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Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
M a t h Ta l k
1. Lu cas w o n ders, “H o w many f a ns are at the stadium toda y?”
Azzore w onde rs, “What a re the mo st po pula r f ood ite ms at the
stadi um ?” Ho w can y ou te l l whi ch i s a s tatisti cal qu es ti on ?
2 . Jimmy f org ot the dif f erence be tw een mean and median. What
advi ce can yo u gi ve him ?
3. T eam A has 1 0 pl a ye rs, T eam B has 1 1 p la y ers , and T eam C
has 1 2 pla y ers. N atalia determ ines that the mean and median
num ber o f p lay ers is 1 1 . She c on c l udes mean and median a re
alw a y s the same f or e v er y set o f d ata. Is sh e correct ? W hy o r
why n ot?
4. W hen a coac h report s a team ’ s average number o f hom e r uns,
sh oul d the y use mean or median ? Why ?
5. Kei sh a surve ys s t ude nts t o fi nd o u t ho w mu c h time they w a n t
to spe nd p la ying C apture the F la g on fie ld da y . A fter a nal yzin g
the data, she sa ys ther e is n ot a c lear a ns w er because there i s
too m uc h “ s pread in the data. ” W hat does s he m ean by this ?
6. Ho w do ath l etes , co ach es, and s portscaste rs use s tatis tic s ?
Ma r issa Her n a ndez
Statistical Questions and Measures
T eacher Created Materials
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc .
C ontributing A uthor
Michelle Jovin, M.A.
C onsultant
Colleen P ollitt, M.A.Ed.
Math Support T eacher
Howard Coun ty Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed ., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Dona Herweck Rice, Series Developer
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Series Developer
Diana Kenney , M.A.Ed., NBCT , Content Director
Stacy Monsman, M.A., Editor
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
F abiola Sepulveda, Graphic Designer
Image Credits: pp.2–3, pp .20–21 Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock; p.4 Keet on Gale/
Shutterstock; p.5 Jenny Solomon/Shutterst ock; p.6 (middle) Courtesy of the Hawaii
State Archives [BL -2134-77]; p.6 (bottom) National Baseball Hall of F ame Library
[BL -73.37]; p.7 Library of Congress [L C-DIG-ppmsca-18405]; p.8 Bentley Historical
Library, University of Michigan; p.9 Library of Congress [L C-DIG-pga-04207]; p.10
(top) Mark Rucker/Tr anscendental Graphics/Getty Images; p.10 (bottom) Library of
Congress [L C-L9-54-3566- O]; pp.12–13 Zimm ytws/Dreamstime; p.13 (top) Eric Br oder
Van Dyke/Shutterstock; p .14 Pierre E. Debbas/Shutterstock; p .17 (top) Raymond
Carlin III/USA TOD A Y Spor ts/Newscom; p.17 (bott om) Robert Hanashiro/USA T ODA Y
Sports/Newscom; p.18 (left) T err y Schmitt/UPI/Newscom; p.18 (right) V alerie Shoaps/
Cal Sport Media/Newscom; p.19 Paul Rutherford/USA TODA Y Sports/Newscom; p.20
(middle) Sporting News Archive/Sporting News via Getty Images; p.21 (left, right)
Courtesy Robin Erickson; p.21 (top) Fr ancis P . Burke Collection; p.22 (bottom left) Erik
Williams/USA TOD A Y Sports/Newscom; p.22 (bottom right) Meri Simon/KRT/Newscom;
pp.24–25 F rank Romeo/Shutterstock; p.24 (bottom) Bettmann/Getty Images; p.26
(bottom) Ken Love/KRT/Newscom; p .27 (top) AP Photo/Darron Cummings; p.28 Library
of Congress [DIG-ggbain-30907]; all other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hernandez, Marissa, author .
Title: Baseball : statistical questions and measures / Marissa Hernandez.
Description: Huntington Beach, CA : T eacher Creat ed Materials, 2019. |
Series: Spectacular spor ts | Includes bibliographical referenc es and
index. | Audience: Grade 4 to 6. |
Identifiers: L CCN 2018051880 (print) | L CCN 2019005558 (ebook) | ISBN
9781425855376 (eBook) | ISBN 9781425858933 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Baseball-- Juvenile literatur e. |
Baseball--Statistics--Juvenile lit erature. | Sta tistics--Juvenile
literature .
Classification: L CC GV867.5 (ebook) | L CC GV867.5 .H455 2019 (print) | DDC
L C record a vailable at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018051880
All companies, websites , and products mentioned in this book are
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T abl e of Con ten ts
L et’ s Play B a ll! ............................................................... 4
Histo ry of the Game ....................................................... 6
Baseba l l Basics ............................................................. 12
S ta tis tic a ll y S peaking ................................................... 18
A Numbers Ga me ......................................................... 26
P r o ble m S olv i n g ........................................................... 28
Glos sa r y ....................................................................... 30
I n d ex ............................................................................. 31