A free monthly review of French news & trendsVOL. 10.02 MARCH 31International Conference Discusses Civil Nuclear Energy IssuesThe International Conferenceon Access to Civil Nuclear President Sarkozy Visits the United StatesEnergy,held in Paris's OECDFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy will visit the United States on March 29 and 30. His itin-Conference Center March 8erary begins in New York City with a speech at Columbia University, after which he willand 9, provided a forum inmeet with editorialists from various publications. For the second leg of his trip, the Frenchwhich public and private sec-president will travel to the nation’s capital. There, he will meet with President Obama intor representatives could dis-the Oval Office, and hold a press conference at the White House following their discus-cuss the promotion of "thesion. President Sarkozy’s trip will conclude with a private couple’s dinner at the Whitepeaceful and responsible use ofHouse, where he and French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy will join President Obamanuclear power." Prominentand First Lady Michelle Obama. President Sarkozy plans to return to the U.S. on April 12public figures, governmentand 13 for the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center.policy-makers, managers ofPresident Sarkozy addresses the Internationalindustrial companies, "France is ready to help any nation which wants to acquire civil nuclear energy," as long asConference on Access to Civil ...