Hollywood and Africa , livre ebook









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Hollywood and Africa - recycling the �Dark Continent� myth from 1908�2020 is a study of over a century of stereotypical Hollywood film productions about Africa. It argues that the myth of the Dark Continent continues to influence Western cultural productions about Africa as a cognitive-based system of knowledge, especially in history, literature and film. Hollywood and Africa identifies the �colonial mastertext� of the Dark Continent mythos by providing a historiographic genealogy and context for the term�s development and consolidation. An array of literary and paraliterary film adaptation theories are employed to analyse the deep genetic strands of Hollywood�Africa film adaptations. The mutations of the Dark Continent mythos across time and space are then tracked through the classical, neoclassical and new wave Hollywood�Africa phases in order to illustrate how Hollywood productions about Africa recycle, revise, reframe, reinforce, transpose, interrogate � and even critique � these tropes of Darkest Africa while sustaining the colonial mastertext and rising cyberactivism against Hollywood�s whitewashing of African history.
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Date de parution

05 février 2020





Poids de l'ouvrage

13 Mo

Dedication This book is dedicated to Prof. Emeritus Dr Robert T. Self — teacher, mentor, writing coach and friend, for grounding me in cineliteracy and the grammar of the moving image, and to my dear wife Pamela Renee for her gentle encouragement without which this book would probably have become one of many abandoned projects!
About te Serîes he Arîcan Humanîtîes Serîes îs a partnersîp between te Arîcan Humanîtîes Program (AHP) o te Amerîcan Councî o Learned Socîetîes and academîc pubîsers NïSC (Pty) Ltd. he Serîes covers topîcs în Arîcan îstorîes, anguages, îteratures, pîosopîes, poîtîcs and cutures. Submîssîons are soîcîted rom Feows o te AHP, wîc îs admînîstered by te Amerîcan Councî o Learned Socîetîes and Inancîay supported by te Carnegîe Corporatîon o New York. he purpose o te AHP îs to encourage and enabe te productîon o new knowedge by Arîcans în te Ive countrîes desîgnated by te Carnegîe Corporatîon: Gana, Nîgerîa, Sout Arîca, Tanzanîa, and Uganda. AHP eowsîps support one year’s work ree rom teacîng and oter responsîbîîtîes to aow te Feow to compete te project proposed. Eîgîbîîty or te eowsîp în te Ive countrîes îs by domîcîe, not natîonaîty. Book proposas are submîtted to te AHP edîtorîa board wîc manages te peer revîew process and seects manuscrîpts or pubîcatîon by NïSC. ïn some cases, te AHP board wî commîssîon a manuscrîpt mentor to undertake substantîve edîtîng and to work wît te autor on reInîng te Ina manuscrîpt. he Arîcan Humanîtîes Serîes aîms to pubîs works o te îgest quaîty tat wî oreground te best researc beîng done by emergîng scoars în te Ive Carnegîe desîgnated countrîes. he rîgorous seectîon process beore te eowsîp award, as we as AHP edîtorîa vettîng o manuscrîpts, assures attentîon to quaîty. Books în te serîes are întended to speak to scoars în Arîca as we as în oter areas o te word. he AHP îs aso commîtted to provîdîng a copy o eac pubîcatîon în te serîes to unîversîty îbrarîes în Arîca.
AHP Edîtorîal Board Members as at November 2018
AHP Serîes Edîtors: Proessor Adîgun Agbaje, Unîversîty o ïbadan, Nîgerîa Proessor Emerîtus Fred Hendrîcks, Rodes Unîversîty, Sout Arîca
Consultant: Proessor Emerîtus Sandra Barnes, Unîversîty o Pennsyvanîa, USA (Antropoogy)
Board Members: 1 Proessor Akosua Adomako Ampoo, ïnstîtute o Arîcan Studîes, Gana (Gender Studîes & Advocacy) (Vîce Presîdent, Arîcan Studîes Assocîatîon o Arîca) 2 Proessor KoI Anyîdoo, Unîversîty o Gana, Gana (Arîcan Studîes & Lîterature) (Dîrector, Codesrîa Arîcan Humanîtîes ïnstîtute Program) 3 Proessor ïbraîm Beo-Kano, Bayero Unîversîty, Nîgerîa (Dept o Engîs and Frenc Studîes) 4 Proessor Satî Fwatsak, Unîversîty o Jos, Nîgerîa (Dept o Hîstory & ïnternatîona Studîes) 5 Proessor Patrîcîa Hayes, Unîversîty o te Western Cape, Sout Arîca (Arîcan Hîstory, Gender Studîes and Vîsuaîty) (SARCï Caîr în Vîsua Hîstory and heory) 6 Assocîate Proessor Wîred Laju, Coege o Humanîtîes & Socîa Scîences, Makerere Unîversîty, Uganda (Dept o Pîosopy) 7 Proessor Yusuu Lawî, Unîversîty o Dar-es-Saaam, Tanzanîa (Dept o Hîstory) 8 Proessor Bertram Mapunda, Unîversîty o Dar es Saaam, Tanzanîa (Dept o Arcaeoogy & Herîtage Studîes) 9 Proessor ïnnocent Pîkîrayî, Unîversîty o Pretorîa, Sout Arîca (Caîr & Head, Dept o Antropoogy & Arcaeoogy) 10 Proessor Josepat Rugemaîra, Unîversîty o Dar-es-Saaam, Tanzanîa (Dept o Foreîgn Languages & Lînguîstîcs) 11 Proessor ïdayat Boa Udegbe, Unîversîty o ïbadan, Nîgerîa (Dept o Psycoogy)
Published in this series
Domînîca Dîpîo,Gender terraîns în Afrîcan cînema, 2014 Ayo Adeduntan,Wat te forest tod me: Yoruba unter, cuture and narratîve performance,2014 Sue E. Egya,Natîon, power and dîssîdence în tîrd-generatîon Nîgerîan poetry în Engîs, 2014 ïrîkîdzayî Manase,Wîte narratîves: he depîctîon of post-2000 and învasîons în Zîmbabwe, 2016 Pasca Mungwînî,Indîgenous Sona Pîosopy: Reconstructîve însîgts, 2017 Syvîa Bruînders,Paradîng Respectabîîty: he Cutura and Mora Aestetîcs of te Crîstmas Bands Movement în te Western Cape, Sout Afrîca, 2017 Mîcae Andîndîîe,he Angopone îterary-înguîstîc contînuum: Engîs and îndîgenous anguages în Afrîcan îterary dîscourse, 2018 Jeremîa Arowosegbe,Caude E Ake: he makîng of an organîc înteectua, 2018 Romanus Abo,Language and te constructîon of mutîpe îdentîtîes în te Nîgerîan nove, 2018 Bernard Matoîno,Consensus as Democracy în Afrîca, 2018 Babajîde Ooajuo,Unsared Identîty: Postumous paternîty în a contemporary Yoruba communîty, 2018 De-Vaera NYM Botcway,Boxîng îs no cakewak! Azuma ‘Rîng Professor’ Neson în te socîa îstory of Ganaîan boxîng,2019 Dîna Lîgaga,Women, vîsîbîîty and moraîty în Kenyan popuar medîa,2020.
HOLLYWOOD AND AFRICA Recycling the ‘Dark Continent’ Myth, 1908–2020
Pubîsed în Sout Arîca on bea o te Arîcan Humanîtîes Program by NïSC (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 377, Makanda, 6140, Sout Arîca. www.nîsc.co.za
Fîrst edîtîon, Irst împressîon 2020 Pubîcatîon © Arîcan Humanîtîes Program 2020 Text © Okaka Opîo Dokotum 2020
A rîgts reserved. No part o tîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced or transmîtted în any orm or by any means, eectronîc or mecanîca, încudîng potocopyîng, recordîng, or any înormatîon storage or retrîeva system, wîtout prîor permîssîon în wrîtîng rom te pubîser.
ïSBN: 978-1-920033-66-8 (prînt) ïSBN: 978-1-920033-67-5 (PDF) ïSBN: 978-1-920033-68-2 (ePub)
Manuscrîpt mentor: Pro. Emerîtus Dr Robert T. Se Project manager: Peter Lague ïndexer: Sanet e Roux Cover desîgn: Advanced Desîgn Group Cover potograps: ront, © Jag_cz-stock.adobe.com; back, © Domînîk Stötter/EyeEm/Getty ïmagesPates: p 114, © Warner Bros/Potoest; p 134 © Coumbîa Pîctures/Potoest; p 151 © Sportspoto/Aamy Stock Poto; p 189, © Warner Bros. Pîctures/Potoest; p 217, © Sportspoto/Aamy Stock Poto; p 228, © Twentîet Century Fox Fîm Corporatîon/ Potoest; p 255, © Movîestore Coectîon Ltd/Aamy Stock Poto
Some materîa în tîs book was Irst pubîsed by te autor în te oowîng scoary pubîcatîons and îs încuded wît te permîssîon o tose journas: Capter 4: “TïA (hîs îs Arîca!): Reproducîng Coonîa Vîoence în Edward Zwîck’s Bood Dîamond (2006),” Journa of Afrîcan Cînemas. Specîa îssue:Everyday vîoence(s) and vîsuaîtîes în Afrîca. Vo. 6 ïssue 2. (2014), pp. 175–183. Capter 5: “he Bîaran War Accordîng to Hoywood: Mîîtaînment and Hîstorîca Dîstortîon în Antoîne Fuqua’sTears of te Sun(2003),”Lagos Hîstorîca Revîew. Vo. 12, (2012), pp. 23–40. Capter 6: “Re-memberîng te Tutsî Genocîde înHote Rwanda(2004): ïmpîcatîons or Peace and Reconcîîatîon.” ACPR:Afrîcan Conlîct and Peacebuîdîng Revîew. 3, Specîa ïssue on Peace Educatîon, Memory and Reconcîîatîon în Arîca. Vo. 2. (2013), pp. 129–150. Capter 7: “Encounterîng Mandea on Screen: Transnatîona Coaboratîon în Mandea ïmage Productîon rom 1987–2010.”Socîoogy Study, Vo. 5: 11, (2013), pp. 794–802. Capter 8: “Metatextuaîty în Kevîn McDonad’s Transcutura Cînematîc Adaptatîon ohe Last Kîng of Scotand(2006).”Afrîca Notes. Vo. 40: 1&2, (2016), pp. 33–56.
he autor and te pubîser ave made every efort to obtaîn permîssîon or and acknowedge te use o copyrîgt materîa. Soud an înadvertent înrîngement o copyrîgt ave occurred, pease contact te pubîser and we wî rectîy omîssîons or errors în any subsequent reprînt or edîtîon.
Acknowledgements Foreword Preace Lîst o plates
CHAPTER1 Constructîng te ‘Dark Contînent’
CHAPTER2 Manîestatîons o Hollywood’s Arîcas
ADAPTATION MODELSCHAPTERte Dark Contînent myt3 Ventrîloquîsîng
CHAPTER4 Colonîal nostalgîa
CHAPTER5 Mîlîtaînment and îstorîcal dîstortîon
CHAPTER6 hîsis‘a true story!’
CHAPTERefacement and eroîc7 Ideologîcal sel-transcendence
NEW APPROACHESCHAPTERîn transnatîonal ilm8 Metatextualîty productîon
CHAPTER9 Cyberactîvîsm agaînst ‘wîtewasîng’
CHAPTER10 Aro-optîmîsm
îx xîî xvî xxî
66 67
CHAPTER11 Arouturîsm
Many peope and organîsatîons eped to make tîs book a reaîty în over a decade o researc and wrîtîng. Wîe ît îs not possîbe to mentîon a o tem, ï acknowedge tem and am deepy apprecîatîve o teîr contrîbutîons. he manuscrîpt or tîs pubîcatîon was prepared wît te support o te Arîcan Humanîtîes Feowsîp Program estabîsed by te Amerîcan Councî o Learned Socîetîes (ACLS) wît a generous grant rom te Carnegîe Corporatîon o New York. ï woud îke to tank Dr Andrzej Tymowskî, ïnternatîona Program Dîrector at ACLS; Pro. Kwesî Yanka, Mînîster o State or Tertîary Educatîon, Gana or te Arîcan Humanîtîes Program (AHP) eowsîp tat resuted în tîs book; te Serîes Edîtors, Pro. Emerîtus Fred Hendrîcks, Rodes Unîversîty, Sout Arîca and Pro. Adîgun Agbaje, Unîversîty o ïbadan, Nîgerîa, wo encouraged me to reac te Inîsîng îne at a tîme wen ï was greaty atîgued. My tanks, too, to Pro. Adam Haupt, Unîversîty o Cape Town, wo gave me te Irst vauabe crîtîque on ow to împrove te manuscrîpt, and a te anonymous revîewers over te years wo contrîbuted to te evoutîon o tîs manuscrîpt dîrecty or troug te earîer pubîsed artîces. My gratîtude to Barbara van der Merwe, Arîcan Humanîtîes Program (AHP) Secretarîat în Sout Arîca wo encouraged me greaty to Inîs te manuscrîpt and to Lîndsey Morton, îndependent consutant (ormery UNïSA Press Managîng Edîtor: Books). hank you, team! ï cannot orget my 2010 AHP coeagues în resîdence at te Unîversîty o te Western Cape, or a te un we ad togeter, or bravîng te bîtîng cod and or ceerîng me on: Pro. Susan Kîguî, Dr Okot Benge, Dr Jemîma Andersen Akosua Asabea, Dr Akînremî ïuoma, and Pro. Fuasade Oayînka ïamose (wo, sady, as not îved to ceebrate tîs day). ï woud aso îke to tank Kyambogo Unîversîty or suppementary undîng tat enabed me to return to Sout Arîca în te autumn o 2011 to deîver a serîes o semînar presentatîons. SpecîIcay, ï tank ten vîce canceor, Pro. ïsaîa Omoo Ndîege, my coeagues în te Lîterature Department — Constance Hab’Lyaemye, Dr Patrîck Mukakanya, Sr. Dr Frances Ambrosîa Nakîwaa, Erîa Kamugîsa, Dr Doroty Atuura, Ms Eîzabet Asîmwe, and my MA Lîterature and Fîm cass over te years. hîs book project beneIted greaty rom my Fubrîgt Arîcan Scoar’s Researc Grant 2014–2015 wose ocus was researc on Arîcan Lîterary Adaptatîons înto Fîm but gave me te opportunîty to work urter on tîs book. ï woud îke to tank my rîend, Doroty Ngaombî, Cutura Afaîrs Oicer, US Embassy Kampaa; Sara
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