Dîscussîon and Recommendatîons ............................................ 49 Capter: 4 Dereguatîon o Hîger Educatîon în Nîgerîa: A Ca or Restraînt ............................................................................... 51 A. O. K. Noa, Adesojî A. Onî & Stepen D. Bolajî ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 51 Dereguatîon în Nîgerîa.............................................................. 52 Dereguatîon o Unîversîty Educatîon în Nîgerîa........................ 53 Probems Assocîated wît Dereguatîon o Hîger Educatîon..... 54 Concusîon and Way Forward .................................................... 57
Capter: 5 Do Unîversîtîes în Uganda Satîsy teîr Internatîona Students? ............................................................................... 58 Jude Ssempebwa, Fawz N. Mulumba & Rîta N. Edopu ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 58 Metodoogy.............................................................................. 62 Fîndîngs ..................................................................................... 65 Dîscussîon and Recommendatîons ............................................. 67 Capter: 6 Attrîbutes o Human Capîta Deveoped by Ugandan Unîversîtîes and Students’ Post-Graduatîon Motîves............. 70 Lîvîngstone Ddungu ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 70 Reated îterature and Knowedge Gap ...................................... 71 Metodoogy.............................................................................. 77 Fîndîngs and Dîscussîon ............................................................ 78
Capter: 7 he Importance o Researc în a Unîversîty .......................... 85 Mamood Mamdanî ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 85 Hîstory o Hîger Educatîon în Arîca ....................................... 86 A Pervasîve Consutancy Cuture................................................ 88 ReLectîons on Postgraduate Educatîon în te Humanîtîes and te Socîa Scîences .............................................................. 92 he Postgraduate ïnîtîatîve at MïSR........................................... 94 Capter: 8 Unîversîty Governance and Inteectua Capîta at two Unîversîtîes în Uganda .......................................................... 99 Karîm N. A. Ssesanga ïntroductîon .............................................................................. 99 Reated îterature..................................................................... 101 Metodoogy............................................................................ 103 Fîndîngs and Dîscussîon .......................................................... 104 Concusîons and Recommendatîons......................................... 116 Capter: 9 Prospectîve Graduates’ Perceptîon o te Responsîveness o Etîopîan Unîversîtîes to Contemporary Labour Market Needs .................................................................................. 117 Demewoz Admasu Gebru ïntroductîon ............................................................................ 117 Metodoogy............................................................................ 121 Fîndîngs and ïnterpretatîon...................................................... 122
Capter: 10 Caenges o Unîversîty Governance în Maawî ................. 127 Lester Brîan Sawa ïntroductîon ............................................................................ 127 Goba Poîcy-Steerage and Unîversîty Governance ................. 128 New Managerîaîsm and Unîversîty Governance în Maawî...... 130 he ïnterventîonîst Nature o Unîversîty Governance în Maawî ................................................................................ 135 Concusîon .............................................................................. 138 Capter: 11 Organîsatîona Commîtment o Academîc Staf at Unîversîtîes în Uganda ........................................................ 139 Edît Namutebî & Jon Baptîst Mpoza ïntroductîon ............................................................................ 139 Researc Framework ................................................................ 144 Fîndîngs and Dîscussîon .......................................................... 147
Capter: 12 Vîabîîty o Open Educatîona Resources în Open and Dîstance Learnîng: Vîews o Members o te Executîve Board o te Arîcan Councî or Dîstance Educatîon, Kenya ................. 153 Vîncent Ado Tenebe & Rotîmî Ogîdan ïntroductîon ............................................................................ 153 Concept and Potentîa o OERs ............................................... 154 Questîons and Approac .......................................................... 156 Vîabîîty o OERs în OD în Arîca......................................... 159
Capter: 13 Stereotype hreat and Unîversîty o Botswana Teacer Traînees’ Attîtude towards teîr Traînîng Programme and Teacîng .. 161 H. Jonson Nenty, Putî Fîjî & Moyo Sello ïntroductîon ............................................................................ 161 Background.............................................................................. 162 Reated îterature..................................................................... 166 Metodoogy and Fîndîngs ...................................................... 169 Dîscussîon................................................................................ 173 Concusîon .............................................................................. 175 Reerences....................................................................... 176 Index ............................................................................. 205
A.B.K. Kasozî (PD)îs a researc assocîate at Makerere ïnstîtute o Socîa Researc (MïSR). He îs te oundîng Executîve Dîrector o Uganda’s Natîona Councî or Hîger Educatîon (NCHE). He ods a B.A. în Hîstory, a PGD rom Makerere Unîversîty, Uganda, and a PD rom te Unîversîty o Caîornîa at Santa Cruz. He as taugt at Makerere Unîversîty, te ïsamîc Unîversîty în Uganda, te Unîversîty o Kartoum and a number o unîversîtîes în Canada. ïn 2007, e got a Fubrîgt New Century award and was, rom September to December, a vîsîtîng scoar/proessor at Teacers Coege, Coumbîa Unîversîty, New York. He îs te autor o Unîversîty Educatîon în Uganda: Opportunîtîes and Caenges or Reorm o Hîger Educatîon (Fountaîn Pubîsers, Kampaa, 2003); he Socîa Orîgîns o Vîoence în Uganda, 1964-85 (Montrea/Kîngston: McGî-Queens Unîversîty Press, 1994), he Crîsîs o Secondary Scoo Educatîon în Uganda, 1960-70, (ongman, 1979); he Spread o ïsam în Uganda (Oxord Unîversîty Press, 1979), he îe o Prînce Badru Kakunguu (Progressîve Pubîsers, 1996), ïsamîc Cîvîîzatîon în Eastern Arîca (Ed.) (ïstanbu: ïRCïCA, 2008): Fînancîng Uganda’s pubîc unîversîtîes (Fountaîn Pubîsers, Kampaa, 2009) and severa artîces. Adesojî A. Onî (PD)îs a senîor ecturer în te Department o Educatîona Foundatîons, Facuty o Educatîon, Unîversîty o agos, Nîgerîa. He specîaîses în Socîoogy o Educatîon and Foundatîon Studîes în Educatîon. Hîs area o researc ocus
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