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For more than half a century, the United States has led the world in developing major technologies that drive the modern economy and underpin its prosperity. In America, Inc., Linda Weiss attributes the U.S. capacity for transformative innovation to the strength of its national security state, a complex of agencies, programs, and hybrid arrangements that has developed around the institution of permanent defense preparedness and the pursuit of technological supremacy. She examines how that complex emerged and how it has evolved in response to changing geopolitical threats and domestic political constraints, from the Cold War period to the post-9/11 era.Weiss focuses on state-funded venture capital funds, new forms of technology procurement by defense and security-related agencies, and innovation in robotics, nanotechnology, and renewable energy since the 1980s. Weiss argues that the national security state has been the crucible for breakthrough innovations, a catalyst for entrepreneurship and the formation of new firms, and a collaborative network coordinator for private-sector initiatives. Her book appraises persistent myths about the military-commercial relationship at the core of the National Security State. Weiss also discusses the implications for understanding U.S. capitalism, the American state, and the future of American primacy as financialized corporations curtail investment in manufacturing and innovation.
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Date de parution

29 mars 2014





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2 Mo

America Inc.?
A voume în the serîes
America Inc.?
InnovationandEnterpriseinthe National Security State
Copyrîght © 2014 by Corne Unîversîty
A rîghts reserved. Except or brîe quotatîons în a revîew, thîs book, or parts thereo, must not be reproduced în any orm wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher. For înormatîon, address Corne Unîversîty Press, Sage House, 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850.
Fîrst pubîshed 2014 by Corne Unîversîty Press Fîrst prîntîng, Corne Paperbacks, 2014
Prînted în the Unîted States o Amerîca
LîbraryoCongressCataogîng-în-PubîcatîonDataWeîss, Lînda (Lînda M.), author.  Amerîca înc.? : înnovatîon and enterprîse în the natîona securîty state / Lînda Weîss.  pages cm — (Corne studîes în poîtîca economy)  Incudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex.  ISBN 978-0-8014-5268-0 (coth : ak. paper)  ISBN 978-0-8014-7930-4 (pbk. : ak. paper)  1. Mîîtary-îndustrîa compex—Unîted States. 2. Natîona securîty— Unîted States—21st century. I. Tîte. II. Serîes: Corne studîes în poîtîca economy  HC110.D4W48 2014  338.0973—dc23 2013038090
Corne Unîversîty Press strîves to use envîronmentay responsîbe suppîers and materîas to the uest extent possîbe în the pubîshîng o îts books. Such materîas încude vegetabe-based, ow-VOC înks and acîd-ree papersthatarerecyced,totaychorîne-ree,orpartycomposedononwoodbers.Forurtherînormatîon,vîsîtourwebsî
Coth prîntîng Paperback prîntîng
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1. The National Security State and Technology LeadershipTheU.S.PuzzeTheArgumentRe-vîewîngtheNSSPrîvateSectorReatîonshîpExîstîngAccounts:Dîscountîng,Sîdeînîng,CîvîîanîzîngtheStateTheApproachoThîsBookNewThînkîngontheAmerîcanState
2. Rise of the National Security State as Technology EnterpriseEmergence(19451957)Growth:TheSputnîkEfect(19581968)Crîsîs:LegîtîmatîonandInnovatîonDecîts(19691979)ReormandReorîentatîon:Begînnîngs(19801989)ReormandReorîentatîon:Consoîdatîon(19901999)Re-vîsîonîng(20002012)
3. Investing in New VenturesGeopoîtîcaRootsotheU.S.VentureCapîtaIndustryPostCodWarTrends:NewFundsoraNewSecurîty Envîronment
1 3 4 7 11 14 16
21 23 31 34 39 44 47
51 53
4.BeyondSerendipity:ProcuringTransformativeTechnologyTechnoogyProcurementversusR&D:TheActîvîstEemento Government PurchasîngSpîn-OfandSpîn-AroundSerendîpîtousandPurposeuBreachîngtheWa:EdgîngtowardMîîtary-Commercîa(Re-)Integratîon
5.ReorientingthePublicPrivatePartnershipStructuraChangesîntheDomestîcArenaReorîentatîon:TheQuestorCommercîaVîabîîtyBeyondaMîîtary-IndustrîaDîvîde:InnovatîngorBothSecurîtyand Commerce
7.HybridizationandAmericanAntistatismTheSîgnîcanceoHybrîdîzatîonAnAmerîcanTendency?NatureotheBeast:NeîtherPrîvatîzatîonnorOutsourcîngInnovatîon Hybrîds
77 82
96 97 100
123 123 125 129 132 143
146 148 149 151 155
171 172 173 174 178 181 185
194 196 198 203
213 235 255 257
Howdoesanon-Amerîcanacademîccometowrîteabookaboutthecon-trîbutîon o the U.S. natîona securîty state to Amerîca’s îndustrîa economy? The sîmpe response îs that the înterpay o state and economy sîts at the center o a my work. A more consîdered response—to the extent that one can answer these “orîgîn” questîons wîth any precîsîon—woud be that my înterest dates rom my days as a graduate student at the London Schoo o Economîcs durîng the 1980s. There, the înterdîscîpînary Patterns o Hîstory semînar brought together a range o hîgh-powered schoars who, înter aîa, expored the împact o înternatîona pressures, most notaby war, on domes-tîc poîcîes and înstîtutîons. Later, a serîes o workshops convened between 1989 and 1991 by înternatîona reatîons schoar Fred Haîday and hîstorîca socîoogîst Mîchae Mann enjoîned partîcîpants to jettîson theîr îndîvîdua dîscîpînary conventîons by creatîvey întegratîng the natîona and the înter-natîona în theîr anayses. Inahatîngandmodestway,thîsîswhereIbegan.InCreatîng Capîtalîsm(1988), whîch ocused maîny on the postwar Itaîan poîtîca economy, I ex-amîned the înfluence o war and the egacy o occupatîon on natîona poî-cîes or îndustrîa structure and the resutîng dîversîty o poîtîca economîes. InStates and Economîc Development(1995), wîth my coeague John Hobson, I set out to understand what kînd o domestîc structures and înternatîona chaenges ay behînd the rîse and reatîve decîne o îndustrîa powers at dî-erent hîstorîca perîods. It was thîs project that reay tweaked my înterest în the questîon o war, deense preparedness, and îts împact on the îndustrîa economy. InaterworkIexamînedtheînterpayostateandeconomyromaEuropean and East Asîan perspectîve. But the îssue o the roe payed by the state în the Amerîcan poîtîca economy contînued to întrîgue me.
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