Diary of an American Expatriate , livre ebook









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Have you ever thought of chucking everything and starting life over in a new country? This is the true story of Ilene Springer who tells you what it's like to leave the US at the age of 55 to start a new life in another country, while reluctantly leaving two grown daughters behind who claim she is abandoning them. It tells all the good, bad and funny about being an expatriate--and there's a lot of all three. A divorced freelance writer who suffers from panic attacks, Ilene becomes desperate when her American health insurance bill skyrockets to over $900 a month. When it becomes a choice between paying the rent or going to the doctor, Ilene chooses a third, terrifying option: moving to the Mediterranean island of Malta where she can possibly train to become an English teacher and get into the country's national healthcare system. Armed with only her wits, a cat and her British-German boyfriend who she has recently met on the Web, Ilene makes the move, ironically on the eve of the election of Barack Obama. But despite being a so-called English-speaking country, Malta is not easy to get used to, Americans are not welcomed as employees and her partner is much harder to live with than she thought. And yet the gorgeous Maltese sun, sea and fascinating foreigners lead Ilene to a zany adventure of a lifetime. Based on the popular blog An American in Malta, Ilene's confessions warn anyone who ever thought of starting over somewhere new the raw, hard truth and often the hilarious things that await them.
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06 juillet 2012





Front Matter ..................................................... 3 Tîtle Page ..................................................... 3 Publîser Informatîon ................................... 4 Introductîon ................................................. 5
he Dîary o an Amerîcan Expatrîate ................ 6 Backward..................................................... 6 I Came....................................................... 11 I Saw ......................................................... 50 I Panîcked .................................................. 75
Back Matter .................................................. 132 Also Avaîlable........................................... 132
I Came, I Saw, I Panicked
by Ilene Springer
Adapted from te blog An-American-in-Malta.com
Publiser Information
he Dîary o an Amerîcan Expatrîate Pubîsed în 2012 by Andrews UK Lîmîted www.andrewsuk.com
hîs book îs sod subject to te condîtîon tat ît sa not, by way o trade or oterwîse, be ent, resod, îred out or oterwîse cîrcuated wîtout te pubîser’s prîor wrîtten consent în any orm o bîndîng or cover oter tan tat în wîc ît îs pubîsed, and wîtout a sîmîar condîtîon beîng împosed on te subsequent purcaser.
he caracters and sîtuatîons în tîs book are entîrey îmagînary and bear no reatîon to any rea person or actua appenîng.
Copyrîgt © ïene Sprînger
he rîgt o ïene Sprînger to be îdentîIed as autor o tîs book as been asserted în accordance wît sectîon 77 and 78 o te Copyrîgts Desîgns and Patents Act 1988.
hîs îs not a work of ictîon. hîs îs a story of te trut. And îf you recognîze yourself în one of te îndîvîduals portrayed ere, too bad. You sould ave tougt about tîs before you were suc a barbarîan to me. I told you I was a wrîter. Neverteless, all names ave been canged.
Venî, vîdî, vîcî. hey came, tey saw, tey conquered. Reported about Juîus Caesar and îs Roman Legîon as tey anded în Brîtaîn
To my daugters Remy and Brooke
And to Rîcky
And to Marc wo gave me my daugters
ïn Lovîng Memory o:
Babs Wenînger Heen DeYong Joanna Ferruccî Frank Suîvan
At te age o 12, ï ad my Irst panîc attack on our back porc în Hudson, New York. ï et îke sometîng was puîng me toward te edge and woud make me jump of. ï ad no întentîon o kîîng myse; ît was just tîs recurrîng tougt and orrîbe, înescapabe eeîng tat came wît ît. ïronîcay, te panîc attack came te day ï read aoud a mystery ï ad been wrîtîng în te sîxt grade. ï was very unpopuar as a pre-adoescent, but my cassmates oved te book. You know ow you remember a te names o your eementary scoo teacers? My teacer în te sîxt grade was Mrs. West. Se was at, mean and smeed--and oten umîîated me în ront o te cass or takîng. ï ated er. But or some reason, tat day, se oved te book and made me read ît out oud (ît was ony about Ive or sîx capters) severa tîmes. Se actuay canceed te oter work we were doîng tat day and made me read te book. ï came ome euporîc rom tat rare, gorîous day în scoo. And ten ï went out on te porc and was terrîIed ï was goîng to jump of. Over te next ew days--wen te auntîng tougts woudn’t stop--ï tod my moter ï was scared o sometîng but ï dîdn’t know wat. Se caed Dr. God, our amîy doctor wo ï adored and trusted, and e just saîd ï was îg-strung. Basîcay, e dîdn’t know watîtwas; no one dîd back ten. At some poînt, my moter tod Mrs. West to stop askîng me about te progress on te book. ï started assocîatîng te panîc attack wît te book în some way--te stress, ear o success, wo knows? At any rate, ï put down tat a-wrîtten book and never pîcked ît up agaîn. To tînk tat oney, terrîIed gîr on te porc woud îve to mîdde-age and move rom Amerîca to anoter country tousands
o mîes away îs too muc to beîeve even as ï sît ere în Mata and ook back on ît. he anxîety attacks came and went or te next 30 years untî ï was oicîay dîagnosed wît and treated or panîc dîsorder. Atoug anxîety coored muc o my îe, ï stî went to coege at te State Unîversîty o New York at Bîngamton, got good grades, got an M.S.W. (Masters în Socîa Work--a bîg mîstake) at te Unîversîty o Wîsconsîn--Madîson and marrîed my coege sweeteart wo became te ater o my two daugters, R and B. He was and stî îs a proessîona îvîng and workîng în Boston. He’s remarrîed. And we get aong we, especîay wen deaîng wît our daugters. Atoug ï began workîng as an MSW în Boston, were we îved or te Irst 10 years o marrîed îe, ï started reeance wrîtîng ater osîng one socîa work job ater anoter due to te economy. ïn te back o my mînd were te panîc attacks tat started wît my Irst book, but ï pused on and became a successu wrîter, pubîsîng în major newspapers and magazînes încudînghe Wasîngton Post, te Boston Globe, Cosmopolîtan, Ladîes’ Home Journal and many oter natîona women’s magazînes. But or me, ît aways îs and as been a about te economy. Freeance wrîtîng assîgnments or rea magazînes drîed up as te ïnternet took îts pace. ï ad oter jobs or a wîe, ten got aîd of rom tem. We moved rom one area to anoter, tryîng to uI te Amerîcan dream o ownîng our own ome. But we got înto a ot o Inancîa troube and în tîme, our 22-year marrîage sady broke down and we got dîvorced ater beîng togeter or 27 years--most o our îves at tat poînt, actuay. hen ï was on my own. ï ad to move rom one pace to anoter în Massacusetts as eac ocatîon became unafordabe. Fînay, ï ad to move to a dînky town în New Hampsîre because Massacusetts became too expensîve. But ï ad and made very cose rîends tere în tat town. Aong te way, ï got învoved wît a Brîtîs-German man rom Europe (we’ ca îm Mr. S) vîa te ïnternet în a cat-room or
peope wo ove ancîent Egypt ). My daugters (R and B) grew up and commuted between amîcaby dîvorced parents, tey graduated coege, got master degrees and ound jobs and boyrîends away rom teîr moter. hen te Ina bow ît me wîe ï was îvîng în Dover, New Hampsîre: eat însurance at $900/ mont wen ï turned 55. As Amerîcans are a too aware, î you ose your job, you ose your eat însurance. And ï was se-empoyed at te tîme.
So ow dîd ît a start--te îdea to eave te US and move to Mata? ï ad never been an avîd traveer. My ormer usband and ï went to Parîs, London and ïsrae one or two tîmes. ï îved my woe îve în te Norteast--NewYork State, Massacusetts and Inay, New Hampsîre. ï ony saw a ew more states--Caîornîa, New Mexîco, Forîda and Wîsconsîn were ï went or my Master’s degree. So ît’s not îke ï as been orever dreamîng o îvîng abroad. But one day ît appened.
Here’s wat you must know about te entries in tis diary. I’ve marked eac event occurring before or during Malta in terms of anxiety level and te USD rate of excange.
Anxiety Level: Eac day, even toug ï receîve treatment wîc eps contro te anxîety, ï stî rate wat my anxîety eve îs. ït can be rom 1-3--meanîng ow anxîety. Anytîng under 5--good; 5--neutra; 6--moderate pus; 7 to 8--ree-loatîng anxîety, 9--eeîng very scared, avîng antîcîpatory tougts o dread; 10--outrîgt panîc attacks.
USD Versus te Euro: he doar în reatîon to te Euro as gotten worse and worse over te ast 30 years--not a good tîng wen you consîder movîng abroad. Over tîrty years ago wen ï went on my oneymoon to Parîs, te US doar was wort twîce as tat o te Franc. Now te
sîtuatîon îs reversed. he USD îs wort ony a tîrd o te Euro. hereore, wen ï transer USD to my bank account în Mata, ï ose about a tîrd, dependîng on te day’s currency excange rate. For me, te împortant ratîo îs te USD în reatîon to te Euro. For exampe, a USD rate o .75 means tat or every USD you woud ony get about 75 cents. (ït’s actuay more compîcated tan tat, but tat’s te basîc, not very pretty pîcture.)
June 18t, 2005, Malta ï Have a Dream Anxiety Level: 2 USD .75
ït was just an ordînary day în te square o Vaetta--te capîta o Mata, a sma îsand în te Medîterranean sout o Sîcîy and nort o Tunîsîa. A troupe o ok dancers rom Greece, ïtay, ïreand and Poand pranced down Repubîc Street to entertaîn unc-goers. hîs was not sometîng tat appened în Hudson, New York, or Boston or Dover, New Hampsîre. ït was tîs day, severa summers ago, tat ï e în ove wît Mata. Mr. S and ï were tere on vacatîon. And ï decîded ï wanted to îve ere î ï got te cance. Sînce ten, Mr. S and ï ave been to Mata severa tîmes beore decîdîng to move tere. ïn act, or îm--ît’s been about 20 tîmes. For me, ît’s been our. But în te mîdst o everytîng tat’s becomîng unappeaîng about Amerîca, Mata îs becomîng more aurîng: he endess wînters în te Norteast, te ack o communîty, te appoîntments to make appoîntments to meet a rîend, te înevîtabe ayofs, te stîgma o not beîng a omeowner, te rîsîng cost o gas, ood, eat care... don’t ook as good as wat Mata as to ofer--te sun and azure sea, our monts wîtout raîn, te rugged beauty, te easîer way o makîng rîends and te reasonabe cost o eat însurance, te act tat ît’s OK to rent. And sometîng tat’s especîay vîta to me--you can take naps tere în te aternoons wîtout peope makîng un o you.
June 21, 2008 Concrete hînkîng Anxiety Level: 7.5
hree years ater rom tat day în Vaetta, at te age o 55, ï’m pannîng to move rom te USA to Mata,însalla, ** and îve tere wît Mr. S. ï’ m countîng on teacîng EFL (Engîs as a Foreîgn Language). ï’ve set a tentatîve date în te a o 2008. ï ave no îdea î any o tîs wî work. ï waîted untî my younger daugter B graduated rom coege. Se’s 22 and R, my oder daugter, îs 26. Sounds îke a pan, rîgt? But my kîds say ï’m abandonîng tem. hey say ît’s not norma or a moter to move away rom er cîdren. hey say ï won’t ever know my grandcîdren. Maybe tey’re rîgt. And ï tînk about ît every mînute. But a journey doesn’t start wît te Irst step; ** ît starts wît te Irst tougt about takîng tat journey. And tat’s wy tîs dîary starts wîtJune, 2008, rom te very Irst rea tougt about movîng to Mata to te oowîng year,July, 2009, wen ï ad been îvîng în Mata or te Irst nîne monts.
**Insalla îs te Arabîc word orG-d Wîllîng.hîs word wî probaby appear more în tîs book tan te wordte. ï’m not at a Arabîc. But because ï sufer rom ong-term, terrîyîng anxîety and am araîd o jînxes, tîs word comes în very andy to ward of “te evî eye,” or în tîs case, te evî ear. ït’s îke knockîng-on-wood. But because Mata (a sma Medîterranean îsand sout o Sîcîy) îs mosty made o îmestone, sayîng te wordînsallaîs a ot more convenîent tan carryîng around a pîece o wood wît me.
***Od Cînese proverb--”A journey o a tousand mîes starts wît one sma step.”
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