Publié par
Date de parution
24 novembre 2012
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
24 novembre 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
3 Mo
يملسلاو يبرعلا نوناقلا زكرم
Centre de droit arabe et musulman
Zentrum für arabisches und islamisches Recht
Centro di diritto arabo e musulmano
Centre of Arab and Islamic Law
Religious, medical, social and legal debate
Sami A. Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh
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nd2 edition, 2012
Centre of Arab and Islamic Law
Created in May 2009, the Centre of Arab and Islamic Law provides legal
consultations, conferences, translations, research and courses concerning Arab and Islamic
Law, and the relation between Muslims and the West, assistance for students and
researchers. It allows also freely downloading a large number of writings from the
The Author
Sami A. Aldeeb Abu-Sahlieh. Christian of Palestinian origin. Swiss citizen. Doctor
in law. Habilitated to direct researches. Professor of universities (CNU-France).
Responsible for Arab and Islamic Law at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
(1980-2009). Visiting professor in different French, Italian and Swiss universities.
Director of the Centre of Arab and Islamic Law. Author of many books, including
a French, English and Italian translation of the Koran.
Centre of Arab and Islamic Law
Ochettaz 17
Ch-1025 St-Sulpice
Tel: 0041 [0]21 6916585
Mobile: 0041 [0]78 9246196
© All rights reserved 2012
2 Summary
Foreword by Marilyn Fayre Milos .................................................................................................. 7
Introduction .................................... 9
Part 1. Definition and distribution of circumcision ....... 13
Part 2. Religious debate ................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 1. Circumcision among the Jews ..................... 25
Chapter 2. Circumcision among Christians .................. 95
Chapter 3. Circumcision among Muslims 136
Part 3. The medical debate .......................................................................................................... 185
Chapter 1. Relationship between clergy and physicians ............................. 185
Chapter 2. Trivializations and exagerations of circumcision ...................... 189
Chapter 3. Circumcision and pain ............................................................................................... 194
Chapter 4. Health damages of circumcision ............................................................................... 202
Chapter 5. Sexual damages from circumcision ........... 213
Chapter 6. Supposed health advantages of circumcision ............................ 230
Chapter 7. Foreskin restoration ................................................................................................... 265
Part 4. The social debate ............. 273
Chapter 1. From self-mutilation to cultural mutilation ............................... 273
Chapter 2. Inlfuence of the milieu on circumcision .... 282
Chapter 3. Influence of religion on circumcision ....................................................................... 288
Chapter 4. Circumcision and control of sexual instinct .............................. 291
Chapter 5. Circumcision and marriage ....................................................................................... 296
Chapter 6. Circumcision in tribal and communal systems .......................... 305
Chapter 7. Circumcision and the instinct of domination............................. 312
Chapter 8. Circumcision and economic factors .......................................................................... 323
Chapter 9. Circumcision and political factors ............. 338
Chapter 10. Psychological and social effects of circumcision .................... 360
Chapter 11. Educational and psychological measures against circumcision .............................. 372
Part 5. The legal debate .............................................................................................................. 381
Chapter 1. Historical legal prohibition of male circumcision ..................... 381
Chapter 2. International condemnation of female circumcision ................. 385
Chapter 3. National condemnation of female circumcision ........................................................ 395
Chapter 4. NGOs opposed to female and male circumcision ..................... 407
Chapter 5. Circumcision and human rights ................................................. 419
Chapter 6. Circumcision and medical dispension ....................................... 446
Chapter 7. Interdiction of circumcision between ideal and feasibility ........ 469
Chapter 8. Circumcision and political asylum ............ 487
Conclusion .................................................................................................. 497
Bibliography ............................... 499
Table of contents ........................ 525
General observations
Comprehensive book
This comprehensive book is available in French in complete (Circoncision masculine et
féminine: débat médical, social et juridique) and reduced version (Circoncision: le complot
du silence). These three books are published at the same publisher Those who read Arabic can download this book free in
three versions:
The Arabic alphabet can be transliterated in different ways. I avoid the scholarly form
because it is too complicated for a non-specialized reader. The following is the equivalent
of some Arabic letters:
' ء + ع gh غ
kh خ u + w و
d ض + د i + y ي
dh ظ + ذ t ط + ت
sh ش h ح + ـه
s ص + س j ج
Quotations from the Koran and the Bible
I will primarily use the translation of the Koran by Rashad Khalifa, which can be found at
Quotations from the Old and New Testament are taken from the Holy Bible: New Revised
Standard Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1992.
In footnotes, I mention the name of author and/or the first elements of the title. Complete
bibliographic data can be found at the end of the book.
Dates mentioned refer to the Christian era. For Arab authors and people, I used the
bibliographic dictionary: Al-Jabi: Mu'jam al-a'lam. The pertinent date of an author's death is
indicated when the author is quoted for the first time, as well as in the bibliography.
Main abbreviations
- Books of the Old Testament: Genesis (Gn), Exodus (Ex), Leviticus (Lv), Numbers
(Nb), Deuteronomy (Dt), Joshua (Jos), Judges (Jg), Ruth (Rt), Samuel I (I S) and II (II
S), Kings I (I K) and II (II K), Chronicles I (I Ch) and II (II Ch), Ezra (Ezr), Nehemiah
(Ne), Tobit (Tb), Judith (Jdt), Esther (Est), Maccabees I (I M) and II (II M), Job (Jb),
Psalms (Ps), Proverbs (Pr), Ecclesiastes or Qohelet (Qo), Song of Solomon (Song),
Wisdom (Wis), Ecclesiasticus or Sirach (Si), Isaiah (Is), Jeremiah (Jr), Lamentations
(Lm), Baruch (Ba), Ezekiel (Ez), Daniel (Dn), Hosea (Hos), Joel (Jl), Amos (Am),
Obadiah (Ob), Jonah (Jon), Micah (Mi), Nahum (Na), Habakkuk (Ha), Zephaniah
(Zeph), Haggai (Hag), Zechariah (Zech), Malachi (Mal).
- Books of the New Testament: Gospel according to Matthew (Mt), Mark (Mk), Luke
(Lk) and John (Jn); Acts of the Apostles (Acts); Letters of Paul to the Romans (Rm),
Corinthians I (I Co) and II (II Co), Galatians (Ga), Ephesians (Ep), Philippians (Ph),
Colossians (Col), Thessalonians I (I Th) and II (II Th), Timothy I (I Tm) and II (II Tm),
Titus (Tt) and Philemon (Phm); Hebrews (He); Letter of James (Jm); Letters of Peter I
(I P) and II (II P); Letters of John I (I Jn), II (II Jn) and III (III Jn); Letter of Jude (Jude);
and Revelation (Rev).
- B.C.: Before Christ.
- CE: Council of Europe.
- Charter of the UNO: Charter of the United Nations Organization, entry into force 24
October 1945.
- Child's convention: Convention on the rights of the child, entry into force 2 September
- Covenant on civil rights: International covenant on civil and political rights, entry into
force 23 March 1976.
- Covenant on economic rights: International covenant on economic, social and cultural
rights, entry into force 3 January 1976.
- d. (ca): died (circa).
- ECOSOC: Economic and social council of the United Nations.
- FNUAP: United Nations population fund.
- H.: Hegira era (Muslim calendar).
- HCR: United Nations high commissioner for refugees.
- Inter-African committee: Inter-African committee on traditional practices affecting the
health of women and children.
- NGO(s): Non-governmental organization(s).
- NOCIRC: National organization of circumcision information resource centers.
- NOHARMM: National organi