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Public policy is said to be a combination of laws, regulations, actions, rules and quite a few different factors regarding a given topic. Such public guidelines of a kingdom are fashioned through the years through training, advocacy companies, influences of lobbyists, and conflicting hobbies of unique interest companies. So the public coverage process is a totally dynamic and complicated process that happens thru public forums. First, the troubles of the general public acquire popularity and identity. And the method of public policy will help kind the troubles. These policies can be political, financial, cultural or social in nature. The book Public Policy Future narrates the future avenues on modern policies for public.The book is written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.
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01 janvier 2021

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Public Policy Future
Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2019, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications
All rights reserved.
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About the Author
Professor Doctor Sanjay Rout
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout is an International Researcher, Innovator, Speaker, Author, Journalist and Policy Expert, Coach. He is well known and highly respective dignitary in the field of Research Development & Innovation work in major domain of Development Management, Policy Research, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Social Science, Education, Technology and other Fields. He is Global Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been distinguished Researcher, Startup Mentor Innovator, who consistently demonstrates his research work excellence in field of Research & development, Innovations with greater efficiency, productivity, and quality Innovations & research models., Health, Governance, Technology, Business Management & Academics. He had received many National / International Fellowship & Awards in several categories for his eminent work in Innovation, Management, Research, Sustainability, and Social Development. He had participated various National/international Summits/Conclave/Seminar/Workshop and published numerous research paper & books.
For his work he had been Honored by many organization as :
 World Top Future Thought Leader in Open innovation & Business Innovator Award National Standing Researcher Award Out Young Scientist Award Best  Best Speaker Award Top 50 Future Thought Leader in Data Privacy & Agile World  Best Global Scientist, Policy cum Journalist Award His academic credentials contain different achievements from renowned university /institutions likeNIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvanian, and University of Washington, Imperial College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Several achievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctorate) as in his research career. He is an global certified professional from international acclaimed organization like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bank, Amazon,UNICEF, SAS,UN, European Union, IBM, Asian Development Bank, FAO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,UNDP & others. And he had worked for various global projects in multiple thematic areas.
ISL Publications
ISL Publication is an Global firm working on Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Legal, Media, Consulting, Coaching, Technology, Academic, Social Development, Communication and Advisory Firm working on various Future Business Solution.
I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor‘s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life. I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly. He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty. Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.
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Introduction Chapter-I Chapter-II Chapter-III Chapter-IV Chapter-V Chapter-VI Chapter-VII Chapter-VIII References
Page No
6-17 18-20 21-67 68-73 74-85 86-89 90-106 107-124 125-127 128-129
Públíc health ís the technólógy óf defensíve and ímpróvíng the health óf peóple and theír gróúps. Thís wórk ís perfórmed by prómótíng healthfúl exístence, stúdyíng síckness and damage preventíón, and detectíng, preventíng and respóndíng tó ínfectíóús sícknesses. Óverall, públíc fítness ís cóncerned wíth shíeldíng the health óf cómplete pópúlatíóns. These pópúlatíóns may be as small as a nearby cómmúníty, ór as húge as a whóle úsa ór place óf the sectór.
Públíc health experts try tó prevent íssúes fróm happeníng ór róútíne thrú ímpósíng ínstrúctíónal prógrams, recómmendíng pólícíes, admínísteríng servíces and engagíng ín stúdíesín assessment tó scíentífíc experts líke medícal dóctórs and núrses, whó recógnítíón ín general ón treatíng peóple after they becóme íll ór ínjúred. Públíc health addítíónally wórks tó restríctíón health dísparítíes. A massíve a part óf públíc fítness ís sellíng healthcare eqúíty, excellent and accessíbílíty. The methód tó remedy that ís cóncerned wíth the health óf the cómmúníty as an entíre. Públíc health ís netwórk fítness. Ít has been stated that: "Health care ís ímpórtant tó each persón a númber óf the tíme, bút públíc fítness ís crúcíal tó all and súndry all óf the tíme."
The task óf públíc health ís tó "satísfy sócíety's hóbby ín assúríng cóndítíóns whereín húmans can be whólesóme." The 3 center públíc health capabílítíes are:
The assessment and mónítóríng óf the health óf cómmúnítíes and pópúlatíóns at hazard tó píck óút fítness tróúbles and príórítíes;
The methód óf públíc gúídelínes desígned tó sólve ídentífíed neíghbórhóód and natíónal fítness próblems and príórítíes;
Tó assúre that every óne pópúlatíóns have access tó apprópríate and príce-pówerfúl care, súch as fítness merchandísíng and síckness preventíón ófferíngs, and assessment óf the effectíveness óf that care.
There are many dístínctíóns that can be made between públíc fítness and the medícal health prófessíóns. Whíle públíc health ís cónstrúcted fróm many prófessíónal díscíplínes súch as remedy, dentístry, núrsíng, óptómetry, vítamíns, sócíal wórk, envírónmental scíences, health
traíníng, health servíces admínístratíón, and the behavíóral scíences, íts spórts cónscíóúsness ón cómplete pópúlatíóns ín place óf ón character patíents.
Dóctórs generally deal wíth man ór wóman patíents óne-ón-óne fór a selected dísease ór ínjúry. Públíc fítness prófessíónals mónítór and díagnóse the fítness cóncerns óf whóle cómmúnítíes and sell healthfúl practíces and behavíórs tó gúarantee óúr pópúlatíóns líve whólesóme.
Óne way tó demónstrate a númber óf the breadth óf públíc fítness ís tó stúdy a númber óf the awesóme públíc fítness achíevements ínsíde the twentíeth centúry. The fóllówíng had been selected becaúse the "Ten Great Públíc Health Achíevements -- Úníted States, 1900-1999" by means óf the Ú.S. Centers fór Dísease Cóntról and Preventíón (CDC).
Vaccínatíón Vaccínatíón has resúlted ín the eradícatíón óf smallpóx; remóval óf pólíómyelítís ín the Amerícas; and manage óf measles, rúbella, tetanús, díphthería, Haemóphílús ínflúenzae kínd b, and dífferent ínfectíóús díseases wíthín the Úníted States and dífferent cómpónents óf the sectór.
Mótór-vehícle prótectíón Ímpróvements ín mótór-aútómóbíle prótectíón have resúlted fróm engíneeríng effórts tó make each mótórs and híghways móre secúre and fróm súccessfúl effórts tó change prívate cóndúct (e.G., accelerated úse óf safety belts, baby safety seats, and mótórbíke helmets and decreased cónsúmíng and úsíng). These effórts have cóntríbúted tó húge redúctíóns ín mótór-car-related deaths.
Safer wórkplaces Wórk-assócíated fítness tróúbles, cónsístíng óf cóal wórkers' pneúmócóníósís (black lúng), and sílícósís -- cómmón at the begínníng óf the centúry -- have cóme únder hígher cóntról. Severe accídents and deaths related tó míníng, pródúctíón, creatíón, and transpórtatíón addítíónally have redúced; cónsíderíng 1980, móre secúre wórkplaces have resúlted ín a díscóúnt óf abóút 40% ín the príce óf fatal óccúpatíónal accídents.
Cóntról óf ínfectíóús sícknesses Cóntról óf ínfectíóús sícknesses has resúlted fróm smóóth water and ímpróved sanítatíón. Ínfectíóns cónsístíng óf typhóíd and chólera transmítted by ínfected water, a majór reasón óf cóntamínatíón and dyíng early ínsíde the 20th centúry, have been redúced dramatícally by way óf ímpróved sanítatíón. Ín addítíón, the ínventíón óf
antímícróbíal therapy has been vítal tó a hít públíc health effórts tó cóntról ínfectíóns whích ínclúdes túbercúlósís and sexúally transmítted díseases (STDs).
Declíne ín deaths fróm córónary córónary heart dísease and stróke Declíne ín deaths fróm córónary córónary heart síckness and stróke have resúlted fróm threat-cómpónent módífícatíón, ínclúsíve óf smókíng cessatíón and blóód pressúre manage cóúpled wíth advanced get admíssíón tó tó early detectíón and better treatment. Sínce 1972, dyíng príces fór córónary heart síckness have decreased 51%.
Safer and healthíer fóóds Sínce 1900, móre secúre and móre healthy fóóds have resúlted fróm decreases ín mícróbíal cóntamínatíón and íncreases ín díetary cóntent materíal. Ídentífyíng ímpórtant mícrónútríents and órganísíng meals-fórtífícatíón applícatíóns have nearly elímínated prímary nútrítíónal defícíency íllnesses cónsístíng óf ríckets, góíter, and pellagra ínsíde the Úníted States.
Healthíer móms and tóddlers Healthíer móms and tóddlers have resúlted fróm hígher hygíene and nútrítíón, avaílabílíty óf antíbíótícs, extra access tó fítness care, and technólógíc advances ín maternal and neónatal medícínal drúg. Sínce 1900, líttle óne mórtalíty has decreased 90%, and maternal mórtalíty has decreased nínety níne%.
Famíly makíng plans Access tó ówn famíly planníng and cóntraceptíve servíces has altered sócíal and ecónómíc róles óf ladíes. Famíly makíng plans has fúrníshed health blessíngs whích ínclúdes smaller famíly síze and lónger c prógrammíng langúage between the begínníng óf chíldren; accelerated óppórtúnítíes fór precónceptíónal cóúnselíng and screeníng; fewer tóddler, tóddler, and maternal deaths; and the úsage óf barríer cóntraceptíves tó prevent beíng pregnant and transmíssíón óf húman ímmúnódefícíency vírús and dífferent STDs.
Flúórídatíón óf drínkíng water Flúórídatíón óf íngestíng water began ín 1945 and ín 1999 reaches an expected a húndred and fórty fóúr míllíón húmans ín the Úníted States. Flúórídatíón cómpetently and ínexpensívely advantages each yóúngsters and adúlts by úsíng súccessfúlly preventíng enamel decay, regardless óf sócíóecónómíc repútatíón ór access tó care. Flúórídatíón has played an essentíal róle ín the redúctíóns ín enamel decay (fórty%-70% ín yóúngsters) and óf teeth lóss ín adúlts (fórty%-60%).
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