Central to the becoming of a society in the context of posts (postapartheid, postcolonial, postmodern) and in the context of transformations of the political, legal, socio-economic and cultural is the creation of a vibrant and active public sphere. Of particular concern is an insistence on democracy and transparency radically different from strategic and instrumental conceptions – a space for dialogue and dissent, an opportunity for creativity, experimentation and re-imaginings.During the last part of 2004 and the first part of 2005, the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria moved to a new building on campus. The artworks at the new building sparked strong controversy in the Faculty. Two members of the Faculty, who found themselves to be in disagreement on some of the issues raised in this debate, set out their views during the Arts and Reconciliation Festival and Conference at the University of Pretoria, on 16 March 2005.About the editors:Christof Heyns is Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. Prof Heyns' article is entitled: In graphic detail: Freedom of expression on campus.Karin van Marle is a Professor at the Department of Legal History, Comparitive Law and Jurisprudence, at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria. Her response is entitled: Art, democracy and resisitance: A response to Professor Heyns.