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Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
M a t h Ta l k
1. Ho w can tr i angl es and rectangl es hel p y ou find a reas o f
unfam il iar compo s i te sha pes ?
2 . Des cribe repre sen t atio ns y ou can dra w to pro v e ho w area
f or mulas f or rectangl es and tr iangl es a re rel ated.
3. What strate g ie s can y ou use to k eep track o f a reas of
com pos ite sh apes after decompo s ing the m into o ther sh apes ?
4. Raqu e l sa ys that areas of triangl es are a l w ay s less than a reas
o f rectangl es . W hat d o y ou th in k abou t her re asoning ?
5. Fri da a rgues , “I can f ind the area of an y po l y go n b y di vi ding
i t int o tr iangl es first. ” What doe s sh e mean by this ? Do y ou
agree wi th her argu men t? Why o r w h y no t ?
6. When m i ght p ark ra ng ers need to fi nd areas of rec ta ngl es,
tr iangl es , and com pos i te sh apes ?
D o n a H e r w e ck R ic e
C ontributing A uthor
Alison S. Marzocchi, Ph.D .
C onsultant
Colleen P ollitt, M.A.Ed.
Math Support T eacher
Howard County Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed., P ublisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Dona Herweck Rice, Series Developer
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Series Developer
Diana Kenney , M.A.Ed., NBCT , Content Director
Stacy Monsman, M.A., Editor
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
F abiola Sepulveda, Graphic Designer
Image Credits: p.12 wwing/iStock; p.13 (t op right) Wh yte Museum of the Canadian
Rockies, Round family fonds ( V547/II/D/pa-8); p.15 (top right) NASA Earth Observatory/
Jesse Allen/Courtesy of the NASA EO-1 team; p.16 Neale Clark/robertharding/Newscom;
p.17 (bottom) Songquan Deng/Shutterstock; p .22 Jeff Wh yte/Shutterstock; p.23 (t op)
Jeff Wh yte/iStock; p.23 (bottom) Chantal de Bruijne/Shutterst ock; p.29 (bottom) Creative
F amily/iStock; all other images Shutterstock and/or iStock.
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Rice, Dona, author .
Title: Banff National P ark area / Dona Herweck Rice.
Description: Huntington Beach, CA : T eacher Created Materials, 2019. |
Series: T ravel adventures | Includes index. | Audienc e: Grade 4 to 6. |
Identifiers: L CCN 2018047792 (print) | L CCN 2018051757 (ebook) | ISBN
9781425855338 (eBook) | ISBN 9781425858896 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Banff National P ark (Alta.)-- Juvenile literature .
Classification: L CC F1079.B5 (ebook) | L CC F1079.B5 R53 2019 (print) | DDC
L C record av ailable at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018047792
T eacher Crea ted Materials
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
ISBN 978-0-7439-2429-0
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
T able of Conten ts
A r r i v a l ............................................................................ 4
T ak ing I t A ll I n .............................................................. 8
Mo re Tha n Can BeS een ................................................ 1 6
A roun d T o wn................................................................ 22
The Great Outdoo rs ...................................................... 26
Prob le m Sol ving ........................................................... 28
Gl ossar y ....................................................................... 30
Inde x ............................................................................. 3 1
Answ er Ke y .................................................................. 3 2