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Publié par
Date de parution
16 septembre 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
16 septembre 2019
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
R eade r ’ s G ui de
1 . Wha t wa s the H arlem Rena issa nce?
2 . H o w was jazz poet r y li ke jazz m usic?
3 . In wha t wa ys did cult ure p la y a ro le in the
Harlem R e naiss an ce ?
4 . Explain wh y the H ar lem Renais sance was a n
im portant time period in U .S. histo r y .
5 . Wha t effects of the H arlem Rena issance ar e felt in
the U ni ted Sta tes today?
6 . Pr etend you a re the owne r of the Sa voy Ballroom.
Crea te an ad tha t encourages peop le to come
dance a t your es tablishm ent.
Dona H er weck R ice
Consultan t
Jennifer M. Lopez, NBCT , M.S.Ed.
T eacher Specialist—History/S ocial Studies
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Norfolk Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed ., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director
Vér onique B os, Creative Director
Robin Erickson, Ar t Director
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
Mindy Duits, Senior Graphic Designer
Image Credits: front cov er (bottom left) Library of Congress, W illiam P . Gottlieb Collection [LC-
GLB13- 0421]; front cover (bottom right) L OC [LC-USZ62-127236]; pp .2–3 LOC, William P . Gottlieb
Collection [LC-GLB23-1019 DL C ]; p.5 (left) Newscom; p.5 (right) L ebrecht Music & Ar ts/Alamy; p.6 (left)
LOC, General C ollections [Digital ID # na0026]; p.7 (right) L OC [LC-DIG-ppmsca-38818]; p .7 (lef t) T he
University of Chicago Library; p.8 (right) LOC [L C-DIG-fsa-8c02701]; p.9 LOC [L C-USF33-020566-M4];
p.10 (left) L OC [E185 .5.O6]; p.11 Archiv e Photos/Getty Images; pp.12–13 V alerie Gerrard Browne/
Chicago History Museum/Bridgeman I mages; p.13 (right) L OC [m1508.52922]; p.14 Eliot Elisofon/
The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images; p.15 Stefano Bianchetti/Corbis via Getty Images; p.16
George Karger/Pix Inc./The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images; p.17 (left) Gjon Mili/The LIFE Picture
Collection/Getty Images; p.17 (right) LOC [L C-USZ62-39300]; p.18 LOC [L C-GLB13-0421]; p.19 Bettman/
Getty Images; p.19 (insert) Cab Calloway , “ The New Cab Calloway’ s Cat-ologue/a Hepster ’ s Dic tionary ”
(Revised Edition, NY , 1939); p.20, p .25 (top right) New Y ork Public Library ; p.21 (left) National Portrait
Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of W . Tjark Reiss, in memory of his father , Winold Reiss. © Estate of
Winold Reiss; p.21 (right), p .23, p.24 Carl V an Vechten photog raph/Beinecke Library © Van Vechten Trust;
p.22 New Y ork Public Library/Science Source; p.25 (left) L OC [LC-USZ62-126945]; p .25 (bottom right) LOC
[LC-USZ62-42529]; p .26 National Museum of American H istory; p.27 W eegee (Arthur Fellig)/International
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p.32 (right) L OC [m1508.52922]; all other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publica tion Data
Names: Rice, Dona, author .
Title: Harlem Renaissance / Dona Herweck Rice.
Description: 1st. | Huntington Beach : T eacher Created Materials , 2019. |
Audience: Ages 7 | Audienc e: Grades 2-3 | Summary : “ After years of
oppression and slavery, a new da y dawned for African Americans in the
early twentieth century. An explosion of art, literature , music, and
more swept the nation. In Harlem, New York, it was especially evident.
It was there that a renaissance of art and thought caught the attention
of the country and the world. Life was forev er changed for both black
and white Americans”-- Pr ovided by publisher .
Identiers: LC CN 2019024297 (print) | LCCN 2019024298 (ebook) | ISBN
9781425850678 (paperback) | ISBN 9781425850678 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: African Americans--Music--History and criticism--Juvenile
literature. | Jazz--New Y ork (State)--New Y ork--1921-1930--History and
criticism--Juvenile literatur e. | Jazz--New York (State)--New
Y ork--1931-1940--Histor y and criticism--Juvenile literatur e. | Harlem
Renaissance--Juvenile literature. | Harlem (New Y ork ,
N.Y .)--Intellectual life--20th centur y--Juvenile liter ature.
Classication: LC C ML3508.8.N5 R53 2019 (print) | LCC ML3508.8.N5
(ebook) | DDC 780.89/9607307471--dc23
LC r ecord available at https://lccn.loc .gov/2019024297
LC ebook r ecord available at https://lccn.loc .gov/2019024298
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5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
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©2020 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
ISBN 978-0-7439-6778-5
T ab l e o f Co n te nt s
e A T ra in ............................. 4
A Ren a issa nce in Harle m ................. 6
A l l at J a zz a nd the Craz y Bl ues ......... 14
A Dream Def er red ...................... 20
e R enaissa nce Liv e s On ................ 26
Si n g It ! ................................ 28
Glo ss a r y ............................... 30
I nde x ................................. 31
Y o ur T urn ! ............................. 32