Social protection in the Member States of the European Union








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Situation on 1 July 1995 and evolution
Social protection and social security
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Social protection in
the Member States
of the European Union MISSOC 1995 EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Directorate-General Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs
Situation on July 1st 1995 and evolution MISSOC-Secretariat:
ISG Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik GmbH
Barbarossaplatz 2
D-50674 Cologne
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel.: (49)221/23 54 73
Fax: (49)221/2152 67
Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1996
ISBN 92-827-7162-8
© ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussel · Luxembourg, 1996
Reproduction is authorized, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged
Printed in Belgium Introduction 7
Trends in Social Protection in the European Union
1st July 1994 to 30 June 1995 11
Evolution of Social Protection
in the Member States9
Comparative Tables
I Organisation 47
II Financing 91
III Healthcare 12
IV Sickness - Cash benefits 159
V Maternity 17
VI Invalidity 19
VE Old-age 22
Vni Survivors 247
IX Employment injuries and occupational diseases 26
X Family benefits 319
XI Unemployment 345
XII Guaranteeing sufficient resources 383
XIII Social protection of self-employed 47
1. Rates of Exchange, Purchase Power Parities
and Price Level Index 601
2. Dictionary of Keywords3 INTRODUCTION
Germany Arno Bokeloh This latest publication by MISSOC, the Community information system on
social protection, provides up-to-date information on the situation of social Bundesministerium fur Arbeit und Sozialord­
protection systems in the member states of the European Union on the 1 st nung, Abteilung Internationale
of July, 1995, and on the most important measures initiated between und Europäische Sozialpolitik, Bonn
1.7.1994 and 30.6.1995. Following the expansion of the European Union Friedrich von Heusinger
from 1st January 1995, the social protection systems in the three new
Vertretung des Freistaates Bayern bei der EU,
member states of Austria, Finland and Sweden are dealt with in this year's
publication for the first time.
MISSOC is an information system created at the suggestion of the Euro­
Greece Nikos Gryllis pean Commission, Directorate-General V, to provide brief, up-to-date and
Despina Patouna comparable information for the people employed in various services of the
Department for Labour and Social Security, Commission, the authorities in the member states, employees and trade
Directorate for International Conventions, unions, all persons and institutions interested in the development of social
Athens protection and social protection organisations.
MISSOC consists of representatives of the Ministries and authorities re­
sponsible for social protection in the 15 member states of the European Spain Jose Ma Garcia-Casillas Diaz
Union, who work in close and regular cooperation with each other to col­ Pilar Garcia Perea
lect information and prepare it for annual publication. Luisa Goya Laza
Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, Madrid In 1994/95, MISSOC work was carried out by the following represen­
tatives of the member states:
France Françoise Turoche
Belgium Jacques Donis Jean Kleinclauss
Fréderique Fastre Ministère de la Santé publique
Robert Mathieu et de l'Assurance maladie,
Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Ministère de la Solidarité entre les générations,
Santé publique et de l'Environnement, Direction de la Sécurité Sociale, Division des Af­
Service des relations internationales, Bruxelles faires européennes et internationales, Paris
Nicole Deletang
Centre de Sécurité Sociale des Travailleurs Mi­Denmark Kirsten Söderblom
grants, Paris Karin Möhl Larsen
International Relations Division, Copenhague Ireland Aodhnait Doyle
Susan Scally Anni Banke
Department of Social Welfare, Direktoratet for Social Sikring og Bistand,
EU/International Division, Dublin Copenhague Italy Cordialina Coppola Sweden Bengt Sibbmark
Laura Crescentini Ministry of Health and Social Affairs,
Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale, Socialdepartement, Stockholm
Direzione Generale dellaa Lena Malmberg
ed Assistenza Sociale, Roma National Social Insurance Board,
Gioia Maniero Stockholm
Ministero dell'Interno,
United Kingdom Mike Bradley Direzione Generale dei Servizi Civili,
Kevin Dench Ufficio Studi e Cooperazione Intemazionale,
Roma Department of Social Security,
International Relations, London
Luxembourg Claude Ewen
Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale,
In the European Commission, MISSOC is supervised by Directorate-Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale,
General V, Division V/E/2 (Social Security and Social Action Pro­Luxembourg
Renée Bronsgeest Netherlands
The technical co-ordination of MISSOC and the editorial preparation of the Ivo van der Steen
annual publication of the Comparative Tables in three languages (English, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegen­
French, German) is the responsibility of the MISSOC Secretariat. The work heid,
is carried out by the ISG-Institut fur Sozialforschung und Gesell­Afdeling Grensoverschrijdende Sociale Verzeker­
schaftspolitik in Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany. The technical as­ingen, Directoraat-Generaal
pects of publication and dissemination are the responsibility of the Office Sociale Zekerheid, Den Haag
for Official Publications of the European Union in Luxembourg.
Austria Christoph Pramhas As in previous years, the publication begins with a comprehensive analysis
Bernhard Spiegel of the development of social protection and an account of the most impor­
tant measures introduced in the member states. This section of the report Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Wien
was compiled by Mr Edward James on the basis of national reports from
the member states. The following national reports have been compiled un­Portugal Sara Cardigos
der the exclusive authority of thel correspondents for MISSOC. Ministerio do Trabalho e Segurança Social, Di-
recçáo-Geral dos Regimes de Segurança Social, The publication consists mainly of information on the central areas of so­
Lisbon cial protection in the 15 member states. As in previous years, this data is
presented in the form of comparative tables. In order to make the systems
Finland Tiina Heino easier to understand, the flow charts (Table I) are this year amended by
Carin Lindqist-Virtanen short descriptions of the respective organisation. As usual, the flow charts
Marja-Terttu Mäkiranta are followed by Table II, which gives a survey of various different aspects
concerning the financing of social protection. The tables III-XI deal with Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,
basic benefits to cover the risks listed in the IAO Convention, No. 102; Insurance Department, Helsinki
cashs and benefits in kind in the event of illness, maternity and in­
validity, benefits for the elderly and for surviving dependants, benefits in

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