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Ten years after the Human Genome Project's completion the life sciences stand in a moment of uncertainty, transition, and contestation. The postgenomic era has seen rapid shifts in research methodology, funding, scientific labor, and disciplinary structures. Postgenomics is transforming our understanding of disease and health, our environment, and the categories of race, class, and gender. At the same time, the gene retains its centrality and power in biological and popular discourse. The contributors to Postgenomics analyze these ruptures and continuities and place them in historical, social, and political context. Postgenomics, they argue, forces a rethinking of the genome itself, and opens new territory for conversations between the social sciences, humanities, and life sciences.Contributors. Russ Altman, Rachel A. Ankeny, Catherine Bliss, John Dupre, Michael Fortun, Evelyn Fox Keller, Sabina Leonelli, Adrian Mackenzie, Margot Moinester, Aaron Panofsky, Sarah S. Richardson, Sara Shostak, Hallam Stevens
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29 mai 2015





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17 Mo

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PPersOpecStiveTs oGn BEiolNogyOMICS after the Genome
Sarah S. Rîchardson and Hallam Stevens,edîtors
duke university pressDurham and London2015
© 2015 Sarah S. Rîchardson and Haam Stevens
A rîghts reserved
Prînted în the Unîted States o Amerîca on acîd-ree paper
Typeset în Whîtman by Westchester Pubîshîng Servîces
Lîbrary o Congress Cataogîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data Postgenomîcs : perspectîves on bîoogy ater the genome / Sarah S. Rîchardson and Haam Stevens, edîtors. pages cm Incudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. isbn978-0-8223-5922-7 (hardcover : ak. paper) isbn978-0-8223-5894-7 (pbk. : ak. paper) isbn978-0-8223-7544-9 (e-book) 1. Human Genome Project. 2. Human gene mappîng. 3. Genetîc engîneerîng—Mora and ethîca aspects. 4. Genomîcs—Mora and ethîca aspects. I. Rîchardson, Sarah S., 1980–II. Stevens, Haam. qh445.2.p678 2015 611'.0181663—dc23 2014044249
Chapter 4, “The Poygenomîc Organîsm,” by John Dupré, first appeared înThe Socîologîcal Revîew58 (2010) and îs prînted by permîssîon o the pub-îsher, John Wîey and Sons. © 2010 The Author. Edîtorîa organîzatîon © 2010 The Edîtorîa Board oThe Socîologîcal Revîew.
Parts o Chapter 8, “From Behavîor Genetîcs to Postgenomîcs” by Aaron Panosky, first appeared as part o hîs book,Mîsbehavîng Scîence: Contro-versîes and the Development o Behavîor Genetîcs. These parts are reproduced by permîssîon o the pubîsher, Unîversîty o Chîcago Press © 2014. A rîghts reserved.
Cover art: Connectogram îmage courtesy o Dr. John Darre Van Horn, Unîversîty o Southern Caîornîa.
Bîoogy’s Love Afaîr wîth the Genome Russ Altmanvîî
Beyond the Genome Hallam Stevens and Sarah S. Rîchardson1
The Postgenomîc Genome Evelyn Fox Keller 9
WhatTollPursuît: Afectîve Assembages în Genomîcs and Postgenomîcs Mîke Fortun 32
The Poygenomîc Organîsm John Dupré 56
Machîne Learnîng and Genomîc Dîmensîonaîty: From Features to Landscapes Adrîan Mackenzîe 73
Networks: Representatîons and Toos în Postgenomîcs Hallam Stevens 103
Vauîng Data în Postgenomîc Bîoogy: How Data Donatîon and Curatîon Practîces Chaenge the Scîentîfic Pubîcatîon System Rachel A. Ankeny and Sabîna Leonellî 126
From Behavîor Genetîcs to Postgenomîcs Aaron Panosky 150
Definîng Heath Justîce în the Postgenomîc Era Catherîne Blîss 174
The Mîssîng Pîece o the Puzze? Measurîng the Envîronment în the Postgenomîc Moment Sara Shostak and Margot Moînester 192
Materna Bodîes în the Postgenomîc Order: Gender and the Expanatory Landscape o Epîgenetîcs Sarah S. Rîchardson 210
Approachîng Postgenomîcs Sarah S. Rîchardson and Hallam Stevens 232
bibliography 243
contributors 281
index 287
foreword Bîoogy’s Love Afaîr wîth the Genome
Postgenomîcs îs the unavoîdabe consequence o an întense ove afaîr between bîomedîca scîentîsts and the human genome. The dîscovery o the doube-heîca structure odnaîn 1953 ît the flame. The breathtakîng rapîdîty wîth whîch thîs dîscovery ead to the entrenchment o the cen-tra dogma (dnarnaproteîn), the crackîng o the genetîc code, the emergence o genetîc engîneerîng technoogy, and the eary understandîng o Mendeîan dîseases created an expectatîon o exponentîa încreases în our abîîty to measure and înterpretdna înormatîon.dnathe satîsfies compusîons o many scîentîsts: measurabe, dîscrete, moecuar (yet ap-parenty întegratîve), determînîstîc, and evovabe. I a îttednasequence was good, then a ot—the genome—woud be great. Wîth the prospect o greatness, reasonabe peope are prone to hyperboe: save money, deveop cures, predîct dîsease, earn about our ancestors, and brîng justîce to a. It can be hard to judge harshy someone în ove. But even the most întense ove afaîrs sîmmer and requîre nurturîng. The breakneck speed o the courtshîp sows to a more reasoned set o dîs-cussîons, negotîatîons, and settîngs o expectatîon. Some ove afaîrs do not survîve these adjustments, but others transîtîon to a îeong shared adventure. Postgenomîcs commences wîth an înventory o the successes and dîsappoîntments o the genome; we ît our heads, ook around, and figure out what the uture hods.
I do genomîcs, and I pan to do postgenomîcs. But thîs voume compes me to examîne what I do and why I do ît. The chapter authors combîne a deep understandîng o the hîstory and technîca content o modern genomîc scîence wîth argey contrarîan (to many genomîcîsts, at east) înterpretatîons o the sîgnîficance and împact o the work. They expose sîgnîficant bîases în the way we ormuate, justîy, communîcate, and de-end work în genomîcs. Surprîsîngy, however, theîr anayses do not ead to despaîr, but to opportunîty. The chapters în thîs book hîghîght unrecognîzed and unexamîned as-sumptîons and suggest nove anayses and experîments. Eveyn Fox Keer reers to the “înguîstîc habîts o genetîcîsts”—habîts that I have trîed to master and aso trîed to avoîd beîng ooed by. Keer remînds us that the genome’s program îs dynamîc and reactîve. John Dupré emphasîzes that îndîvîduas are în act combînatîons o mutîpe genomes. It îs sometîmes easy to overook înconvenîent acts that vîoate our abstractîons, but as Mîke Fortun ceebrates în hîs marveous medîtatîon on “To!,” an open-ness to the genome’s surprîses can gratîy and motîvate. Adrîan Mackenzîe shows how as the genome’s “shape” moves rom în-ear to hîgh dîmensîona, ît provîdes more eatures than anyone can possîby înterpret. In îght o thîs, we may need to move to aternatîve representa-tîons o physîoogy that are more întegratîve. But, as Haam Stevens makes cear în hîs anaysîs o network metaphors în postgenomîcs, the dîstînctîon between reductîonîst and hoîst îs more compex than we thought. Epî-genetîcs, or exampe, îs thought to provîde a nonreductîonîst mechanîsm or studyîng the înteractîon between gene reguatîon and the envîronment. As Sarah Rîchardson argues în her examînatîon o materna-eta epîgene-tîcs, however, epîgenetîcs caîms oten mîrror cassîc genetîc reductîon-îst expanatîons în theîr ocus on the mechanîsm o reguatîon o gene expressîon. Sîmîary, Sara Shostak and Margot Moînester poînt out that ookîng at envîronmenta measures at mutîpe eves (moecuar, ceuar, tîssue, organîsm) învoves orms o reductîonîsm that înevîtaby obscure some dîmensîons o the envîronment, încudîng hîgh-eve envîronmenta abstractîons such as a neîghborhood. Intrîguîng questîons about the reward and undîng structure o the scî-ences accompany the postgenomîc moment. One exampe îs the încreas-îngy dîspersed nature o scîentîfic knowedge productîon. As we întegrate mutîpe databases, the egîtîmate coauthorshîp caîms o data curators su-er rom theîr dîstance (în both pace and tîme) rom the other authors. Rache A. Ankeny and Sabîna Leoneî expore how we can gîve credît to those who have shared and annotated data. Funders such as the Natîona
Instîtutes o Heath greaty benefit genome research, but undîng ocused prîncîpay on genomîcs can ead to dîstortîons. Aaron Panosky examînes how certaîn areas o behavîora genetîcs have been “avîshy rewarded de-spîte consîstent aîure to deîver,” whîe Catherîne Bîss ooks at how ge-nomîcs research în the fied o race-and ethnîcîty-based heath dîsparîtîes may be crowdîng out pubîc heath and socîa scîence approaches. Postgenomîcs: Perspectîves on Bîology ater the Genomedeîvers împortant scîentîfic and socîa messages. One scîentîfic message îs that the genome sequencîng projects were neîther unmîtîgated successes nor aîures, but rather the start o a newy enabed era în whîch determînîng the sequence o ourdnabases îs easy, but understandîng îts roe în bîoogîca systems îs încredîby chaengîng. One socîa message îs that postgenomîcs shoud not be sîmpy the payground o ormer genomîcîsts now turned postgen-omîcîsts. Instead, there îs a credîbe argument or a “reset” and evauatîon o what the most promîsîng and ruîtu areas o învestîgatîon are îkey to be. We shoud resîst the temptatîon to merey decare the “obvîous” next steps: epîgenetîcs, envîronmenta characterîzatîon, and arge-scae popua-tîon sequencîng. Rather, we shoud pause and consîder the range o socî-eta and scîentîfic responses to the past fiteen years o work and choose questîons and strategîes that aow us to marry dîscovery and îts beneficîa appîcatîons.
russ altman Palo Alto, Calîornîa January 2014
foreword îx
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