Information Revolution , livre ebook









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Between 1950 and 2001, the development of technology changed the world. Known as the Information Revolution, this era revolutionized the way humans communicate and share information. Dive deep into history with this social studies book that piques students’ curiosity about history through dynamic primary sources. Primary sources give students unique insights and personal connections to history. This 32-page book includes text features that help students increase reading comprehension and their understanding of the subject. Packed with interesting facts, sidebars, and essential vocabulary, this book is perfect for reports or projects.

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Date de parution

16 septembre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

R eader ’ s Gu ide
1 . Wh y did cable t ele visio n b ecom e more pop ul a r in
the 1980s?
2 . H ow was co mmunica tion differen t befor e t he
Infor mat ion R e volut ion?
3 . Descr ibe T im B erners-Lee ’ s im p act on the in ternet.
4 . The first fully funct io ning com pu ter was b ui l t in
1946. Wh y do yo u t hink it t o ok m or e t ha n 30years
fo r comp uter s to a ppear in busines s es a nd ho mes?
5 . Whic h p a rt of the In fo r ma tion Revol ution has had
the bigges t impact on yo ur life? J ustif y y our ch oice.
6 . Bra inst orm ideas fo r a new de vice o r system
that ca n b e used to ca use the next Inf orma tion
Revolu tion. Explain to a friend ho w your device
or sys tem would wo rk and wh y you think it
isnecessar y .

St e phanie Kraus
Revol u t ion
Revol u t ion

Consultan t
Jennifer M. Lopez, NBCT , M.S.Ed.
T eacher Specialist—History/Social Studies
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Norfolk Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed ., Publish er
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in C hief
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director
Vér onique B os, Cr eative Director
Robin Erickson, Ar t Director
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
Lee Aucoin, Senior Gr aphic Designer
Image Credits: front co ver , p.1 F rank Martin/BIPs/Getty Images; p.5
(top) Internet Archive; p .5 (bottom) Paul Coulomb; p .6 W indell Osk ay/
Flickr; p.7 (all) U .S. Ar m y; p.8 AlisonW; p .9 Thomas Nguyen; p.10 (right)
NASA; p.11 Bettmann/Getty Images; p.12 (both) Andrew "F astLizard4"
Adams; p .13 (left) Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times via Getty I mages;
p.14 (left) Roberto Brosan, George Segal (sculpture) for TIME; p.14
(right) secretlondon123/Flickr; p.16 (left) Museum of Applied Arts &
Sciences, Australia; pp .16?17 Sal V eder/AP Photo; p.17 (right) Raneko/
Flickr; p.18 Julie Deshaies/Shutterstock; p .19 (top) Doug Wilson/Corbis
via Getty Images; p.19 (bottom) Ruben de Rijcke; p.20 CERN/Science
Source; p.21 (right) Tim Berners-Lee for CERN; p .22 (left) FPS/Newscom;
p.22 (right) T om Kelley Archive/iStock; p.23 F eature Photo Service/
Newscom; p .25 MailHamdi/Shutterstock; p.28 Ken Wolter/Shutterstock;
p.32 (right) Casimir o PT/Shutterstock; all other images from iStock and/
or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Kraus, Stephanie, author .
Title: The information revolution / Stephanie Kraus.
Description: First edition. | Huntington Beach : T eacher Created Materials,
2019. | Includes index. | Audience: Ages 7. | Audienc e: Grades 2-3. |
Summary : "T oday , it's hard to imagine life without smartphones and the
internet. But those technologies wer en't around 50 years ago. Between
1950 and 2001, the development of technology changed the world . Not only
did it revolutionize the wa y humans communicate and share inf ormation,
it changed the world's economy . T his time became known as the
Information Revolution"-- Pr ovided by publisher.
Identifiers: L CCN 2019024412 (print) | LC CN 2019024413 (ebook) | ISBN
9781425850777 (paperback) | ISBN 9781425850777 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: T elecommunication--History--Juvenile literature . |
Information technology--History--Juvenile literatur e.
Classification: L CC TK5102.2 .K73 2019 (print) | L CC TK5102.2 (ebook) |
DDC 303.48/33--dc23
L C record av ailable at
L C ebook record av ailable at
All companies, websites , and products mentioned in this book are registered
trademarks of their respective owners or developers and are used in this book
strictly for editorial purposes. No commercial claim to their use is made by the
author or the publisher .
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
© 2020 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
ISBN 978-0-7439-6786-0

T a bl e of C o nt e n ts
I n for mat ion at Ou r Fi ng er t ip s ........................... 4
New T ec h nolog y .................................................. 6
Ap pl e , W i n do ws, & t he W or ld Wi de W eb ..... 16
Eco n omi c G ro w t h ............................................. 22
e F utu r e of T echnol og y ................................ 26
S t a ge It ! ............................................................... 28
Glo ss a r y .............................................................. 30
I nde x ................................................................... 31
Y o ur T urn ! .......................................................... 32

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