Futures and Beyond: Creativity and 4IR Conference 2022 , livre ebook









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FUTURES & BEYOND and 4IR Virtual Conference was hosted online by UJ Arts & Culture on 30 and 31 August 2022. The University of Johannesburg has positioned the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) as its visionary focus in research and higher education, and UJ Arts & Culture, as a division of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA), has been facilitating an ongoing discussion on how thinking around the notion of the 4IR connects to the creative industries, specifically within the South African context and African continental context more broadly. The Futures and Beyond conference was an entirely new initiative coming out of this discussion. The thematic approach to the conference was divided into two streams, with one being ethics, intellectual property, and technology, and the other being creative industries, innovation, and development.
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Date de parution

01 décembre 2023

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14 Mo

Futures and Beyond
Creativity and 4IR Conference 2022
Alex Halligey (Ed)
Futures and Beyond: Creativity and 4IR Conerence 2022
Pubîshed by UJ Press Unîversîty of Johannesburg Lîbrary Auckand Park Kîngsway Campus PO Box 524 Auckand Park 2006 https://ujonînepress.uj.ac.za/
Compîatîon © Aex Haîgey 2023
Chapters © Author(s) 2023
Pubîshed Edîtîon © Aex Haîgey 2023
Fîrst pubîshed 2023
978-1-7764827-2-6 (Paperback)
978-1-7764827-3-3 (PDF)
978-1-7764827-4-0 (EPUB)
978-1-7764827-5-7 (XML)
Thîs pubîcatîon had been submîtted to a rîgorous doube-bînd peer-revîew process prîor to pubîcatîon and a recommendatîons by the revîewers were consîdered and împemented before pubîcatîon.
Language Edîtor: Lauren Shapîro
Cover desîgn: Hester Roets, UJ Graphîc Desîgn Studîo
Typeset în 10/13pt Merrîweather Lîght
Introductîon .....................................................................................
Conference Overvîew and Pubîcatîon of Proceedîngs .......
Foreword ...........................................................................................
Conference Commîttee Members ..............................................
Agorîthmîc Necropoîtîcs ...........................................................
Heidi Sincuba
Modes and Methods of Makîng: Pushîng Desîgn Creatîvîty by Usîng a MakersLab as a Form of an Incubator to Foster Future 4IR Deveopments ..................... Stefen Fischer
Rogue Processes: Specuatîve Techno-Vîsîons on the Post-Pandemîc South Afrîcan Art Scene ...............................
Miné Kleynhans
Iustrator as Femînîst Actîvîst: The Roe of Vîsua Communîcatîon ...............................................................................
Christi-Lee du Plessis
î î îîî vîî
Is Appîed Drama and Theatre Ready to Embrace the 4IR?: A Reectîon on a Payback Performance at a Women’s Sheter în the Western Cape durîng COVID-19, 2021 .............................................................................. 105 Lireko Qhobela
Conference Overview and Publication of Proceedings
The Futures and Beyond: Creatîvîty and 4IR vîrtua conference was hosted onîne by UJ Arts & Cuture on 30 and 31 August 2022. The Unîversîty of Johannesburg has posîtîoned the Fourth Industrîa Revoutîon (4IR) as îts vîsîonary focus în research and hîgher educatîon, and UJ Arts & Cuture, as a dîvîsîon of the Facuty of Art, Desîgn and Archîtecture, has been facîîtatîng an ongoîng dîscussîon on how thînkîng around the notîon of the 4IR connects to the creatîve îndustrîes, specîficay wîthîn the South Arîcan context and Arîcan contînenta context more broady. The Futures and Beyondconerencewas an entîrey new înîtîatîve comîng out o thîs ongoîng dîscussîon. The thematîc approach to the conerence was dîvîded înto two streams, wîth one beîng ethîcs, înteectua property, and technoogy, and the other beîng creatîve îndustrîes, înnovatîon, and deveopment.
A ca or abstracts was pubîshed on the UJ Arts & Cuture websîte and dîstrîbuted to the dîvîsîon’s maîîng îst and networks în October 2021. Thîrty abstracts were submîtted or consîderatîon to an onîne porta managed through UJ Arts & Cuture’s websîte, ensurîng author anonymîty or the abstract peer revîew process. Each abstract went through a doube-bînd peer revîew. The peer revîew commîttee was comprîsed o eîght members rom seven înstîtutîons, încudîng the Unîversîty o Johannesburg. A members are experts în theîr fieds, coverîng the u range o dîscîpînes the conerence themes touched on and a wîth extensîve experîence and knowedge o Arîcan and South Arîcan contexts. Tweve abstracts were approved through the peer revîew process or presentatîon at the conerence. One curated pane dîscussîon concuded the conerence.
Futures and Beyond: Creatîvîty and 4IR Conference 2022
Sîx fu papers were submîtted towards the conference proceedîngs. One was excuded before the peer revîew process because ît had been submîtted în an MA thesîs format, requîred substantîa edîtîng to be of a chapter draft standard, and the author had not been abe to present at the conference îtse. The remaînîng five papers were put through a second doube-bînd peer revîew process, managed by the Unîversîty o Johannesburg Press.
Speaker or Openîng Address
Emmanue Agbeko Gamor îs a consummate proessîona wîth over a decade o experîence în youth engagement, dîgîta and managerîa înnovatîon, entrepreneurshîp, and eadershîp educatîon. As a Goba Manager on Acceerator Programs or Facebook în five regîons, he expores the întersectîons o connectîvîty and communîty. He îs a acuty member wîth the Unîversîty o Steenbosch - Executîve Educatîon on Dîgîta Reputatîon Management and runs a podcast “Unpackîng Arîca” that întervîews and expores mutî-stakehoders în mutîpe îndustrîes across the contînent. He îs the convener o the Podcasters Unîte Arîcanetwork and curator o the KukuZa Podcasters Festîva. As a Word Economîc Forum member, ex-Googer, and ormer YouTube country manager, he contînues to expore goba dîgîta înnovatîon and best practîces. In Accra, he îs the erstwhîe Dîrector or Dîgîta and Desîgn Innovatîon at Impact Hub Accra. He has aso worked on the Mînîstry o Tourîsm Arts and Cuture “Beyond The Return”goba campaîgn wîth the Ghana Tourîsm Authorîty. He îs a phîanthropîst, runs a socîa enterprîse, Eîu Gît Hub vîa Urîthî Labs, and vounteers wîth the Rotary Cub o Johannesburg as a Pau Harrîs Feow.
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