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Ce lexipro français-anglais est un outil de travail pratique pour acquérir ou réviser le vocabulaire de l’immobilier en anglais. Les mots spécifiques à ce secteur y sont classés par thème : le logement, les pièces, la construction, l’aménagement urbain, la location, le cadre juridique, etc. Outil complet pour une maîtrise parfaite du lexique, il propose : § une sélection de mots et expressions idiomatiques ; § la ou les traductions possibles des mots et leur présentation dans une phrase de mise en situation. Pour faciliter la recherche, deux index alphabétiques sont disponibles en fin d'ouvrage : l'un de tous les termes français, l'autre de tous les termes anglais.
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01 janvier 2022

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Les mots clés de l’immobilier
Classementthématique exemplesdutilisation indexBilingue
Pierre COUTURIER Professeur d’anglais et formateur auprès des professionnels, dans les secteurs du tourisme et de l’immobilier.
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 1
28/10/15 14:41
e © BRÉAL 4 trîmestre 2015 Toute reproductîon même partîee înterdîte ISBN : 978-2-7495-3475-6
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 2
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Les métiers de l’immobilier –Real Estate JobsLe logement –HousingLes pièces –Rooms
1. Le salon –The living room2. La salle à manger –The dining room3. La cuisine –The kitchen4. La chambre –The bedroom5. La salle de bains –The bathroom6. Le bureau –The study7. L’extérieur Outside8. Les autres pièces –The other rooms
Décrire un logement –Describing a home
1. Adjectifs Adjectives2. Quelques adverbes utiles –Some useful adverbs
17 19 19 21 23 26 27 30
33 35
Décoration et aménagement intérieur –Decoration and interior design 37
1. Les styles –Styles2. Le mobilier –Furniture3. La décoration intérieure –Interior decoration4. Les textiles –Fabrics
La construction –Construction
1. La construction –Construction2. Les couleurs –Colors3. Volumes et mesures –Volumes and measurements4. Les matériaux utilisés –Materials5. La sécurité –Security
L’aménagement urbain –Urban planning
37 38 39 41
43 45 46 47 49
1. L’aménagement du territoire –Planning 51 2. Les contraintes d’aménagement de l’espace –Planning constraints 53
Situer un logement –Locating a home
1. Les points de repère –Landmarks 57 2. Les indications et prépositions de lieu –Locators and prepositions  of place 61 3. Indiquer une direction –Giving a way 62
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Le logement durable –Sustainable housing
1. Les énergies renouvelables –Renewable energies2. L’aménagement paysager extérieur –Landscape design3.Arbres et leurs –Trees and Lowers
La location –Rental
1. Louer To rent2. L’état des lieux –Inventory of property3. Restrictions Restrictions4. Gérer des problèmes techniques –Dealing with technical issues5. L’expulsion Eviction
Le cadre juridique –The legal framework
1. Les aspects juridiques –The legal aspects2.Les aspects Inanciers –The Inancial aspects3. Les assurances –Insurances
Verbes utiles –Some useful verbsCommuniquer –To communicate
63 65 68
69 71 72 72 74
75 78 81
85 89
1. Communiquer oralement : au téléphone –Speaking: on the phone 89 2. Communiquer oralement : à l’agence –Speaking: face-to-face 90 3. Communiquer par écrit –Writing 90
Mots outils indispensables –Useful tools
1. Les données chiffrées –Numbers 93 2. Les quantités –Quantities 94 3. Les mots interrogatifs –Question words 94 4. Les faux amis –Deceptive cognates 95 5. Anglais britannique vs anglais américain –British vs American English95 6. Les adverbes de fréquence –Adverbs of frequency 96
Annexe : les unités de mesure à connaître –Units of measurement
1. Longueurs Length2. Distances–Distance3. Températures (aux États-Unis) –Temperatures (United States)4. Poids–Weight5. Vitesse–Speed6. Volumes Volumes7. Les mots de liaison –Linking words8. Les modaux –modals
Index Français
Index Anglais
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 4
97 97 97 97 97 97 98 99
101 115
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Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 6
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administrateur de biens (l’) (masc.) estate manager/estate administrator The responsîbîîtîes of an estate admînîstrator are usuay to coect a the decedent’s assets, pay credîtors and dîstrîbute the remaînîng assets to heîrs or other beneicîarîes. agent immobilier (l’) (masc.) real estate agent/realtor (US) I have been a rea estate agent for twenty years. I know my job. In the Unîted States very few peope se theîr homes wîthout an agent (For Sae By Owner or FSBO). Of course, peope can save on the Agency’s fees, but they aso have to dea wîth a the aspects of the saes process whîch can be chaengîng. An agent îs a rea estate professîona who knows a the ega and inancîa rues. He/she has a network that makes your property vîsîbe to many peope. >agence immobilière (l’) (fém.) real estate agency The agency îs on Avenue du Généra-de-Gaue, next to the post ofice. It’s open from 9 am to 6 pm Monday to Frîday, and from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday. architecte (l’) (masc.) architect An archîtect îs a îcensed professîona whose job consîsts în organîzîng space. An archîtect can desîgn houses, ofice buîdîngs, or andscapes. Theîr job încudes the desîgn and pannîng of structures for aesthetîcs, safety, and aso accessîbîîty. She’s a famous archîtect. She desîgned the buîdîng of the oca bank and aso the shoppîng ma downtown. She îs very taented.
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 7
>architectural architectural The mîssîon of the archîtectura commîttee încude revîewîng and approvîng pans for proposed constructîons or împrovîng the sîte for exampe. As a potentîa member of thîs commîttee, you have to be fuy aware that they must be consîstent în the appîcatîon of the archîtectura guîdeînes. >architecture (l’) (fém.) architecture Archîtecture can eîther refer to the art of desîgnîng and makîng buîdîngs or the stye în whîch buîdîng are made. bureau de vente (le) sales ofîce We can meet at the saes ofice tomorrow at 2 pm îf you îke. Have you ever been there before? Do you know how to get there? cabinet d’architectes (le) architecture company/îrm He started as an îndependent archîtect and he îs now runnîng one of the most successfu archîtecture irm of the cîty. chasseur de biens immobiliers (le) property hunter A property hunter îs a rea estate professîona whose job consîsts în indîng propertîes for îndîvîduas who don’t have enough tîme to house hunt themseves. The cîents gave hîm a îst of specîicatîons they are ookîng for and as far as I know, he has aready started to search for them. He saîd he woud contact me before the end of the week. commissaire-priseur (le) auctioneer
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designer d’intérieur (masc.) interior designer An înterîor desîgner’s job may învove eîther resîdentîa or commercîa înterîor settîngs. An înterîor desîgner îs a mutîfaced professîona, who must be abe to work cosey wîth other professîonas and to coordînate the work. It’s better to choose someone who has aready competed severa projects so they can show a portfoîo of theîr prevîous works. We can recommend two or three înterîor desîgners îf you need. They can hep you wîth the choîce of materîas and coours for exampe. directeur (le)/directrice d’agence (la) Director I am sorry but the Dîrector îs away today. May I eave her a message? électricien (l’) (masc.) electrician Have you heard from the eectrîcîan yet? He was supposed to come at 9 thîs mornîng but your renter has not seen hîm yet. >électricité (l’) (fém.) electricity Mrs Johnson, we have just receîved an eectrîcîty bî for you. You can come to the agency whenever you want to pîck ît up. I have eft ît on the maîn desk. entrepreneur en bâtiment (l’) (masc.) contractor A contractor îs a constructîon professîona în charge of a project from conceptîon to competîon. Theîr irst job îs to pan the dîfferent phases of a project and to estîmate the overa cost of thîs project, în terms of inancîng, stafing and aso tîme. For specîic part of the project, they may need to work wîth sub-contractors such as demoîtîon engîneers or eectrîcîans. You can ca hîm. He’s a very reîabe contractor. He has worked for many of our cîents and they have a been very happy wîth hîs job.
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 8
gardien d’immeuble (le) caretaker (GB)/concierge (US) A caretaker or concîerge îs a person în charge of the maîntenance of a buîdîng or an estate. He/she can work în a prîvate buîdîng or a pubîc facîîty such as a museum or a schoo. Hîs/her mîssîons vary dependîng on the type of buîdîng but they often încude: maîntaînîng the securîty of the pace, checkîng who’s comîng and goîng, repacîng îght bubs, înspectîng heatîng and A/C systems, genera maîntenance, ceanîng common areas... géomètre (le) (land) surveyor A surveyor îs a person who examînes and measures a pîece of and. The surveyor’s irst job îs ied work, aowîng hîm to coect data. Then, he/she needs to process data, often eadîng to charts, graphs or maps. We haven’t receîved the report from the surveyor. I eft hîm another message and I tod hîm ît îs urgent. gestionnaire de biens immobiliers (le) property manager They have a property manager who checks în theîr guests. He makes sure the property has been ceaned, he buys a wecome package and he aso shows them around the property. He’s aso avaîabe îf they need any assîstance durîng theîr stay. maçon (le) bricklayer A brîckayer îs a person wîth specîic skîs and traînîng, abe to brîck was and to buîd paces. Brîckayers often go on apprentîceshîp to acquîre the requîred skîs.
maître d’œuvre (le) chief architect/engineer for the works/ project manager The chîef archîtect caed when you were away, he saîd he had a questîon for you.
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marchand de biens (le) real estate dealer A rea estate deaer îs someone who purchases a property wîth the întentîon to rese ît and to make a proit. For exampe, peope who lîp propertîes to make short-term încome are consîdered rea estate deaers. menuisier (le) carpenter A carpenter maîny buîds and repaîrs wooden structures such as was or roofs. Thîs încudes the desîgns, constructs, remodes, retroits and repaîrs of înterîor and exterîor structures made of paster, concrete, wood, drywa or brîck. In certaîn areas, he/she needs to secure constructîon for earthquake preparedness. A carpenter must show thorough knowedge of methods, materîas, toos, and equîpment used în both rough and inîshed carpentry în both resîdentîa and commercîa/ îndustrîa settîngs; appîcabe buîdîng and safety code requîrements; methods and practîces foowed în the maîntenance of toos, machînery, and equîpment. notaire (le) notary/escrow (US) The notary îs the pubîc oficîa în France responsîbe for receîvîng, competîng and sîgnîng a the documents when a property îs sod or purchased. They work under the authorîty of the Mînîster of Justîce. They are în charge of creatîng and sîgnîng the preîmînary contract of sae and the ina deed of sae, as we as a the necessary ega paperwork. They charge specîic fees that the buyer usuay has to pay for. The meetîng wîth the notary îs usuay an hour ong. He has to read a ot of pages and then you and the buyers need to sîgn a the documents. It’s very forma but everythîng has been checked before, don’t worry.
peintre (le) painter Have we receîved the quote from the paînter yet? I thînk hîs îdeas are good but I’m afraîd ît mîght be a bît expensîve.
Mots clés de l'immobilier.indd 9
Anyways, have you decîded îf you wanted goss or matte paînt?
plombier (le) plumber A pumber îs responsîbe for înstaîng, repaîrîng and maîntaînîng pîpes, ixtures and other pumbîng used for water dîstrîbutîon and waste water dîsposa în resîdentîa, commercîa and îndustrîa buîdîngs. I am caîng the pumber rîght away. They have another eak în the bathroom and the renter îs reay mad. It has to be ixed today. promoteur immobilier (le) developer/real estate development professional Rea estate deveopers acquîre property upon whîch they pan to deveop theîr rea estate projects, whether for commercîa or resîdentîa purposes. These two broad categorîes encompass everythîng from retaî, ofice and îndustrîa deveopment to sînge- and mutî-famîy homes. >projet immobilier (le) real estate development There îs a new rea estate deveopment that I woud îke to show you. It wî be ocated în the cîty center, where the factorîes of the oca newspaper used to be. It’s a hîgh end deveopment, we are takîng 5 000,00 € per square meter. technicien (le) technician I am sendîng a technîcîan to your house. He knows he mustn’t bî you, we wî take care of thîs.
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