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In the past decade, an increasing number of scholars and practitioners have contributed to the developing field of clinical behavior analysis. These writers have drawn upon long-standing behavior analytic principles and recent advances in verbal behavior research to explain the development of a variety of clinical disorders, advocate alternative approaches to clinical assessment and classification, develop new therapeutic interventions, and suggest new treatment goals. The field has grown enormously and it is fair to say that clinical behavior analysis has made some unique contributions to the fields of psychopathology, clinical assessment, and psychotherapy. The purpose of Clinical Behavior Analysis is to bring together in a single place a sampling of the work that constitutes the growing field of clinical behavior analysis.

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01 janvier 0001





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Cînîca Beavîor Anaysîs
To Megan and Tîm
Cînîca Beavîor Anaysîs
Edîtor: Mîcae J. Douger
Publisher’s Note This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books Copyright © 2004 Context Press Context Press is an imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 5674 Shattuck Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 All Rights Reserved PDF ISBN: 978-1-62625-414-5 The Library of Congress has cataloged the original print edition as: Cînîca Beavîor Anaysîs / edîted by Mîcae J. Douger p. 306 cm. ïncudes bîbîograpîca reerences ïSBN 1-878978-38-1 1. Beavîora assessment. 2. Beavîor terapy. 3. Cognîtîve terapy. ï. Douger, Mîcae J. 1950-RC473.B43C58 1999 616.89--dc21 99-43532 CIP
Foreword  Cînîca beavîor anaysîs îs a reatîvey recent and rapîdy growîng branc o appîed beavîor anaysîs. Atoug tey sare many o te same pîosopîca assumptîons, te two Ieds dîfer în terms o te types o înterventîons, cînîca dîsorders, and treatment settîngs tat caracterîze tem. Appîed beavîor anaysîs ocuses on te use o contîngency management procedures to treat severey împaîred popuatîons suc as autîstîc, braîn înjured, and deveopmentay deayed cîdren and aduts în resîdentîa treatment settîngs, specîa scoos and ospîtas. Cînîca beavîor anaysîs ocuses on te use o verbay based înterventîons to treat verbay competent cîents wo seek outpatîent treatment. he types o dîsorders treated by cînîca beavîor anaysts încude anxîety, depressîon, personaîty dîsorders, substance abuse, stress dîsorders, and reatîonsîp dîicutîes. Wîe appîed beavîor anaysîs as Lourîsed sînce îts begînnîng în te eary 1960s, ît îs ony recenty tat beavîor anaysts ave more uy addressed te îssues aced by verbay competent cîents seekîng terapeutîc assîstance.  Because o te substantîve dîferences between te two Ieds, te appîed beavîor anaysîs îterature as been o ony îmîted use to tose workîng în te emergîng Ied o cînîca beavîor anaysîs. Atoug te maînstream cînîca îterature, îs concerned wît te same substantîve îssues, te pîosopîca assumptîons, teorîes, underyîng prîncîpes, objectîves, and metods o cînîca beavîor anaysîs are so undamentay dîferent rom tose o oter cînîca approaces, încudîng beavîor terapy, tat tese îteratures ave aso been o îmîted use to cînîca beavîor anaysts. ïn te end, cînîca beavîor anaysts ave ad to deveop teîr own îterature.  he seeds o cînîca beavîor anaysîs were panted years ago în te wrîtîngs o Skînner (1953; 1957; 1974), Ferster (1972a; 1972b; 1973;), Godîamond (1974), and Hawkîns (1986). Sînce ten, an încreasîng number o beavîor anaysts ave turned teîr attentîon to cînîcay reevant beavîora penomena. Two sets o events ave been partîcuary împortant to te deveopment o te Ied. Fîrst îs te reatîvey recent and rapîd încrease în basîc researc on verba beavîor. he researc on rue-governance, stîmuus equîvaence, derîved stîmuus reatîons and te transormatîon o stîmuus unctîons as been partîcuary reevant. hîs work, muc o wîc as been conducted by cînîca beavîor anaysts temseves, as ed to an enanced understandîng o compex uman beavîor and provîded te empîrîca oundatîon upon wîc te unîque contrîbutîons made by beavîor anaysts to cînîca contexts are based.  he second set o events tat sîgnîIcanty afected te growt and dîrectîon o cînîca beavîor anaysîs was te deveopment o Koenberg and Tsaî’s Functîona Anaytîc Psycoterapy (FAP, 1994) and Hayes’ Acceptance and Commîtment herapy (ACT, Hayes & Wîson, 1994; Hayes, Stosa, & Wîson, 1999). To a arge extent, FAP reîes on dîrect contîngency sapîng o cînîcay reevant beav-îors. However, ît încorporates a basîc premîse o psycodynamîc terapîes tat te
best pace to observe and modîy tese beavîors îs wîtîn te terapeutîc sessîon. Moreover, FAP actîvey seeks to estabîs întense, curatîve, emotîona reactîons wîtîn te terapeutîc reatîonsîp. ACT, on te oter and, stems dîrecty rom a radîca beavîora perspectîve on prîvate experîence and recent researc on derîved stîmuus reatîons. ïts aîm îs to ep cîents openy experîence bot prîvate and pubîc events as tey are and wîtout dîstortîon. Peraps surprîsîngy, îts objectîves and some o îts tecnîques are sîmîar to tose advocated by Buddîsm, Gestat terapîes and exîstentîa terapîes.  Atoug tey dîfer în teîr objectîves and în te types and ocus o te înter-ventîons tey empoy, FAP and ACT represent te Irst uy artîcuated, verbay based, compreensîve, outpatîent orîented treatment approaces based upon beavîor anaytîc prîncîpes. By demonstratîng te unîque contrîbutîons tat beavîor anay-sîs can make to te cînîca context, tese two terapîes ave provîded tremendous împetus to te deveopment o te Ied. Acceptance based procedures, în partîcuar, ave recenty proîerated and ave been appîed to te treatment o a wîde-varîety o dîsorders (see Hayes, Jacobson, Foette, & Douger, 1994).  ïn te past decade, an încreasîng number o scoar/practîtîoners ave contrîbuted to te deveopîng Ied o cînîca beavîor anaysîs. hese wrîters ave drawn upon ong-standîng beavîor anaytîc prîncîpes and recent advances în verba beavîor researc to expaîn te deveopment o a varîety o cînîca dîsorders, advocate ater-natîve approaces to cînîca assessment and cassîIcatîon, deveop new terapeutîc înterventîons, and suggest new treatment goas. he Ied as grown enormousy and ît îs aîr to say at tîs poînt tat cînîca beavîor anaysîs as made some unîque contrîbutîons to te Ieds o psycopatoogy, cînîca assessment and psycoterapy. he purpose o tîs book îs to brîng togeter în a sînge pace a sampîng o te work tat constîtutes te growîng Ied o cînîca beavîor anaysîs.  he Irst our capters o te book ocus on te dîstînguîsîng caracterîstîcs o beavîor anaysîs and te recent researc on anguage and verba beavîor upon wîc muc o te Ied îs based. ïn Capter 1, Mîcae Douger and Steven Hayes provîde an îstorîca perspectîve on te deveopment o cînîca beavîor anaysîs and ay out te underyîng pîosopîca and teoretîca assumptîons tat dîstînguîs ît rom oter cînîca approaces, încudîng beavîor terapy and cognîtîve beavîor terapy. ïn Capter 2, Key Wîson and Jon Backedge dîscuss te cînîca reevance o recent beavîor anaytîc researc on anguage and verba beavîor. hese autors make te argument tat recent data draw înto questîon Skînner’s deInîtîon o verba beavîor, and tey ofer an aternatîve deInîtîon, wîc tey suggest provîdes a better ramework or understandîng împortant cînîca penomena. ïn te next capter, Dermot Barnes, ïan Stewart, Sîmon Dymond, and Bryan Roce attempt to brîng some carîty to te term “se,” one o te most requenty used but poory under-stood terms în psycoogy. hese autors rey on recent deveopments în Reatîona Frame heory to provîde an account o te deveopment o te concept o se and reated cînîca dîsorders. ïn Capter 4, Jacqueîne Pîstoreo, Vîctorîa Foette, and
Steven Hayes descrîbe te ong-term efects o cîdood sexua abuse and attempt to expaîn tese efects by appea to te concept o derîved stîmuus reatîons  he next Ive capters ocus more dîrecty on te assessment and treatment o specîIc dîsorders. ïn Capter 5, Wîîam Foette, Amy Nauge and Peter înneroot dîstînguîs between unctîona (beavîora) and more tradîtîona approaces to cînîca assessment and dîagnosîs. hey go on to descrîbe te basîc assumptîons, prîncîpes, processes, and objectîves o unctîona assessment, and suggest ow tîs approac can enance treatment utîîty and brîng some carîty to te dîicut îssue o psycoogîca eat. ïn Capter 6, Madeon Boîng, Robert Koenberg, and Cauncey Parker provîde a beavîor anaytîc account o some basîc cognîtîve terapy terms and ten descrîbe ow FAP can enance cognîtîve terapîes or depressîon. ïn te next capter, Jon Forsyt reîes on recent deveopments în verba researc to eucîdate te core processes and unctîona sîmîarîtîes among te varîous anxîety dîsorders and to suggest dîferent metods or assessîng, cassîyîng and treatîng tese dîsorders. ïn Capter 8, Sara Berns, te ate Neî Jacobson, and Andrew Crîstensen descrîbe teîr attempts to împrove upon te success rates o tradîtîona beavîora coupe terapy by încorporatîng acceptance-based procedures. hese autors descrîbe varîous strategîes or promotîng acceptance în coupe terapy and present some outcome data tat support te advantages o teîr întegrated treatment approac. ïn Capter 9, Jane Smît and Robert Meyers descrîbe te Communîty Reînorce-ment Approac to treatîng acoo probems. Unîke some o te oter treatment procedures descrîbed în tîs book, te Communîty Reînorcement Approac reîes ess on verbay based înterventîons and more on utîîzîng a broad spectrum o reîn-orcement contîngencîes în cîents’ exîstîng socîa envîronments to afect beavîor cange. Partîcuary împressîve are te efects o tese procedures wît omeess acooîcs.  he next two capters demonstrate te extensîon o cînîca beavîor anaysîs beyond te typîca cînîca context. ïn Capter 10, aura îtte and Tracy Sîmpson report te efects o appyîng acceptance based înterventîons wît coege atetes. hey caenge te conventîona wîsdom tat enanced atetîc perormance resuts rom eeîngs o conIdence and posîtîve tougts and sow tat te perormance o întercoegîate sotba payers can be enanced by cangîng te context o teîr se-tak. ïn Capter 11, Barbara Kîstenmacer and Antony Bîgan advocate expandîng te cînîca researc paradîgm by adoptîng a pubîc eat perspectîve. he autors argue tat beavîor anaysîs îs we suîted to assîst a pubîc poîcy approac to cînîca dîsorders, and tey descrîbe ow tîs approac can be used to decrease te prevaence o marîta conLîct.  he ast two capters concern te reevance to cînîca beavîor anaysîs o two undamenta îssues în te psycoterapy îterature: te terapeutîc reatîonsîp and cînîca înterpretatîon. ïn Capter 12, Barbara Koenberg dîscusses te roe o te terapeutîc reatîonsîp în cînîca beavîor anaysîs and ofers an expanatîon or te common Indîng tat muc o te împrovement în terapy stems dîrecty rom
te nature o te reatîonsîp between te terapîst and cîent. Se aso addresses te torny îssue o emotîons în te terapy context. ïn Capter 13, Davîd Perkîns, ucîanne Hackbert, and Mîcae Douger dîscuss te roe o înterpretatîon în cînîca beavîor anaysîs. ïn tat regard, tey descrîbe dîferent types o cînîca înterpreta-tîons and te processes by wîc tey may contrîbute to terapeutîc cange.
Reerences Ferster, C. B. (1972a). An experîmenta anaysîs o cînîca penomena.he Psyco-ogîca Record, 22, 1-16. Ferster, C. B. (1972b). Psycoterapy rom te standpoînt o a beavîorîst. ïn J. D. Keen (Ed.),Psycopatoogy în anîmas: Researc and cînîca împîcatîons(pp. 279-304). New York: Academîc Press. Ferster, C. B. (1973). A unctîona anaysîs o depressîon.Amerîcan Psycoogîst, 28,857-870. Godîamond, ï. (1974).Toward a constructîona approac to socîa probems: Etîca and constîtutîona îssues raîsed by appîed beavîor anaysîs.Beavîorîsm, 2, 1-85. Hawkîns, R. P. (1986). Seectîon o target beavîors. ïn R. O. Neson & S. C. Hayes (Eds.),Conceptua oundatîons o beavîora assessment (pp. 331-385). New York: Guîord. Hayes, S. C., Jacobson, N. S., Foette, V. M., & Douger, M. J. (1994).Acceptance and cange: Current content and context în psycoterapy. Reno, NV: Context Press. Hayes, S. C., Stosa, K. D., & Wîson, K. G. (1999).Acceptance and Commîtment herapy: An experîentîa approac to beavîor cange.New York: Guîord Press. Hayes, S. C., & Wîson, K. G. (1994). Acceptance and Commîtment herapy: Aterîng te verba support or experîentîa avoîdance.he Beavîor Anayst, 17, 289-303. Koenberg, R. J., & Tsaî, M. (1991).Functîona Anaytîc Psycoterapy: Creatîng întense and curatîve terapeutîc reatîonsîps.New York: Penum. Skînner, B. F. (1953).Scîence and uman beavîor. New York: he Free Press/ Macmîan. Skînner, B. F. (1957).Verba beavîor. New York: Appeton-Century-Crots. Skînner, B. F. (1974).About beavîorîsm. New York: Ared A. Knop.
Tabe o Contents
Capter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cînîca Beavîor Anaysîs Mîcae J. Douger,Unîversîty o New Mexîco Steven C. Hayes,Unîversîty o Nevada Capter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Recent Deveopments în te Beavîora Anaysîs o Language: Makîng Sense o Cînîca Penomena Key G. Wîson and Jon T. Backedge,Unîversîty o Nevada Capter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A Beavîor-Anaytîc Approac to Some o te Probems o Se: A Reatîona Frame Anaysîs Dermot Barnes-Homes, ïan Stewart,Natîona Unîversîty o Ireand, Maynoot, Sîmon Dymond,Angîa Unîversîty Poytecnîc, Bryan Roce, Natîona Unîversîty o Ireand, Maynoot Capter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Long-Term Correates o Cîdood Sexua Abuse: A Beavîor Anaytîc Perspectîve Jacqueîne Pîstoreo, Vîctorîa M. Foette, and Steven C. Hayes, Unîversîty o Nevada Capter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Functîona Aternatîves to Tradîtîona Assessment and Dîagnosîs Wîîam C. Foette, Amy E. Nauge, and Peter J. N. înneroot, Unîversîty o Nevada Capter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Beavîor Anaysîs and Depressîon Madeon Y. Boîng, Robert J. Koenberg, and Cauncey R. Parker, Unîversîty o Wasîngton Capter 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 A Process-Orîented Beavîora Approac to te Etîoogy, Maîntenance, and Treatment o Anxîety-Reated Dîsorders Jon P. Forsyt,Unîversîty at Abany, State Unîversîty o New York
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