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Publié par
Date de parution
27 juillet 2022
Poids de l'ouvrage
62 Mo
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Date de parution
27 juillet 2022
Poids de l'ouvrage
62 Mo
Selected Artwork of Wong Sau
黃脩 桂庭
Copyright © 2022 Bing Wong . All rights reserved.
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978-1-5437-6906-7 (sc)
978-1-5437-6904-3 (hc)
978-1-5437-6905-0 (e)
我記得小時候週末不用上課的時候,大多時間都會帶著我和他的學生一早遠赴郊外離島,尋找奇花異草,風景優美的景點,實地寫生或速寫。回到家裡或學校教室裡,我在一旁幫忙磨墨,父親就專心地把看到的感覺以高超畫技,所畫的風景,莫不生動活潑,躍然紙上。其間他更坐船環繞香港及離島多次,終於完成了他第一幅長卷 “香港”,後來遠赴寶島台灣,以另一幅長卷”寶島台灣”, 由台北直到恒春半島;今次畫冊未能把這兩愊長卷包含在內,至為可惜。不過父親周遊列國,台灣日本歐州美國都有他的足跡,這本畫冊內山水畫就以他曾經到過的地方留下的痕跡,提供後人的參考。父親嶺南畫風的花鳥也是以寫生為主,他到處找尋奇花異草,就是要把他的百花冊完成,其實早在上世記五十年代已經有了第一本百花冊,是一百幅不同的花鳥組成,後期就是一本厚厚的冊子,收藏在美國孫子那邊,大部分的花鳥都在這本新書與大家分享。
Wong Bing Lou
All or nothing, or shall I say better late than never, my father s paintings have finally been published! The publication was delayed several times, but what could be more perfect than having it arrive in time for the celebration of my mother’s 100th birthday in 2019?
Creating this album was a family affair. Initially, his grandson and his grandson’s wife Dr. Robert and Emily Wong, and Mr. Java Huan, his grandson-in-law, carefully photographed each piece to capture the delicate details in my father’s artwork. Finally, this album was assembled under the planning, editing, and design work by his grandson-in-law, Mr. Jone Chen and his design team. Partridge Publishing printed the first run of this album to be circulated worldwide.
I love that this album of his paintings possesses an elegant and confident look, perfectly reflecting the unique characteristics of my father, as well as matching his unrestrained style and personality.
My father developed a solid foundation in the fine arts while studying at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. During his time at the academy, he studied Western paintings, sketches, watercolors and oil paintings. Additionally, he studied Chinese landscape painting under the guidance of the Chinese Master artist, Huang Jun-Bi.
In this collection, you will notice the unique blending of these two differing influences. The Western influence can be seen in the foreshortening and depth of the landscapes, especially in one of my favorites, the bamboo forest, where I feel like we may be able to enjoy the scenery from within. Having found his style, my father spent his lifetime painting landscapes from around the world.
While he studied, admired and analyzed all of those famous ancient Chinese and Western paintings, he only took inspiration from them. Never in my life did I see him copy or replicate them.
Looking back at my childhood, I fondly remember the weekends and holidays when my father would take me along with his students to the outskirts of Hong Kong’s islands to find exotic flowers that we had never seen before. We would sketch and sometimes paint watercolors of them to the backdrop of the beautiful scenery of the open sea complete with the sunrise or sunset, and of course, the fishing villages.
When we went back home or to school classroom, I would help my father grind ink while he concentrated on what he saw from the field trips and started his printing with superb painting skills. I remember the scenery in his artwork being lively and vivid.
In the 1960s, he took several ferry trips around Hong Kong island, and completed his first long scroll entitled Hong Kong. Afterward, he went to Formosa Taiwan and painted another long scroll called Formosa, which captured the scenery from Taipei to the Hengchun Peninsula. It is a pity that these two long scrolls cannot be included in this publication.
Throughout his life, my father traveled around the world to sketch the most beautiful places: Taiwan, other Asian countries, Europe, Canada, and the United States. The landscape paintings in this album provide evidence of his travels.
The flowers and birds of my father s Lingnan style are largely based on the sketches from his travels. He always searched for exotic plants and flowers in the places he visited. The paintings they inspired filled two separate albums. His first album consisting of 100 paintings of flowers and birds was created in the 1950s, but has since been lost. The second one was a single book where my father painted exactly 100 flowers into its pages. Some of the images are captured in this collection.
I hope you enjoy this retrospective of a lifetime of my father’s work.
Wong Bing Lou
Wong Sau (1915-1988), whose given name is “Wong York Choi”, and who styled himself as “Kwai Ting”, originally from Heshan, Guangdong. Mr. Wong graduated from Canton Municipal Arts Institute, where he laid the foundation for his artistic skills by studying Western sketches, watercolor paintings, and oil paintings. Subsequently, he studied under the master of traditional Chinese painting Huang Jun-Bi, to practice the Chinese Landscape painting.
In 1949, Mr. Wong went along with the government and moved south to Hainan Island. Afterward, he moved to Hong Kong to engage in art design and set up the art education workplace of Lychee Musk and Flowing-Cloud Studio. He was a fine arts teacher in varies middle schools and universities in Hong Kong, having taught many students.
Mr. Wong has read thousands of books, drawn thousands of painting, traveled thousands of miles in search of inspiration. He has traveled all over China, Formosa Taiwan, USA, Canada, and Europe to admire the magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers, as well as the native flowers and plants.
From traveling and sketching along the way, through constant researching and continuous creating. This lead Mr. Wong to think beyond the traditional ways and paint from a new perspective, thus establishing his own unique painting style. He created vivid paintings from his heart, and the theme of his flowers give off the Chinese impression, Western realism, and innovative style. Thereby, won him the same good reputation, and has earned the “Master of Flower Paintings” in Hong Kong art society.
Mr. Wong has visited the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, and museum collections from all over the world, he mainly admires the long scrolls of ancient landscape paintings. After returning to Hong Kong, he put effort into working his own creation. His extraordinary artworks include Scroll of Central Cross-island Highway of Formosa, Tour de Hong Kong Island, Scroll of New Territories. In addition, he has drawn themes of exotic flowers and plants from around the world, as well as published his hundred flower-album. Mr. Wong has held many personal exhibitions and joint exhibitions in Hong Kong, the USA, and Canada, which they were highly praised and well appreciated.
The Hong Kong Overseas Chinese Daily News reported: The impression of the paintings of Mr. Wong Sau. On one hand, preserve the method of ancients, on the other hand, pursue the sense of innovation. From his experience which reflects through his painting, has made a significant impact and is deeply loved by the art society.
In memory of our Father:
While walking under the moonlight in autumn,
it reminds me of my father painting and art works in his
Flowing-cloud Studio.
In celebrate our mother s centennial birthday,
we published this art book as a birthday present to my mother.