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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Guide sur la plaque de cuisson à gaz Smakoka de chez Ikea. Ce guide est en en Français, allemand, anglais et néerlandais.
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Poids de l'ouvrage

4 Mo

 Language, Sprache, Langue, Taal  Country,Land, Pays, Land
Table of contents Safety information4 Injectortable 11 Product description7 TechnicalData 12 Daily use8 Installation12 Helpful hints and tips8 Environmentalconcerns 17 Maintenance and cleaning9 IKEAGUARANTEE 18 What to do if10 Safety Information Your safety and the safety ofsupply before carrying out any others are very important.installation work. This manual and the applianceInstallation and maintenance itself provide important safetymust be carried out by a messages, to be read andqualified technician, in observed at all times.compliance with the This is the safety alertmanufacturer’s instructions and symbol, pertaining to safety,local safety regulations to the which alerts users to potentialrelevant gas standard. Only use hazards to themselves andoriginal spare parts. Do not others. repairor replace any part of the All safety messages will followappliance unless specifically the safety alert symbol andstated in the user manual. either the terms:WARNING If the information DANGER Indicates ain this manual is not followed hazardous situation which, ifexactly, a fire or explosion may not avoided, will cause seriousresult causing property damage injury. orinjury. WARNING Indicates a- Donot store or use gasoline or hazardous situation which, ifother flammable vapors and not avoided, could cause seriousliquids in the vicinity of this injury. appliance. All Safety messages will tell youWhat to do if you smell gas: what the potential hazard is, tell- Donot try to light any you how to reduce the chance ofappliance. injury, and tell you what- Donot touch any electrical can happen if the instructions areswitch. not followed.- Donot use any phone in your The appliance must bebuilding. disconnected from the power- Immediatelycall your gas
supplier from a neighbor’selectrician. phone. Follow the gas- Themanufacturer cannot supplier’s held responsible for any - Ifyou cannot reach yourinjury to persons or animals or gas supplier, call the firedamage to property arising department. fromfailure to comply with - Installationand service mustthese requirements. be performed by a qualified- Donot use multiple plug installer, service agency or theadapters or extension cords. gas supplier.- Donot pull the power cable - Useappliance in wellto disconnect it from the ventilated rooms only.electrical supply. - Theelectrical and gas- Theelectrical components connections must comply withmust not be accessible to the local regulations.user after installation. - Whenthe hob is installed,- Donot touch the appliance provide a multi-pole circuitwith any wet part of the body breaker with a contactand do not operate it when separation of at least 3barefoot. mm, that provides full- Thishob (class 3) is designed disconnection. solelyfor private household - Regulationsrequire that theuse for cooking food. Do not appliance is grounded.use this appliance as a space - Thepower cable must be longheater to heat or warm the enough for connecting theroom. Doing so may result in appliance, once fitted in itscarbon monoxide poisoning housing, to the power supplyand overheating of the hob. -Use only flexible or rigid metal- TheManufacturer declines hose for gas connection.all responsibility for - Ifnecessary, the electricalinappropriate use or incorrect power cable must besetting of the controls. replaced exclusively with a- Theappliance and its power cable having identicalaccessible parts become characteristics to the originalhot during use. Care should supplied by manufacturerbe taken to avoid touching (type H05V2V2-F 90°C orheating elements. Children less H05RR-F). This operation mustthan 8 years of age shall be be performed by a qualifiedkept away unless continuously
supervised. This applianceare in off position and close can be used by children agedthe main gas supply cock or from 8 years and above andthe gas cylinder valve. persons with reduced physical,- Overheatedoils and fats catch sensory or mental capabilitiesfire easily. Always remain or lack of experience andvigilant when cooking foods knowledge if they haverich in fat, oil or alcohol (e.g. been given supervision orrum, cognac, wine). instruction concerning use of- Unattendedcooking on a the appliance in a safe wayhob with fat or oil can be and understand the hazardsdangerous and may result in involved. They shall not playfire. NEVER try to extinguish a with the appliance. Cleaningfire with water, but switch off and user maintenance shallthe appliance and then cover not be made by childrenflame e.g. with a lid or a fire supervision. blanket. - Theuse of a gas applianceDanger of fire: do not store produces heat and humidity initems on the cooking surfaces. the room. Make sure the room- Keepthe packaging materials is well-ventilated, or install anout of the reach of children. extractor hood with exhaust- Beforecleaning or duct. maintenancewait for hob to - Domesticanimals should becool down. kept away from the appliance.Save these instructions - Incase of prolonged use, additional ventilation may be necessary (by opening a window or increasing the hood extraction speed). - Afteruse, make sure the knobs
Product description
2 4
1  Removable panstand grids 2  Semirapid burner 3  Semirapid burner 4  Rapid burner 5  Auxiliary burner 6  Rapid control knob 7  Semirapid burner control knob 8  Semirapid burner control knob 9  Auxiliary burner control knob
Solid disc Large flameand star
Small flame
Tap closed Maximum opening/ delivery and electric ignition Minimum opening or reduced delivery
3 5
6 7 8 9
Daily use Do not let the burner flame extend- Theknob must not be pressed for beyond the edge of the pan.more than 15 sec. If, after that time has Important: when the hob is in use, the entireelapsed, the burner does not remain lit, hob area may become hot.wait at least one minute before trying to - Toignite one of the burners, turn thelight it again. relative knob anti-clockwise to the maximum flame setting.NOTE:should particular local conditions - Pressthe knob against the control panelof the delivered gas make the ignition of to ignite the burner.burner difficult, it is advisable to repeat - Afterthe burner has ignited, keep thethe operation with the knob turned to small knob pressed for about 5-10 seconds toflame setting. allow proper device operation.The burner might go out when the knob is This burner safety device shuts off the gasreleased. This means that the safety device supply to the burner if the flame goes outhas not warmed up enough. In this accidentally (because of sudden draught, ancase, repeat the operations described interruption in the gas delivery, boiling overabove. of liquids, etc.).
Helpful hints and tips
This hob has burners of different diameters. For better burner performance, please stick to the following rules: - Usepots and pans with bottoms the same width as that of the burners or slightly larger (see following table). -Only use flat-bottomed pots and pans. - Usethe correct amount of water for cooking foods and keep the pot covered. - Makesure pots on the grates do not protrude beyond the edge of the hob.
Burner Rapid Semi-rapid Auxiliary
IMPORTANT: improper use of the grids can result in damage to the hob: donot position the grids upside down or slide them across the hob. Do not use: - Castiron griddles, ollar stones, terracotta pots and pans. - Heatdiffusers such as metal mesh, or any other types. - Twoburners simultaneously for one receptacle (e.g. fish kettle).
Pot Ø from 24 to 26 cm from 16 to 24 cm from 8 to 14 cm
Maintenance and cleaning - Rinseand dry Disconnect power before servicing.-Refit burners and burner caps correctly - Allthe enamelled and glass partsin the respective housings. should be cleaned with warm water and- Whenreplacing the grids, make sure neutral solution.that the panstand area is aligned with - Stainlesssteel surfaces may be stained the burner. by calcareous water or aggressive - Modelsequipped with electrical detergents if left in contact for too long. ignition plugs and safety device require Any food spills (water, sauce, coffee, etc.) thorough cleaning of the plug end in should be wiped away before they dry. order to ensure correct operation. - Cleanwith warm water and neutral Check these items frequently, and if detergent, and then dry with a soft necessary, clean them with a damp cloth or chamois. Remove baked-on dirt cloth. Any baked-on food should be with specific cleaners for stainless steel removed with a toothpick or needle. surfaces. NOTE: clean stainless steel only with soft cloth or sponge. - Donot use abrasive or corrosive products, chlorine-based cleaners or pan scourers. - Donot use steam cleaning appliances. -Do not use flammable products. - Donot leave acid or alkaline substances, such as vinegar, mustard, salt, sugar or lemon juice on the hob. CLEANING THE HOB PARTS - Grids,burner caps and burners can be NOTE: to avoid damaging the electric removed to be cleaned. ignition device, do not use it when the - Cleanthem by hand with warm water burners are not in their housing. and non-abrasive detergent, removing any food residues and checking that none of the burner openings is clogged.
What to do if ...
Problem The electric ignition does not work
The burner fails to ignite
The gas ring burns unevenly
Possible cause
There is no electrical supply
The gas tap could be closed Burner crown may be occluded by food residues
Before calling the After-Sales Service: 1. Check“Troubleshooting guide” to see if you can eliminate the problem yourself 2. Turnthe hob on again to check if correct operation has been restored. 3. Ifthe problem persists, contact the After-sales Service. Give the following information: type of fault; hob model; service number (i.e. the number after the word SERVICE on the dataplate under the hob and on the warranty certificate);
Solution Check the unit is plugged in and the electrical supply is switched on. Check that the gas tap is open Clean the burner crown according to cleaning instructions to make sure that the burner crown is clear of food residues.
your full address; your telephone number. If any repairs are required, contact an authorised service centre, indicated in the warranty. In the unlikely event that an operation or repair is carried out by an unauthorised technician, always request certification of the work carried out and insist on the use of original spare parts. Failure to comply with these instructions may compromise the safety and quality of the product.
Injector table
Category II2E+3+
Type of gas used
NATURAL GAS (Methane) G20
NATURAL GAS (Methane) G25
Type of gas used
G2020 mbar
G2525 mbar
G30 28-30 mbar G31 37 mbar
Type of burner
rapid semi-rapid auxiliary
rapid semi-rapid auxiliary
rapid semi-rapid auxiliary
rapid semi-rapid auxiliary
Injector RatedRated ReducedGas pressure marking thermalconsumption heat(mbar) flow ratecapacity kW kW BE FRmin. rat.max. 118 F23,00 286l/h 0,800,60 101 Z2,00 190l/h 0,450,35 1720 25 72 X1,00 95l/h 0,350.,30 118 F23,00 332l/h 0,60 101 Z2,00 221l/h 0,3520 25 30 72 X1,00 111l/h 0,30 85 3,00 218g/h 0,60 28 69 2,00145 g/h0,35 2035 30 50 1,00 73g/h 0,30 85 3,00 214g/h 0,60 69 2,00143 g/h0,35 2537 45 50 1,00 71g/h 0,30
Model configuration 4 BURNERS
1 R - 2 SR 1 AUX
1 R - 2 SR 1 AUX
1 R - 2 SR 1 AUX
1 R - 2 SR 1 AUX
Rated thermal flowrate (kW)
Electric Power: 220 - 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
Total rated consumption
761 l/h
885 l/h
581 g/h
571 g/h
3 Air required (m) 3 for burning1m of gas
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