*» »«1^^jii?-'^f^!ef*Li1TroublesBoock T. the ^/Davld 5ofhiswith his hands breafl.Then knocking angrywith his He Oh 'tis confcftEarth feet j, crys,ar have been a ^IVewan-Kingpiom fida Seer a Boy, e'^ery thing.WrongM byDeath is nothundred of (6Eight years deep.So unconcern'd 3Smy Lethargic]^ fleep.Pditienee C\*cn a becomes,My Sacrile.'igeDifturbs the their facrcdand Tomhs,Deaii, openAh whoFather', formeBenjamin^kmiThis curled World cndur'tt to fee !againAll thou had is fo true.iaid,^rp.Tt 'vtjion^That all whichthon andmore Tilcommand'ft,do :Kill him? the wretch fhallyes mighty Ghofl dy.Star in Hcav'en fhould itThough every 5denyNor wrathtr.ockth'afiliultofourjuft again;Had he ten histimes fam'd fewthonjandilain.thatShould bold WWw«w,popular whofedefigfiIs to his ownrevenge dijgrace by Mine^Should Sonmy ingrateful oppofeth'intent, heartrvwnto'wn andgrow fcrup'ulousrelent,Curfeme Heayen which this truth Ijufl { byfwear)If I that or doSeey, Son^my Self fpare.No to ftiU^rewrn homegentle Ghofi thy ;this andmine, Foe fhall corrie.^Thither day thy ,Ifthatcurftobjeftlongervexmy Hght,It muft have learnt to as Thou to'appear night.Whi'ft thus his -vvrath withthreats the T^-rant fed.The onfear Icfs histhreatned^'fla/^ flept bed;refton, asSleep quiet take,they Cor)fcienceFor Thou GoXsthough awakc.4, fleep'ft thy felf,ihyAbove the fubtle oftliefoldings Sky, the well-fet Orhs(ok fi^nnony^Above ihofe that thepetty 5La-fiips g»iild ...