THE LIBRARYOFTHEUNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIALOSANGELESANDWORD SENTENCEDEILLSSHORTHANDFORGREGGBYI.MARK MARKETTINSTRUCTOR IN HIGH SCHOOL OFSHORTHAND, COMMERCE,LECTURER ON SHORTHANDNEW YORK TEACH-CITY;THE COLLEGE OF THE CITY OFING METHODS,NEW YORKTHE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANYNEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LONDONBT THE1922,COPYRIGHT,GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANYA55-P-10Made in the United States AmericaofPREFACEWord andTHE chief of Sentence Drills is topurpose providework on the various for studentsconstructive ofprinciplesShorthand. This work is in the form ofGregg presented, first,words which can be written under takengiven principles, upto with the lessons of theprogressively correspond GerggShorthand Manual. The lists of words in each lesson arefollowed a series of sentences words thatby graded involvingmust be constructed from andprinciples, wordsigns, phraseforms. The book is to the Manualdesigned supplement byv> sufficient drill on each to the studentfurnishing principle giveskill not in the of inthe but theonly application rule, handlingJa will value to>- of that be ofcomprehensive vocabulary greatc him when dictation on new matter is encountered.BEThe book has been for reference.arranged carefully easyEach list is introduced a reference to the num-by paragraphber of the Manual in which the is followedfy principle presented,a of the rule or so that the teacher canby summary principle,H)z make selections for or without ...