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place a non-flammable separator (e.g. This appliance is type Y: the supply metal or plywood) 10 mm from the cablecan only be changed by the Readtheappliance'sinstructionsbeforeabcoctteosmstooftthheehboabs.eTohfitshweilhlopbr.eventtTheecuhsniecr.alTAhsesicsatbalnecteypSeeravnicdemainnidmnuotminstalling and using. ThegraphicsintheseAssemblyIpfltahceehthoebissegpaarsa,titoirsartetchoemsammenedabletocCrohssa-snegcitinongmtuhstebgearesspteyctpeed. instructions are given as a guide only. The manufacturer is exempt from allhhtetsnaidpessointradvet,pystecraefhrtuoskcaoernwcoidawdoana.bOecnelaol,wtihspalpy'sregulationsIhtfocertnu liability if this manual's requirementscutting surfaces with a special glue. This ific are not complied with. Safety instructionsouldchclectcolomsiormwihutere.acrfsutrednukrowehmoopehc.)Taletedfquirsrenenttronipcetrtaetshishtfreomhepscesnptaoiofgseeas( All operations relating to installation,Installation of applianceppilde(niktusgonthedependiniavalbaldom)leurfreoomioatrmfonsrat regulation and conversion to other types of gas must be carried out byThnecctfaear)obhhe:dettif-yroAssicalnceistacai.sepetSvdrnefhTloTilechivsengsweiallohhoesapdshetestdiebefdoltu(n:uneedksar an authorised installation engineer, respecting applicable regulations,nodciranynderotumevoseratcnucsmhte.meehTlaesnseesurhatthteneiterChangingthenozlzseofhtearipsd,i-empiraanduadilixyranrubnosre)A standards and the specifications ofwork surface will be watertight, andthe hob (fig. 6): the gas and electricity providers.prevents water seepage. - Remove the pan supports, burner Before you begin, turn off the covers and diffusers.In order to fit the appliance into the appliance's electricity and gas supply. Change the nozzles using the spannerkitchen unit, first place the hob in the -You are recommended to contact thevidedbyprois(tiontrfnyleellarutthaeythsiptsofhtelcnaehcoenlooseitionthcsnoaptsticsesrcroicvreSeecTuroAalichnnigtkaailpsceodee(c99),4246 Technical Assistance Service to to ensure that the nozzle does not carenecessary to completely undo them). convert to another type of gas.Insert and centre the hob. fall when it is removed from the burner or This appliance has been designed for home use only. This appliance cannot Press the sides of the hob until it is when fitted. beinstalledonyachtsorincaravans.sTuuprnpotrhteedcliaprsouannddittisghetnetnirtehpeemrifmuleltye.r.oErndseurrteothgautairtainstceoemthpelesteelayl.tiPgrhitmeanreydaiinrBefore installing, you need to check that local distribution conditions (gas type FRige. 3moval of hobstjuadsintme.bruensrhttehesssarywinotnece and pressure) and the appliance's Turn off the appliance's lectricity andB) Changing the nozzles for double-adjustment are compatible. The e appliance'sadjustmentconditionsaregUansscsruepwpltyh.eclipsandproceedinthefTlhaemgelabsusrnpaernsel(faing.d7fr):ame are fixed to written on the label or the specifications plate. rGevaesrsecoordnenr teocitnisotalnlat(ifoing.. 4)pomnuitgnssyetm.Thefollowingehtserfotehtobhsiuanglicalssehgleapnandmspetstebtsuotenaktvemore This appliance can only be installed in a well-ventilated place in accordance with The end of the inlet connection point of existingregulationsandventilationthegashobhasa1/2threadthatallowsf-raRmeem:ovealltheburnercoversandpanspecifications. The appliance must not for: supports Fig. 7a. be connected to a combustion product - fixed connection. . evacuation device. - connection using a flexible metal pipe. - Release the front clip fixing the The supply cable must be attached to In this case, it is necessary to insert the appliance to the kitchen unit by the unit to prevent it from touching hot accessory (427950) and the watertight removing the screw. Fig. 7b. partsoftheovenorhob.seal(034308)suppliedbetweenthe-figL.o7ocs-e7nd,thaendscrreemwosvoenthtehecobnutrrnolerksn,obsAppliances with electrical supply must manifold outlet and the gas supply. be earthed. Fig. 4a. from their respective housings. Donottamperwiththeappliance'sInthiscase,youmustpreventthepipeaUvsaeiltahbeledfirsoasmsoeumrbTlyeclehvniecra4l8A3s1si9s6tanceinterior. If necessary, call our Technical from coming into contact with moving Service. To release the front clips, apply Assistance Service. parts of the kitchen unit being inserted the lever in the area shown in figures 8 Before installing to(for example, a drawer) and prevent accordi Thisapplianceisclass3type,accordingabcecceosmsetoobasntyruscpteacdeswhichmightNehuiwvhecrhnasgvhteetnheoelethviroembromnorofdrgealla.esmsee!sdgtotheEN30-1-1regulationforgasIfyouneedtoconn.ecttheply-Toreleasetherearclips,carefullyraiseappliances:built-inappliance.hrizontally,ourTechnicalgAasssisstuapncetheentireglasspanelandframe,asinTheunitsnexttotheappliancemustbeSoervicecansupplyyouwithanL-tubefig.8a.made of non-flammable materials. The laminatedcoveringandgluefor(0c3o4d3e018)7.3F0i1g.8)4ab.ndaseal(codeChanging the outer flame nozzle adhering it must be heat resistant. This appliance cannot be installedWarning! -If any connection is handled,(fig. 9a): abovefridges,washingmachines,cDhaencgketrhoefsleeaalk.s.abLcucosehoissnsegtnhbteyhemmcaolivanimnngpoizstzclbreaecwekatwsoialryre.dlseFiatgos.eat1hedishwashers or similar. AnovenmusthaveapowercoolingfanTcohnenmecatinounfalcetaukrienrgi,sanftoetrlibaebilnegfohranadnlyed.-Removetheouterflamenozzle-by. to install a hob above it. Check the oven's dimensions in itsElectric connection (fig. 5)eonlfma.zzelenenthterwou2a-.3arcSiwethslee.ftg.Firuingnitotawdrt installation manual. Check that the voltage and power of the Fig. a3-a4, as in table II. If an extractor fan is installed, you must appliance are compatible with the - Adjust the distance of the airflow follow the installation manual's electrical installation. adjusting bushing L2 according to the instructions, always keeping a minimum The hobs are supplied with a power value -Z- shown in table II. Fig. a5. distance of 650 mm to the hob. cable with or without a wall socket plug. - Tighten the clamp screw. Fig. a6. Preparation of kitchen unitProvide an omnipolar cut-off switch withChanging the inner flame nozzle (fig. 1-2)a minimum contact separation of 3 mm(fig. 9b): Make an appropriate size cut in the work (except for plug connections, if the user - Unscrew the part M3 from the threaded surface.hAapspliaacncceessstwoitiht).plugsmustonlybeppaarrttiMn2t;hteoodpoptohsiist,ehdoirldectthioent.hreadedIf the hob is electric or mixed (gas and electricity)andthereisnoovenbelow,cwiornenseccotrerdetcotlysioncskteatllsetdh.athaveearth-FiRg.ebm2o.vethepipefromthepartM2.