THKBOOK IS PUBLISHKD WITHTHISFl'XI>PUB1 ICA'I IONOF 1 TIEASSISTANCE )#// ^UHClCFThus hook is a tziit to the bylibraryDr. KiPabiipuU'ti GopaJa ishnayya,1Piebidt Kt fa Newsnt, ibhnayyaandSeivice PuhJ a (Engineer)c< ^00 roa: ^m< 58642>OU_1CD^VolcanoesIN IN ERUPTIONIN HISTORY, THEORY.?red KullardM-byUNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESSUNIYhRSITY OF TEXAS PRKSSAustin 12rilOMAS NELSON SONS LTDAND()Parkside Works EdinburghHi Park Street London Wl">12 Flinders Street Melbourne Cl-'404I'.O'j Bun lavs Bank BuildingsCommissioner and Knus StreetsJohannesburgThomas Nelson and Sons Ltd(Canada)(|r01 > Stieel West Toronto 1WellingtonSot u'te d'fcditions NelsonFranchise197 ni< Paris fiMongeof Card No. (il-lOOK!Congress CatalogLibrary1962 Fred M. BnllardCopyright byAll leservedrightsMannfa( tured in the United States of Americab\ tlie of Texas DivisionUniversity PrintingTO BESSFor and enthusiasm foiencouragement never-failingthe project,research and in the of theFor on thehelp preparationandmanuscript,For on to volcanoes incompanionship trips man) paitsof where often werethe world conditionslivingdifficult.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe material on which this book is based was as-sembled from studies carried on in volcanic in ofregions many partsthe world for more than a decade. For the to visit the ...
12 Flinders Street Melbourne Cl-'404I'.O'j Bun lavs Bank BuildingsCommissioner and Knus StreetsJohannesburgThomas Nelson and Sons Ltd(Canada)(|r01 > Stieel West Toronto 1WellingtonSot u'te d'fcditions NelsonFranchise197 ni< Paris fiMongeof Card No. (il-lOOK!Congress CatalogLibrary1962 Fred M. BnllardCopyright byAll leservedrightsMannfa( tured in the United States of Americab\ tlie of Texas DivisionUniversity PrintingTO BESSFor and enthusiasm foiencouragement never-failingthe project,research and in the of theFor on thehelp preparationandmanuscript,For on to volcanoes incompanionship trips man) paitsof where often werethe world conditionslivingdifficult.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe material on which this book is based was as-sembled from studies carried on in volcanic in ofregions many partsthe world for more than a decade. For the to visit the ..." />
Thus hook is a tziit to the bylibrary
Dr. KiPabiipuU'ti GopaJa ishnayya,
Piebidt Kt fa Newsnt, ibhnayya
andSeivice PuhJ a (Engineer)c< ^
00 ro
a: ^
m< 58642>OU_1
?red KullardM-by
Austin 12
)Parkside Works Edinburgh
Hi Park Street London Wl
">12 Flinders Street Melbourne Cl
-'404I'.O'j Bun lavs Bank Buildings
Commissioner and Knus Streets
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd(Canada)
(|r01 > Stieel West Toronto 1Wellington
Sot u'te d'fcditions NelsonFranchise
197 ni< Paris fiMonge
of Card No. (il-lOOK!Congress CatalogLibrary
1962 Fred M. BnllardCopyright by
All leservedrights
Mannfa( tured in the United States of America
b\ tlie of Texas DivisionUniversity PrintingTO BESS
For and enthusiasm foiencouragement never-failing
the project,
research and in the of theFor on thehelp preparation
For on to volcanoes incompanionship trips man) paits
of where often werethe world conditionsliving
The material on which this book is based was as-
sembled from studies carried on in volcanic in of
regions many parts
the world for more than a decade. For the to visit the vari-opportunity
ous volcanic for time from duties to make the in-regions, my regular
to toand do the research assemble this material,,vestigations necessary
I am indebted to and individuals.foundations,many organizations,
doesnot a but Iwould tolikeSpace permit complete listing acknowledge
to the for material aid in various offollowing my appreciation phases
the work: The of America and the Instituto deGeological Society
of the Universidad Nacional de Mexico for aid in theGeologia study
of Paricutin the of Texas Research Institute andVolcano; University
the Foundation of the of Texas for research timeUniversity rGeology
the thetravel and aid in the of U.S.funds, preparation manuscript;
State for two which enabled me to studyDepartment Fulbright grants
the volcanoes of and Peru the United Fruit for assist-
;Italy Company
work in Central the Minera de Guate-ance in the America; Compafiia
mala Mr. Alan for aid in the work in(through Probert, Manager)
Guatemala the Instituto de Cientificas of the
; Tropical InvestigacionesVOLCANOESX
Nacional de Elde El and the ServicioUniversidad Salvador, Geologico
the work in El Mr. DonaldSalvador for assistance in Salvador; Spencer
in the workassociates of the Minera La India forand Compania help
inand the Instituto de Costa Rica for aidin GeograficoNicaragua;
Institute of and andCosta Rica. The Pan American HistoryGeography
the work in all ofAmerican Geodetic also assisted inthe Inter- Survey
the Central countries.
ofindebted to Professor ArthurI am Holmes, Universityparticularly
and offeredwho read theScotland, galleysEdinburgh, Edinburgh,
and criticisms.constructivemany suggestions helpful
where I haveTo friends in each of the countries worked,manymy
of their time andwho contributed provided transportation,generously
I to un-and other wish ;services, my deep appreciationexpressguides,
the list is too tolong print.fortunately
ob-otherwise credited are own. ThoseAll of the not myphotographs
in each case and I want totained from other sources are acknowledged
contributions.thanks to the individualswho have made such
ofmaterial both in theI have drawn on preparationfreely published
the source is ac-illustrations. In eachthe text and for case, however,
material.I wish to thanks for the use of thisand myknowledged express
havethe authors and whoI am to publishersgratefulparticularly
tome to illustrations and directlyreproduce quotegranted permission
from their publications.
ofthanks to the staff of theI to Universitywish, also, express my
all of thefor their inTexas Press cooperation aspectsexceptional
of thisbook.production
Bess Mills for aid inI wish to thank wife, Bullard, everymyFinally,
to theof work from the of thethe readingpreparation manuscriptphase
theof proof.