Stars Of Mount Quixx , livre ebook









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'Even the best intentions can bring down a mountain Sent away for the summer, the Ivyweather sisters were promised a family vacation by their wealthy, indifferent parents. Two at-odds opposites Constance an anxious society sweetheart and Ivory an adventure-struck rebel the sisters aren t sure what to make of the dangerously decayed town of Quixx and its creeping fog that never seems to lift. When Ivory disappears after a spat with her sister, Constance tracks her to the mountain, where the Ivyweathers learn the town s hushed talk of monsters is more than just a rumor. There, the sisters meet Derrek, a dapper and talented astronomer who also happens to be a spider-like creature with a scientific mind, the best of intentions, and a tragic past. Together, they all must find a way to lift the dangerous fog that has ensnared the town and return Quixx s long-lost stars. But they soon discover that something far more monstrous than beasts lurks in Quixx, and i
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25 avril 2023

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10 Mo

The Stars of
Mount Quixx
S.M. Beiko
Côî © S.M. Béîkô, 2023
PUîŝé  ECW Péŝŝ 665 Géà Séé Eàŝ Tôôô, Oàîô, Cààà m4m 1y2 416-694-3348 / îfô@éçwéŝŝ.çô
A îŝ éŝéVé. Nô à ôf îŝ Uîçàîô à é éôUçé, ŝôé î à éîéVà ŝŝé, ô àŝîé î à fô  à ôçéŝŝ — ééçôîç, éçàîçà, ôôçôî, éçôî, ô ôéwîŝé — wîôU é îô wîé éîŝŝîô ôf é çôî ôwéŝ à ECW Péŝŝ. Té ŝçàî, Uôàî, à îŝîUîô ôf îŝ ôôk Vîà é ïéé ô Vîà à ôé éàŝ wîôU é éîŝŝîô ôf é Uîŝé îŝ îéà à Uîŝàé  àw. Péàŝé Uçàŝé ô àUôîzé ééçôîç éîîôŝ, à ô ô àîçîàé î ô éçôUàé ééçôîç îàç ôf çôîé àéîàŝ. YôU ŝUô ôf é àUô’ŝ îŝ îŝ àéçîàé.
Eîô fô é Péŝŝ: Jé R. Aé SUŝàîVé Eîô: Jéîfé Hàé CôVé éŝî: Lîŝà Màîé Pôîîô
library and archives canada cataloguingin publication
Tîé: Sàŝ ôf MôU QUîxx / S.M. Béîkô.
Nàéŝ: Béîkô, S. M., àUô.
Déŝçîîô: Séîéŝ ŝàéé: Té Bîéwàç qUîé ; ôôk ôé
ïéîIéŝ: Cààîàà (î) 20220430926 | Cààîàà (éôôk) 20220430950
isbn 978-1-77041-695-6 (ŝôfçôVé) isbn 978-1-77852-121-8 (PDF) isbn 978-1-77852-122-5 (Kîé) isbn 978-1-77852-120-1 (éPU)
CàŝŝîIçàîô: LCC PS8603.E428444 S73 2023 | DDC C813/.6—ç23
Tîŝ ôôk îŝ fUé î à  é GôVéé ôf Cààà.Ce lIvre est inancé en partIe par le gouvernement du Canada.Wé àçkôwéé é ŝUô ôf é Cààà CôUçî fô é Aŝ.Nous remercIons le ConseIl des arts du Canada de son soutIen.Wé àçkôwéé é fUî ŝUô ôf é Oàîô Aŝ CôUçî (OAC), à àéç ôf é GôVéé ôf Oàîô. Wé àŝô àçkôwéé é ŝUô ôf é GôVéé ôf Oàîô ôU é Oàîô Bôôk PUîŝî Tàx Céî, à ôU Oàîô Céàéŝ.
printed and bound in canada
printing: riesens
For Peter, irst, wo beîeved în Quîxx beore e saw ît on te page. And or a o you wo ook up at te stars wît wonder, and dream.
can ande watever Mount Quîxx trows at me,Kaus ad I joked, beore work ad swaowed te weeks and se’d et îm tat ast tîme. He was aways so sure o îmse. And Camîe ad been sure o îm, too. But te smoke peeîng of te mountaîn now was tîck and crue — te best evîdence tat tere ad been an exposîon, save te du rîngîng în er ead. So many lares o sarp, jaundîced îgt tat sook te word, stî tere wen Camîe cosed er eyes. Neîgbours screamed, runnîng down te street în teîr nîgtîes. he nîgt was aîve wît ear. But wîwesurvîve wat Mount Quîxx as trown atus? Camîe tîgtened er ist around er scar, er eart keepîng tîme wît te away’s carrîage cock. Se soud’ve îdden beneat te kîtcen tabe trougout te basts, but er body woudn’t aow ît. Se’d watced ît a, sîent as stone. he ouse ad been sturdîy buît and wasn’t about to be knocked down. Neîter was Camîe. Wat ît came down to was tîs: Kaus was on tat mountaîn, wîc ad just been aoed în ceestîa bombs. Camîe was sturdy, but not sturdy enoug to ose îm. Se counted te seconds between te atersocks, ed irm to te counter as broken cîna îttered te parquet.
he ouse was stî. Se’d waîted ong enoug. Pusîng er spectaces up er nose, se was a lurry out te ront door. he acked mountaîn next to were Camîe ad grown up was practîcay on te doorstep, wîc îs wy tîs arrange-ment ad been so perect or er and Kaus. Except now er doorstep was rînged în ire and doubt. he ouse was ocated across rom a cearîng, and ten te mountaîn, but now tere was a crater were te cearîng ad been, a quarter mîe wîde and carred. Camîe barey pued er spectator soes rom te edge în tîme, arms spîraîng as se anded on te road beînd er. Se’d aready waîted or te worst o te bazes to subsîde, yet stî te aîr scorced er skîn. Se pued er egs back under er anyway and got up, sakîng. Se trîed to peer down te street to see î tere was a better way. But smoke — no, og? — seemed to rîse rom te crater, rîse and spread, îts ingers greedy, swaowîng Camîe’s neîg-bourood beore er eyes. Se ooked up at te bent spîre, up and up to te pace were se knew te observatory was, îdden now by og and maybe a îtte bît o doubt. Se knew î se went dîrecty down tîs new sope te crater ad made, ît woud be te most dîrect route to Kaus. he astest. Never mînd tat ît was a crackîng brîmstone; tîs ad to be just anoter o te mountaîn’s many trîcks. hat îs,îte observatory was stî tere. Camîe sut er eyes. Trîed to îsten.Te me wat I soud do, se begged te nîgt aîr, searcîng or te voîce tat ad aways guîded er.Pease te me tat e’s a rîgt.No answer. Just te wînd. Just te og. he barest sense o a great paîn. So se scrambed înto te casm as ast as se coud — se ad to get up te mountaîn, and to Kaus, watever te cost. ït was takîng muc too ong to reac te bottom o te crater, too many troat-scorcîng gasps, Camîe spayîng
out er arms and teeterîng bîndy. Se adn’t even trîed to ind te auncer în te caos —tatwoud ave been te most dîrect route — but wît a te og and te possîbe damage to te andîng zone, wo knew were se’d end up. More questîons sot troug er:Wat î I’m too ate? Wat î te teescope caved în on top o îm wîe e was scrîbbîng în îs damned notebook? Wat î te sky as aen and a o tem are . . . Se sook er ead, catcîng a dangîng root în er outstretced and and angîng tere. Keep goîng.Se put er eet back down. Soon se was at te bottom o te crater, te mountaîn aead and up. Red embers and burnîng brus sowed er te way to te steep mountaîn pass, and toug every step was perî, Camîe knew ît was tîme to orget everytîng. Forget everytîng and et te mountaîn take er were se needed to go. To keep er steady, se îmagîned Kaus’s brogue, as cear as î e were wîsperîng dîrecty înto er trobbîng sku: Pysîcs are useess ere, e joked. he scar on Camîe’s souders loated around er ead as se turned a corner. Her eet sîpped of te ground as se entered a amîîar pocket o geograpîc antî-gravîty.he mountaîn as îts own rues. hat, se’d aways known. And se’d earned tem we. But se expected tat a to cange ater tonîgt. Camîe grabbed or anytîng se coud on te rock ace and pued erse upward. You can do anytîng î you’re ooîs enoug.hat proverb ad been ers. As se cîmbed îger and îger, er body a-loatîng as î ît were a bît o dandeîon, makîng progress around te dark trees tat bearded te sate. he stenc o smoke became enoug to ead te way. A se ad to do was keep goîng up. But Camîe’s panîc inay caugt up wît er body. Her skîn prîcked as te ot wînd comped er ees. Se
coudn’t spare a and to ind te next od. he tears were a surprîse, te aîr searîng er îgt-starved eyes. Camîe never ad patîence or tears. Se needed to take anoter step. Yet wen se trîed, se ost purcase and sîpped, and and oot, te upsîde-down momentum sendîng er lyîng upward and out o contro. he mountaîn caugt er îke a crade, wît a sab o rock at er back. As te aîr came back to er ungs, se trîed to ook aead, above. here was no sky, but te mountaîn was a beak burnt tempe bendîng wît te dark. Her body pressed înto te rock and se eard te mountaîn.Paîn, ît ecoed.My paîn. And yours. Camîe permîtted one sob to bubbe up, buryîng er ace în te scar as se tougt o te sma, strange amîy se ad buît on tîs mountaîn — a mountaîn tat was urtîng but wîc ad betrayed er a te same. Her tears loated up past er ead. he abrîc stî smeed îke Kaus: resîn and spîed înk and bergamot tea and country aîr. Se ed on to tat. Se knew wît terrîbe certaînty tat se’d never sme îm agaîn. “Pease,” came a voîce amost as mîserabe as er tougts. “Pease don’t cry.” Camîe stîfened, er ead turnîng wîdy as se adjusted er gasses, er eyes, and trîed to see wat se dîdn’t want to see, but wat se must. “Were are you?” se croaked, tryîng to ind reîe. “Are you urt? ïs e—” “ï wasn’t brave enoug.” Camîe ed ast to te outcrop o rock so tat se woudn’t loat away, turnîng towards te broken voîce. “ït’s a rîgt,” se saîd înto te dark. ït was very muc nota rîgt, but se needed to be strong. Strong or bot teîr sakes. Se ed an arm out. “ï’m ere now.”
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