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Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
28 juin 2019
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
1. A re linea r , square, o r cub ic units us ed to measure the surface area
o f t h ree- dimensi on a l f i g ures ? Why ?
2 . What are t he diffe rences be t w een prisms and p y ram ids ?
3. H o w ca n unders ta nding area f or tw o -d imens io na l figures he lp y ou
fi nd s u r f ace a rea f or th ree -d imens io nal f igures ?
4. Ho w a re two-di mens i onal nets re lated to thre e-d imens io na l
f i g u r e s?
5. Emil ia thi nk s that al l cu bes a re recta ngular pr is ms. Do y ou agree ?
W h y or wh y no t?
6. Crea te two diff eren t recta ngular pr isms wi th the same sur face area.
M a t h Ta l k
Nets and Sur face Area
S as k ia La ce y
T eacher Created Mat erials
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
C ontributing Author
Alison S. Marzocchi, Ph.D .
C onsultant
Colleen P ollitt, M.A.Ed.
Math Support T eacher
Howard Coun t y Public Schools
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed ., Publisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Editor in Chief
Dona Herweck Rice, Series Developer
Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Series Developer
Diana Kenney , M.A.Ed., NBC T , Content Director
Stacy Monsman, M.A., Editor
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
F abiola Sepulveda, Graphic Designer
Image Credits: pp.2–3 Dvoevnor e/Shutterstock; p.4 Benedek/iStock; p.5 MasterLu/iStock;
p.6 Album/Prisma/New scom; p.7 T ibor Bognar/Alamy ; p.8 (right) Hemis/Alamy; p.12 (left)
Museo Nacional del Prado; p .12 (right) M ister Knight/Shutterstock; p.13 (bottom) T ak ashi
Images/Shutterstock; p.14 (left) Dominique F aget/AFP/Gett y Images; p.14 (right) Courtesy
Renzo Piano Building Workshop; p.15 (top left) Aerial-motion/Shutterst ock ; p.15 (right)
Shaun Jeffers/Shutterstock; p.15 (bott om lef t) Goga18128/Shutterstock; pp.16–17 Rolf
52/Shutterstock; p.17 (top left) DesignsCAD; p .17 (right) Aurora Photos/Alamy; p.19 (top)
Hwa Cho Y i/Shutterstock; p.19 (bottom) National Archives [69-RP -4K-1]; p.20 Sophie Jame/
Shutterstock; p.21 (left) CB2/ZOB/WENN/New scom; p.22 Alexandra Lande/Shutterstock;
p.23 (top) Vladislav Gajic/Shutterstock; p.23 (bottom) Thierry Orban/Sygma via Getty
Images; p.24 Bond Rocket Images/Shutterstock; p.25 Shawn Kashou/Shutterstock; p.26,
p.27 Courtesy Aedas; p .29 Chesnot/Getty I mages; p.31 Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock; all
other images from iStock and/or Shutterstock.
Library of Congress Ca taloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Lacey , Sask ia, author .
Title: Buildings around the world : nets and surface area / Saskia Lacey .
Description: Huntington Beach, CA : T eacher Created Materials, [2019] |
Audience: Grade 4 to 6 | Includes index. |
Identifiers: L CCN 2018047793 (print) | LC CN 2018056364 (ebook) | ISBN
9781425855369 (eBook) | ISBN 9781425858926 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Ar chitec ture--Juvenile literature . | Buildings--Juvenile
literature . | Sur faces--Areas and volumes--Juvenile lit erature. |
Geometry--Problems, exer cises, etc.--Juvenile liter ature.
Classification: L CC NA2555 (ebook) | LC C NA2555 .L26 2019 (print) | DDC
L C record available at https://lccn.loc.go v/2018047793
T able of Cont en ts
The A r t of Archi te cture.................................................. 4
Ro ya l Re side nc e s ............................................................ 6
Such G r ea t Heig ht s ....................................................... 14
Mu s e u m M a r vel s .......................................................... 22
F uturi st ic S tr uc ture s ..................................................... 26
P r ob le m S olv i n g ........................................................... 28
Glos s a r y ....................................................................... 30
I nd ex ............................................................................. 31
A n s we r K e y .................................................................. 32