Asia's Unknown Uprising Volume 1 , livre ebook









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This illuminating volume provides a detailed analysis of the oft-hidden yet major uprisings that have patterned Korea's politics and society. An emphasis is placed upon social movements and grass-roots counter-elite dynamics rather than leaders, noting how the intelligence of ordinary people surpasses that of the leaders holding the reins of power. From the 1894 Tonghak Uprising to the 1980 Gwanju Uprising, Korean experiences act here as a baseboard for a greater exploration of global social movement in the 21st century.
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Date de parution

25 mars 2013





Poids de l'ouvrage

11 Mo

Endorsements for Vol.  ofAsia’s Unknown Uprisings
“Thîs book makes a unîque contrîbutîon to Korean Studîes because o îts socîa movements’ prîsm. It wî resonate we în Korea and wî aso serve as a good întroductîon to Korea or outsîders. By provîdîng detaîs on twentîeth-century uprîsîngs, Katsîaicas provîdes însîghts înto the trajectory o socîa movements în the uture. Hîs wordwîde ied-work experîences and surprîsîng însîghts înto Korea are descrîbed we în thîs book.” —Nà Kàhn-chàé, déco, Mày 18 ïnsûé, Gwànjû, Soûh Koéà
“InAsia’s Unknown Uprisings, Katsîaicas contînues to deveop hîs unîque perspectîve on socîa movements that he irst enuncîated în books on the goba însurgency o 1968 and autonomous movements în Europe în the 1970s and ’80s. Fînay, or the irst tîme în Engîsh, we now have a comprehensîve overvîew o the remarkabe waves o popuar uprîsîngs that have taken pace în South Korea în the twentîeth century. Wîth thîs voume, Katsîaicas chaenges the Eurocentrîsm o socîa movement schoarshîp and provîdes a radîca reappraîsa o the roe o mass popuar uprîsîngs în contemporary hîstory.” —Eddé Yûén, coàûho oConronîng Capîaîsm: Dîspaches rom a Goba MovemenàndCaasrophîsm: The Apocaypîc Poîîcs o Coapse and Rebîrh
Endorsements for Vols.  and  ofAsia’s Unknown Uprisings
“InAsia’s Unknown Uprisings, George Katsîaicas înspîres readers wîth an excîtîng yet schoary examînatîon o the rîse and înterînkîng o mass revoutîonary waves o strugge. In no way Poyannaîsh, Katsîaicas presents readers wîth an anaysîs o the successes and aîures o these ate twentîeth-century movements. In vîew o the phenomena Arab democratîc uprîsîngs begun în ate 2010 and eary 2011, Katsîaicas’s anaysîs îs prooundy reevant în hepîng us understand how the metaphorîca lîght o a butterly în one part o the panet can contrîbute to a metaphorîc hurrîcane thousands o mîes away.” — éché, J., coàûho oSoîdarîy Dîvîded: The Crîsîs în Organîzed Labor and a New Pah oward Socîa Jusîce, ànd àcComménào.com édoà oàd mémé
“George Katsîaicas îs Amerîca’s eadîng practîtîoner o the method o ‘partîcîpant-observatîon,’ actîng wîth and observîng the movements that he îs studyîng. Thîs study o Peope Power îs a brîîant narratîve o the present as hîstory rom beow. It îs a detaîed account o the strugge or reedom and socîa justîce, encompassîng the dîferent currents, both reormîst and revoutîonary, în a baanced study that combînes objectîvîty and commîtment. Above a, he presents the beauty o popuar movements în the process o se-emancîpatîon.” —Jàmés Péàs, àûho oThe Arab Revo and he Imperîaîs Couneraack
“George Katsîaicas has wrîtten a majestîc account o poîtîca uprîsîngs and socîa movements în Asîa—an împortant contrîbutîon to the îterature on both Asîan studîes and socîa change that îs hîghy-recommended readîng or anyone concerned wîth these ieds o înterest. The work îs we-researched, ceary argued, and beautîuy wrîtten, accessîbe to both academîc and genera readers.” —Cà os, àûho oThe Crîmes o Empîre: Rogue Superpower and Word Domînaîon, ànd poésso o socà scéncés, Nàonà Unvésy, os Anéés
“Wîth a characterîstîc dîscîpîne, whîch typîies the înteectua abrîc o great mînds, George Katsîaicas shares a amîy resembance wîth Herbert Marcuse, the greatest revoutîonary thînker o the twentîeth century. Lîke Marcuse beore hîm, Katsîaicas îmbues us wîth eros or revoutîons and respect or meanîngu acts . . . Thîs îs a great read by a major thînker, destîned to be a cassîc about the revoutîons and passîons o the Asîan word.” —éodos Kos, poésso o phosophy ànd Ensh à ééé Coéé o Mûsc ànd à non-ésdén Dû os éow à Hàvàd Unvésy
“Through Katsîaicas’s study o Asîa’s uprîsîngs and rebeîons, readers get a gîmpse o the chaenge to revoutîonarîes to move beyond representatîve democracy and to reîmagîne and reînvent democracy. Thîs book shows the power o rebeîons to change the conversatîon.” —Gàcé éé os, àcvs ànd coàûho oRevouîon and Evouîon în he Twenîeh Cenury
“The work o George Katsîaicas reveas the sînews o socîa revoutîon—not the posturîng o poîtîca partîes, but the împuse that rîses rom the grassroots whîch tap înto an ever present tendency în hîstory, that o the se-organîzatîon o cîtîzens.” —Dmos Roûssopoûos, àûho oParîcîpaory Democracy: Prospecs or Democraîzîng Democracy
“The heartbeat o the eros efect ony grows stronger în thîs expansîve work, as George Katsîaicas ovîngy detaîs the éan vîta o do-ît-ourseves rebeîons, and în paces too ong îgnored. Hîs sweepîng account not ony heps us take better puse o and better engage în today’s dîrecty democratîc uprîsîngs but aso charts theîr dîrect îneage în revots waged outsîde natîonaîst, hîerarchîca structures. In uy embracîng the compexîty, surprîse, messîness, cross-poînatîon, and power o revoutîons în whîch peope experîment în orms o reedom together,Asia’s Unknown Uprisingsgrasps the promîse o a shared uture în such egaîtarîan yearnîngs.” —Cndy Msén, Occûpy Phy ànd co-coàoào oPahs oward Uopîa: Exporaîons în Everyday Anarchîsm
Aŝîà’ŝ Uô Uîŝîŝ Vôûé : Sôû Kôéà Sôçîà Môééŝ î é  Céû George Katsiaficas
Asà’s Unnown Upsns Voûmé 1: Soûh Koéàn Socà Movéméns n hé 20h Cénûy Géoé Kàsàicàs © Géoé Kàsàicàs hs édon © 2012 PM Péss A hs ésévéd.
ïSN: 978–1–60486–457–1 ày o Conéss Cono Nûmé: 2011906342
Cové: John Yàés / www.séàwo Cové Phoo: Mày 18 Mémoà oûndàon ïnéo désn y àndésn
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
PM Péss PO ox 23912 Oàànd, CA 94623 www.pmpéss.o
Pnéd n hé USA on écycéd pàpé, y hé Empoyéé Ownés o homson-Shoé n Déxé, Mchàn. www.homsonshoé.com
o Korea, wîh ove
preface chapter 
chapter 
I am the People, the Mobby Carl SandburgList of Tables
List of Charts, Graphs, and Maps
List of Illustrations and Photographs
List of Abbreviations
My First Encounter with Korea
Uprisings and HistoryKoéà’s Upsns Oànzàons ànd Movéméns Koéà’s ïnvsy Eûocénsm’s nd Eyé hé Réàsonày o Upsns Eé Usé o Upsns hé Comn Koéàn Wàvé
Korea Enters the Modern World Systemàdon ànd Modény Koéàn Cv Socéy’s Réséncé àmés’ Wà o 1894 Jàpàn’s Conqûéss Màch 1, 1919: Koéàn ïndépéndéncé Upsn om Upsn o Améd Réssàncé
î îî îîî î î î
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
U.S. Imperialism and the October People’s UprisingJàpàn-U.S. Coàoàon Jàpàn’s oocà Wààé Un omàon o hé Koéàn Péopé’s Répûc hé 1946 Ocoé Upsn: om Généà Sé o àmés’ Révo Càûsés ànd Conséqûéncés o hé Ocoé Upsn
Against Korea’s Division: Jeju Uprising and Yeosun InsurrectionJéjû Ap 3 Upsn Yéosûn ïnsûécon Conséqûéncés o hé ïnsûécon Nàonà Sécûy àw ànd hé Rhéé Dcàoshp Koéàn Wà U.S. Màssàcé o Cvàns
TheMinjungAwaken: Students Overthrow Rhee and Park4.19: Sûdéns Ovéhow Synmàn Rhéé Socà Movéméns n hé Sécond Répûc Pà Chûn-héé Dcàoshp hé Uàn Poo Chûn àé- ànd hé Sûé AànsYushîn Womén às Mdwvés o héMînjung ûmà Upsn Chûn’s 12–12 Coûp ànd hé Séoû Spn
Gwangju People’s Uprisinghé Upsn éns Mày 21: hé hn ïnénsiés éàéd Gwànjû: hé Powé o ové éàéd Gwànjû’s Déc Démocàcy hé Upsn Spéàds Czéns’ Comméés n Conlc hé Sûé Movés o à Moé “Sysémàc” évé Mày Oànzàon Càss Dynàmcs n hé Upsn Womén ànd hé Upsn hé nà Dàys Le’s go hîs way ogehery Km Nàm-jû
Neoliberalism and the Gwangju Uprisinghé Economc ànson Ons o Néoéàsm U.S. Sûppo o Sûppésson o Gwànjû ïnvéso Pànc ànd Chûn’s Rsn Sà
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
chapter 
Choéoàphn Rémé Chàné Wsdom o héMînjung The Gathering StormDàys o h, Yéàs o Dànéss Soûh Koéàn An-Amécànsm Rsé o héMînjung Ass àndMînjungCoûnécûûé Koéà’s Sûdén Movémén éndéncés whn hé Movémén: PD ànd N ûdn à Woés’ Movémén Pocàns àé hé éàd U.S. Sqûéézés Chûn
The June Uprising of Chûn’s Ap 13 Décààon: “No Consûonà Déàé” Céàon o héKukbon Jûné 10: hé Upsn éns Jûné 18: Chûn Pépàés hé Mày Jûné 26: Showdown hé Jûnà’s Jûné 29 Càpûàon Eé-éd ànson? hé Roé o Cv Socéy
The Great Workers’ Strugglehé Jûné Upsn’s Càss Chààcé hé Wàvé o Aûonomoûs Woé Acons Upsn whn héChaebo Maybey Pà No-hàé éssons ànd éàcy
FromMinjungto Citizenshé s Eécons Roh’s Wà on hé Won Càss Sûdéns Pon o Réûnicàon hé 1991 Sûé: Dééà ànd Adjûsmén Czéns’ Movéméns Réjûvénàon o hé Womén’s Movémén Ecooy Movémén Sûdéns Connûé o Sûé hé s Cvàn Govénmén
The Struggle Against Neoliberalismhé Dcàoshp o hé Màé Généà Sé o 1997 hé 1997 ïM Css
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