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Publié par
Date de parution
20 mai 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
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Date de parution
20 mai 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Dona H er weck R ice
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
Consultan t
Jessica White and her students
Pride Elementary School
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed ., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director
V éronique Bos, Creative Director
Robin Erickson, Ar t Director
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
Lee Auc oin, S enior Gr aphic Designer
Image Credits:
front cov er (top), back cover , p.1, p.4 (top), p .17 (top), p.18 (bottom), p .19, p.24, p.25,
p.26 (top , bottom), p.31, p .32 Cour tesy Gail Halv orsen; front cover (bottom), p.1
U.S. Air F orce; pp.2–3 akg-images/Newsc om; p.5 T he LIFE Picture Collection/Getty
Images; p.6 Library of Congress [L C-USF34-037392-D]; p.7 (top) Library of Congress
[L C-USZ62-115128]; p.7 (bottom) Library of Congress [L C-DIG-ppmsca-31771]; p.8 U.S.
Navy; p.10 (background) Imperial W ar Museum [C 5284]; p.12 Na tional Numismatic
Collection, National Museum of American History ; p .13, p.29 Associated Pr ess;
p.14 Imperial War Museum [MH 30687]; p.15 U .S. National Archives; p .16, p.23 (top)
Bettmann Archive/Getty Images; p.17 (bottom) The Advertising Archives/Alamy;
p.18 (top) Hult on D eutsch/Getty Images; pp.18–19 (background) Horst Sturm/
picture-alliance/ZB/Newscom; p.18 (background) picture-alliance/ZB/Newscom; p .20
PjrStudio/Alamy; p.21 U .S. Depar tment of Defense; p.22 dpa/picture-alliance/dpa/
AP Images; p.23 (bottom) The Salt Lake Tribune [15 October 1949, page 3]; pp.26–27
(background) History Office, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air For ce Base; p.27
Norbert K lähn/Wikimedia; p.28 (middle) Ralph Orlowski/Getty Images; p.28 (bottom)
SchulteProductions/iStock; all other images from iStock and/or Shutterst ock .
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Rice, Dona, author .
Title: The Chocolate Pilot / Dona Herweck Rice.
Description: Huntington Beach, CA : T eacher Cr eated Materials, 2019. |
Includes bibliographical referenc es and index. | Audience: K-Grade 3.
Identifiers: L CCN 2019006964 | ISBN 9781644910047 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Berlin (Germany)--History--Blockade, 1948-1949--Juvenile
literature . | Halvorsen, Gail S.--Juvenile literature. | Unit ed States.
Air For ce. Militar y Airlift Command--Biography--Juv enile literature. | Air
pilots, Military--United States--Biography-- Juvenile literature. | CY A C:
Berlin (Germany)--History--Blockade, 1948-1949.
Classification: L CC DD881 .R486 2019 | DDC 943/.1550874092 [B]
--dc23 LC rec ord available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019006964
T eacher C reated Materials
would lik e to thank
Chavi Lakhotia for
suggesting the idea for
this book.
ISBN 978-0-7439-2204-3
T a b le o f Co nt e nt s
Ou t of the Bl u e! 4
Bo r n to F ly 7
Ber l in Div id ed 1 1
Op er at ion Vit t le s 1 4
Life o f Ser v ice 2 7
Ma ke I t! 28
Glos s a r y 3 0
I n d e x 31
Y o ur T ur n! 3 2