Song Is Not the Same , livre ebook









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There has been a long-standing relationship between Jewish Americans and the world of American popular music. The essays in this volume blend surveys of music making as a whole with profiles of single artists. This is volume 8 of the annual publication, The Jewish Role in American Life (ISSN 1934-7529), produced by the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life at the University of Southern California.

Dreaming of Michael Jackson: Notes on Jewish Listening, by Gayle Wald

“Cohen Owes Me Ninety-Seven Dollars”: Images of Jews from the Jewish Sheet-Music Trade, by Jody Rosen

“Dances Partake of the Racial Characteristics of the People Who Dance Them”: Nordicism, Antisemitism, and Henry Ford’s Old-Time Music and Dance Revival, by Peter La Chapelle

“Ovoutie Slanguage is Absolutely Kosher”: Yiddish in Scat-Singing, Jazz Jargon, and Black Music, by Jonathan Z. S. Pollack

“If I Embarrass You, Tell Your Friends”: The Musical Comedy of Bell Barth and Pearl Williams, by Josh Kun

“Here’s a Foreign Song I Learned in Utah”: The Anxiety of Jewish Influence in the Music of Bob Dylan, by David Kaufman

Negotiating Boundaries: Musical Hybridity in Tzadik’s Radical Jewish Culture Series, by Jeff Janeczko


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15 décembre 2010





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The Song is Not the Same: Jews and American Popular Music
The Jewish Role in American Life
An Annual Review
The Song is Not the Same: Jews and AmericanPopular Music
The Jewish Role in American Life
Pubîsed by te Purdue Unîversîty Press or te USC Casden Instîtute or te Study o te Jewîs Roe în Amerîcan îe
An Annual Review
Volume 8
Bruce Zuckerman,Edîor Jos Kun,Gues Edîor îsa Anse,Assocîae Edîor
© 2011 by te Unîversîty o Soutern Caîornîa Casden Instîtute or te Study o te Jewîs Roe în Amerîcan îe. A rîgts reserved.
Producîon Edîor, Marîyn undberg
Cover poo: Song seet: “Wen Mose wît îs Nose eads te Band.” Poo by Buyenarge. Couresy o Gey Images.
ISBN 978-1-55753-586-3 ISBN 1-5573-586-8 ISSN 1934-7529
Pubîsed by Purdue Unîversîty Press West aayette, Indîana www.t
Prînted în te Unîted States o Amerîca.
or subscrîptîon înormatîon, ca 1-800-247-6553
Gayle Wald Dreamîng o Mîcae Jackson: Notes on Jewîs îstenîng
Jody Rosen“Coen Owes Me Nînety-Seven Doars”: Images o Jews rom te Jewîs Seet-Musîc Trade
Peter La Chapelle “Dances Partake o te Racîa Caracterîstîcs o te Peope Wo Dance hem”: Nordîcîsm, Antîsemîtîsm, and Henry ord’s Od-Tîme Musîc and Dance Revîva
Jonathan Z. S. Pollack “Ovoutîe Sanguage îs Absoutey Koser”: Yîddîs în Scat-Sîngîng, Jazz Jargon, and Back Musîc
Josh Kun “I I Embarrass You, Te Your rîends”: he Musîca Comedy o Be Bart and Pear Wîîams
David KauFman “Here’s a oreîgn Song I earned în Uta”: he Anxîety o Jewîs InLuence în te Musîc o Bob Dyan
Jef Janeczko Negotîatîng Boundarîes: Musîca Hybrîdîty în Tzadîk’s Radîca Jewîs Cuture Serîes
hîs voume contînues a practîce tat as proven îgy successu în produc-îng te two prevîousAnnua Revîews, namey, învîtîng an outstandîng cutura crîtîc and scoar to guest-edît a coectîon o essays tat ocuses on îs/er area o expertîse. In partîcuar, we ave used tese voumes to expore aspects o te Jewîs roe în Amerîcan îe tat at irst gance may seem a too amîîar ut wîc we ave trîed to îumînate rom a perspectîve tat trows suc we-known topîcs înto a dîferent kînd o reîe. In tîs înstance, te topîc îs once agaîn ostensîy we-traveed ground: Jews and teîr reatîonsîp to Amerîcan popuar musîc. But we knew we coud count on our guest edîtor or Voume 8, Jos Kun, Assocîate Proessor o Communîcatîon în te Annenerg Scoo o Communîcatîon & Journaîsm at te Unîversîty o Soutern Caîornîa, to ook at tîs topîc wît a dîferent sort o attîtude tan we mîgt conventîonay expect. Kun as uît a career out o ookîng at te cutura aspects o te Jewîs roe în Amerîcan musîc în an obeat asîon, especîay în îs roe as one o te ounders o te Ideson Socîety or Musîca Preservatîon, an organîzatîon tat as ed te way în indîng and savîng rom oscurîty essentîa and uttery ascînatîng musîca voîces o note tat ave a Jewîs dîmensîon. He sîgnas îs întentîons or tîsAnnua Revîewrom te outset wît te tîte e as cosen or ît: “he Song îs not te Same.” hîs tîte, at east or me, îmmedîatey trîg-gers a kînd o musîca counter-memory tat starts to pay în my mînd and I am tîme-warped ack to te 60s were I îmagîne I can see ead sînger Levî Stus rockîng ack and ort, wîe eîng acked y te oter tree Four Tops, as e croons te “ook” rom a cassîc Motown odîe: “It’s te same od song, ut wît a dîferent meanîng sînce you’ve een gone.” hîs song, o course, evokes te endurîng memory o a ost ove, trîg-gered every tîme te sînger recas ow a “meody keeps auntîng me, remînd-îng me ow în ove we used to e.” Tîmes may ave canged, overs may ave parted—terey endowîng te meody and yrîcs wît a dîferent, sady sen-tîmenta meanîng—ut te song îs stî te same: ît’s just everytîng ese tat as canged. So îkewîse we seem to ee aout Jews and teîr contrîutîons to Amerîcan popuar musîc, as ît arose and lourîsed în te twentîet century.
he Jewîs Roe în Amerîcan Lîe
We reca Berîn, te Gerswîns, and te oter îcons o Tîn Pan Aey wît aFectîon, rememberîng te same od songs, eard în recordîngs and seen în ims tat stî lîcker across our TV and computer screens rom a tîme gone y. Granted, tîmes may ave canged, as our ears ave ecome attuned to dîferent and ever proîeratîng genres o musîc, ut somewere ack tere we know we can stî ind an endurîng ody o popuar meodîes and yrîcs tat Jews ave contrîuted to te Amerîcan songook. We know tese songs; tey are our songs, te same ones we’ve aways known. Or are tey? Kun’s aîm as edîtor o tîsAnnua Revîewîs to pay a con-trapunta teme agaînst our musîca expectatîons. You tînk ack and eîeve you ear te same od song? Lîsten agaîn. he song îs not te same. here îs a ar greater compexîty to tose armonîes tat sape our memorîes. Wen you tune your ear to take în te sutetîes, you ind a muc more enrîced and enrîcîng texture to te Jewîs roe în Amerîcan popuar musîc. Wîe one can ardy ope to encompass a aspects o tîs concern în a sînge voume, Kun as rougt togeter ere an ecectîc group o essays tat run te gamut o Jewîs popuar musîc ut wîc a speak to a common teme, ow muc more tere îs to earn aout a suject we tougt was a so amîîar—ow muc te song îs not te same as we tougt ît was or tînk ît ougt to e. One aspect o partîcuar note empasîzed ereîn speaks to tîs atter poînt—sometîmes peope want te song to e te same—especîay wen tey are conronted y a new sound tat tey ee îs sîmpy too srî. hus Peter LaCapee consîders ow none oter tan Henry Ford reacted to jazz and te Jazz Age, notîng ow te perceîved treat o tîs “aîen” musîc ed îs antî-Semîtîsm wîe osterîng îs desîre to maîntaîn and promote more tradîtîona genres rom te prevîous century troug wat was termed “od-tîme musîc.” hîs teme aso îs a ocus o Jef Janeczko’s consîderatîon o an avant-garde ex-tensîon o kezmer musîc ot în terms o tose wo wîsed to reak out and yrîdîze tîs genre o musîc-makîng wît oter genres, tose wo ceerated tîs înnovatîon and tose wo resîsted suc post-kezmer musîc as înîmîca to taste and tradîtîon. Oter essays în tîs coectîon ook at aspects o Jewîs-Amerîcan popu-ar musîc tat surprîse us, în partîcuar, Jonatan Poack’s exporatîon o te way Jewîs/Yîddîs cooquîaîsms ound teîr way înto scat and oter orms o jazz sîngîng done y ack perormers. Jody Rosen’s survey o “Jewace” îmages on songseets o te eary twentîet century (one o wîc serves as te cover îmage or tîsAnnua Revîew) seem amost sockîng în te casua asîon tey project Jewîs stereotypes tat coud e just as easîy at ome în
te most vîruent, Nazî antî-Jewîs propaganda. Jos Kun ceebrates te raw umor o suc sîngîng comedîennes as Bee Bart and Pear Wîîams, wo în teîr ate-nîgt cabaret sows staked out a dîstîncty Jewîs terrîtory o raunc and tereby paved te way or bot emae and mae umorîsts, wo contînue to pus beyond te edges o wat îs conventîonay caed good taste. înay two essays ocus on partîcuar personaîtîes and te împact o teîr musîc rom a Jewîs perspectîve. hus, Davîd Kauman takes a cose ook at te rea and îmagîned Jewîs aspects o Bob Dyan’s songs wîe Gaye Wad remînîsces on ow Mîcae Jackson saped an împressîonabe tween-gîr’s îmage o a pop-îcon în a dîstîncty Jewîs manner. Sînce tîs voume îs a about musîc, ît ony makes sense tat we gîve our readers an opportunîty to ear and see aspects o tîs subject matter tat are ess easîy paced în prînt. So, as îs sîgnaed by edîtorîa notes în tîs voume, we ave estabîsed a websîte were our readers can go to îsten to reevant musîca cîps eatured în Janeczko’s survey o post-kezmer musîc and ave aso paced u coor versîons o te cover seets eatured în Rosen’s study o Jew-ace îmages. As was sîmîary te case or ast year’s voume o teAnnua Revîew, tîs voume deveoped out o a grant rom te Casden Instîtute gîven to Jos Kun so e coud expore în a more systematîc manner te ways în wîc Jewîs sang and jargon ound teîr way înto te musîc sung and perormed by back musî-cîans prîmarîy durîng te Jazz Age. hîs înîtîa researc proved so rewardîng tat ît seemed a natura extensîon o tîs project to expand te ream o înquîry so tat ît evoved înto tîs wîde-rangîng study o Jews and Amerîcan popuar musîc tat constîtute tîs coectîon o essays. One o te partîcuar peasures o my roe as Myron and Marîon Dîrector o te Casden Instîtute îs te oppor-tunîty tîs as aForded me to work wît a serîes o creatîve guest-edîtors over an extended perîod o tîme. Workîng wît Jos Kun on Voume 8 o teAnnua Revîewas proven to be no exceptîon, and I want to take tîs occasîon to tank îm or te ine jo e as done în makîng tîs voume possîe. Lîsa Anse, Assocîate Dîrector o te Casden Instîtute as ad quîte a usy year—especîay ecause se as een occupîed y te rîngîng o er son, Garîe Hayîm Scneîder, înto te word. Fîrst-tîme moters are sup-posed to e overwemed y a te added cores and responsîîîtîes, ut Lîsa must e some kînd o super-mom, sînce se as stî managed to keep te Casden Instîtute on a steady course and done te essentîa edîtorîa work se needed to do as Assocîate Edîtor o tîs voume. hîs as aso een a dî-icut and demandîng year or my coeague Dr. Marîyn J. Lunderg wo as
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