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Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
eo p le
Michelle R. Pr ather , M.A.
Publishing Credits
Rachelle Cracchiolo, M.S.Ed., P ublisher
Conni Medina, M.A.Ed., Managing Editor
Nika Fabienke, Ed .D., Series Developer
June Kikuchi, Content Director
Michelle Jovin, M.A., Associate Editor
Regina Fr ank, Graphic Designer
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Library of C ongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Nam es: Prat her, Miche lle R ene é, 1 975- autho r.
Ti tle: De cept ion : w hy do pe opl e lie? / Mich ell e R. Pr athe r.
Des crip tion: H untin gton B each , CA : Teacher Cr eated M ateri als, [201 8] |
Audi ence: G rad e 7 to 8. | In clud es ind ex .
Ide ntif ie rs: LCCN 201 705 566 8 (pr int) | LCCN 20 180 05626 (ebo ok) | I SBN
978 1 4258548 67 ( e- bo ok ) | ISBN 9781 4258501 0 4 (pb k.)
Subj ec ts: LCSH : De cepti on --Juve nile li tera ture. | Truthf ulne ss and
falsehood--Juv enile l iteratu re.
Class if ica tion: LCC BJ1 421 ( eb ook ) | LCC BJ 1 42 1 . P73 201 8 (pri nt) | DD C
1 77/ .3 - -d c23
LC record a vailable at https://lccn.loc.gov/20 1 705 5668
T eacher Cr eated Materials
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
www.tcmpub .com
ISBN 978-0-7439-2111-4
© 2019 T eacher Created Materials, Inc.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
W e A ll Do It .........................................................................4
Soci a l Lie s ............................................................................6
L ying o ut o f Fear ................................................................ 1 6
L ying t o Get Ahead ............................................................22
Lie s That W o w ...................................................................28
L ying t o Y ourself ................................................................34
The T r uth o f the Matter ......................................................40
Gl oss a ry ............................................................................. 4 2
Inde x .................................................................................. 44
Chec k It Ou t! ....................................................................46
T r y I t ! ............................................................................... 4 7
Abo u t the Au t ho r ................................................................ 48
W e A l l Do It
If you look at it fr om the rig ht point of view , lyin g is just
good manners. — Ke vi n in Liar , L iar by Ga r y Pau lsen
U n li ke K e vi n in Liar , L iar , mos t peop le don ’ t adm it t o
bein g liar s, de sp i t e the f act that m os t peop le lie e v ery d a y .
W hile th is ma y seem like a sw eepin g gene ral i z ation , th in k
abou t mos t da y -to-d a y con ve rsati ons. S ome details a re
e xagg erated or l eft ou t until the mos t t hr il ling v ersi on of the
tr uth is l eft.
A small lie ma y seem uni mporta nt, becau se there are
f ew to n o consequ en ces . So me s mall l ie s, s uc h as filters
f or pho tos and o nli ne per son as , ma y ev en seem n or mal.
Oftentimes, peo p le d on ’ t ev en realize that som eon e is l yi n g
in a n attemp t to sho w o ff to the w or ld. B ut the qu esti on
remains—wh at dr i ve s peop le t o lie ?
W as T ha t a Li e ?
According to Merriam-W ebster , a lie is:
of something known or
believed by the speaker or writer to
be untrue with intent to
”; “an
untrue or inaccurate sta tement that
may or may not be believed true by
the speaker or writer”; or “something
that misleads or deceives.”
Looks C an B e Dec eiv i ng
of airbrushed cosmetics ads have
been debated for years. Many people argue that
when brands use digitally enhanced images to
sell products, they purposely mislead consumers
to believe they can achie ve the same look. They
advertise a standard of beauty that isn’t real.
Soci a l L i es
Ther e may be times w hen y ou f i nd y ourse lf pl a y ing
alon g whe n som eon e asks w het her y ou ’v e seen a pop ular
f i lm. Al th ou g h y ou ha ve n ev er heard o f the mo vie,
y ou qui ckl y lie and sa y y ou ha ve in o r de r to seem coo l.
This f eeling o f needing to be “in th e k no w” insp ires