NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES3 3433 08191715 9AJoiix P. Abthxjb.WesternNorth CarolinaA HISTORY1730 TO(FROM 1913)BYJOHN PRESTON ARTHURPUBLlSHtD BYof theThe Edward Buncombe of theChapter DaughtersAmerican of N. C.Revolution, Ashevllle,N. C.RALEIGH,» *Edwards ...,i"•t c i i »< ii i i ,iBIBLIOGRAPHYThe references are to the names of authors or works as follows:"A ofAllen: means W. C.History Haywood County," by Allen, Waynes-1908.ville,means an articleAsheville's that name which wasCentenary: by pub-lished in the Asheville Citizen in Foster A.February, 1898, byof the Asheville Bar.Sondley, Esq.,Balsam Groves: means "The Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Moun-M. of BannerShep. Duggertain," by Elk, Watauga county.means the of Col. Wm. of 1901."WritingsByrd: Byrd Westover,"Carolina W. 1913Mountains, by Margaret Morley,Col. Rec: means Colonial and State Records of North Carolina.means Mountain and Its Dr. L. C."Kings Heroes,"Draper: by Draper.Stitches: means Stitches in TennesseeDropped "Dropped History," byHon. John 1896.Allison, Nashville,means "The Balsam Groves" named above.Dugger:Fifth Eth. means the Fifth Annual of the Bureau ofRep.: Report1883-'84.Ethnology,Foote's Sketches: means "Foote's Sketches of North Carolina."A. B.Hart: means "Formation of the 1901.Union," by Hart,the means a work of that name & Gross-Heart of Alleghanies: by Zeigler1879.cup ...