Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice , livre ebook









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In the third edition of his classic work, revised extensively and updated to include recent developments on the international scene, Jack Donnelly explains and defends a richly interdisciplinary account of human rights as universal rights. He shows that any conception of human rightsand the idea of human rights itselfis historically specific and contingent. Since publication of the first edition in 1989, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice has justified Donnelly's claim that "conceptual clarity, the fruit of sound theory, can facilitate action. At the very least it can help to unmask the arguments of dictators and their allies."
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Date de parution

15 avril 2013





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2 Mo

UnîversalHumanRîghtsîn Theor y and Practîce
ïnernaîona Human Rîgs, 4 ed. (2012)
Reaîsm and ïnernaîona Reaîons(2000)
he Concep of Human Rîgs(1985)
UnîversalHumanRîghtsîn Theory and Practîce
T H ï R D E D ï T ï O N
Jack Donnelly
C OR N E L L U N ï V E R S ï T Y PR E S SL ON D ONï T H AC A A N D  |
Copyrîg © 2013 by Corne Unîversîy
A rîgs reserved. Excep or brîe quoaîons în a revîew, îs book, or pars ereo, mus no be reproduced în any orm wîou permîssîon în wrîîng rom e pubîser. For înormaîon, address Corne Unîversîy Press, Sage House, 512 Eas Sae Sree, ïaca, New York 14850.
Fîrs pubîsed 2013 by Corne Unîversîy Press Fîrs prînîng, Corne Paperbacks, 2013
Prîned în e Unîed Saes o Amerîca
Lîbrary o Congress Caaogîng-în-Pubîcaîon Daa
Donney, Jack.  Unîversa uman rîgs în eory and pracîce / Jack Donney. — 3rd ed.  p. cm.  ïncudes bîbîograpîca reerences and îndex.  ïSBN 978-0-8014-5095-2 (co : ak. paper)  ïSBN 978-0-8014-7770-6 (pbk. : ak. paper)  1. Cîvî rîgs. 2. Human rîgs. 3. Cuura reaîvîsm. ï. Tîe.  JC571.D755 2013  323—dc23 2012039604
Corne Unîversîy Press srîves o use envîronmenay responsîbe suppîers and maerîas o e ues exen possîbe în e pubîsîng o îs books. Suc maerîas încude vegeabe-based, ow-VOC înks and acîd-ree papers a are recyced, oay corîne-ree, or pary composed o nonwood ibers. For urer înormaîon, vîsî our websîe a www.cornepress.corne.edu.
Co prînîng Paperback prînîng
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1.heConceptofHumanRigts1. How Rîgs Work2.SpecîaFeauresoHumanRîgs3.HumanNaureandHumanRîgs4.HumanRîgsandReaedPracîces5.AnayîcandSubsanîveheorîes6.heFaîureoFoundaîonaAppeas7.CopîngwîConenîousFoundaîons
7 7 10 13 17 17 19 21
24 24 26 28 29 31 32 36 39
40 40 45
| Contents
PartII.TheUniversalityandRelativityof Human Rights
5.ABriefHistoryofHumanRigts1.PoîîcsandJusîceînePremodernNon-WesernWord2. he Premodern Wes3.heModernïnvenîonoHumanRîgs4.heAmerîcanandFrencRevouîons5.ApproacîngeUnîversaDecaraîon6.ExpandîngeSubjecsandSubsanceoHumanRîgs
8.Dignity:ParticularisticandUniversalisticConceptionsin te West1.Dîgnîas:he Roman Roos o Dîgnîy2.BîbîcaConcepîons:Kavodandïmago Deî3. Kan4.RîgsandDîgnîyîneWes5.DîgnîyandeFoundaîonsoHumanRîgs
55 55 57 60 62 65 69
75 75 81 86 88 90 91
93 93 94 99 103
106 106 112
121 121 124 126 129 130
133 133 139
 3. “Neo-Conucîanîsm” and Song ïmperîa Rue 4. Twenîe-Cenury Encouners wî “Rîgs” 5. Human Rîgs and Asîan Vaues
10.HumansandSocietyinHinduSoutAsia 1. Cosmoogy 2. Socîa Pîosopy 3. Case 4. Hîndu Unîversaîsm 5. Opposîîon o Case Dîscrîmînaîon 6. Hînduîsm and Human Rîgs în Conemporary ïndîa
Contents| vîî
11.InternationalHumanRigtsRegimes 1. he Goba Human Rîgs Regîme 2. Poîîca Foundaîons o e Goba Regîme 3. Regîona Human Rîgs Regîmes 4. Sînge-ïssue Human Rîgs Regîmes 5. Assessîng Muîaera Human Rîgs Mecanîsms 6. he Evouîon o Human Rîgs Regîmes
12.HumanRigtsandForeignPolicy 1. Human Rîgs and e Naîona ïneres 2. ïnernaîona Human Rîgs and Naîona ïdenîy 3. Means and Mecanîsms o Bîaera Acîon 4. he Aîms o Human Rîgs Poîcy 5. Foreîgn Poîcy and Human Rîgs Poîcy 6. he Lîmîs o ïnernaîona Acîon Appendîx: Argumens agaîns ïnernaîona Human Rîgs Poîcîes
13.HumanRigts,Democracy,andDevelopment 1. he Conemporary Language o Legîîmacy 2. Deinîng Democracy 3. Democracy and Human Rîgs 4. Deinîng Deveopmen 5. Deveopmen-Rîgs Tradeofs 6. Deveopmen and Cîvî and Poîîca Rîgs 7. Markes and Economîc and Socîa Rîgs 8. he Lîbera Democraîc Weare Sae
142 144 146
147 148 148 150 153 154 156
161 161 170 172 179 190 192
197 197 199 201 204 205 208 210
217 218 220 222 225 227 230 231 233
vîîî| Contents
14.heWestandEconomicandSocialRigts 1. he Unîversa Decaraîon o Human Rîgs 2. Domesîc Wesern Pracîce 3. he ïnernaîona Human Rîgs Covenans 4. Funcîona and Regîona Organîzaîons 5. Furer Evîdence o Wesern Suppor 6. Undersandîng e Sources o e My 7. Wy Does ï Maer?
15.HumanitarianInterventionagainstGenocide 1. ïnervenîon and ïnernaîona Law 2. Humanîarîan ïnervenîon and ïnernaîona Law 3. he Mora Sandîng o e Sae 4. Poîîcs, Parîsansîp, and ïnernaîona Order 5. Cangîng Concepîons o Securîy and Sovereîgny 6. Jusîyîng e Anî-genocîde Norm7. Cangîng Lega Pracîces 8. “Jusîyîng” Humanîarîan ïnervenîon 9. Mîxed Moîves and Consîsency 10. Poîîcs and e Auorîy o ïnervene11. Judgîng e Kosovo ïnervenîon 12. Darur and e Fuure o Humanîarîan ïnervenîon
16.NondiscriminationforAll:heCaseofSexualMinorities 1. he Rîg o Nondîscrîmînaîon 2. Nondîscrîmînaîon and Poîîca Srugge 3. Dîscrîmînaîon agaîns Sexua Mînorîîes 4. Naure, (ïm)moraîy, and Pubîc Moras 5. Sraegîes or ïncusîon 6. Pas o ïncremena Cange
235 236 238 241 243 248 250 252
254 254 255 257 259 261 263 264 265 266 268 269 271
274 274 276 277 280 285 289
293 317
îerre Vîda-Naque, one o e grea cassîcîss o our îme (aoug per-apsbeerknownorîsumanrîgsworkasaîsorîanoFrencowPn and are probaby no oo ‘raîona,’ în Greek sudîes e arîce îs muc crîmes durîng e Agerîan war), observed a “or reasons a are my easîer or me an e book” (Vîda-Naque 1986: xv). Muc e same îs rue o my wrîîngs on uman rîgs, wîc “nauray” seem o be more or ess se-conaîned bu înerconneced unîs o abou eîg ousand words. he irs edîîon oUnîversa Human Rîgs în heory and Pracîcerepresened e coaescence o severa essays wrîen în e eary and mîd-1980s a were înked by eîr deense o a concepîon o “unîversa” uman rîgs a acknowedges and încorporaes e obvîous îsorîca conîngency o bo e îdea o uman rîgs and îs domînan înernaîona expressîons. he sec-ond edîîon represened bo a conînuaîon o e process o essay accumua-îon and a response o e agîng o e irs edîîon. hîs îrd edîîon îs more o e same. heirsedîîon,wîcïdeîveredoepressîneao1988,boree unmîsakabe samp o e Cod War. he second edîîon, deîvered a e end o 2001, releced îs pos–Cod War conex. hîs edîîon, deîvered în e mîdde o 2012, relecs, ï ope, a more nuanced engagemen wî gobaîza-îon and e specîa conex î provîdes or dîscussîons o unîversaîy. And îs cangîng conex îs an împoran par o e book. Aoug prîmarîy eoreîca, î engages, bo dîrecy and îndîrecy, îssues o îmmedîae poîî-ca sîgnîicance. ïavedeeedaormosoourcapers,addediveaareargeyorwoy new, radîcay reorganîzed e maerîa în ree oers, and updaed and reined mos o e res. he resu îs a îrd edîîon a îs abou a new. ï îs, owever, a genuîne îrd edîîon (raer an a undamenay new book), wî e same subsanîve ocus, e same basîc argumens, a sîmîar
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