Request for Comment on Interagency Guidance on Response Programs to Protect Against Identity Theft








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ll★KFederal Reserve Bank of Dallas2200 N. PEARL ST.DALLAS, TX 75201-2272August 29, 2003Notice 03-46TO: The Chief Executive Officer of eachfinancial institution and others concernedin the Eleventh Federal Reserve DistrictSUBJECTRequest for Comment on Interagency Guidance on Response Programsto Protect Against Identity TheftDETAILSThe four federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies have requested comment on proposedguidance entitled Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to CustomerInformation and Customer Notice. In addition, as part of their continuing efforts to reduce paperworkand respondent burden, the agencies invite the general public and other federal agencies to comment on aproposed information collection as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter35).The Board must receive comments by October 14, 2003. Please address comments to JenniferJ. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and ConstitutionAvenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20551. However, because paper mail in the Washington area and at theBoard is subject to delay, please consider submitting your comments electronically All comments should refer to Docket No. OP–1155.ATTACHMENTA copy of the Board’s notice as it appears on pages 47954–60, Vol. 68, No. 155 of the Fed-eral Register dated August 12, 2003, is attached.MORE INFORMATIONFor more information, ...
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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. PEARL ST.
DALLAS, TX 75201-2272
August 29, 2003
Notice 03-46
TO: The Chief Executive Officer of each
financial institution and others concerned
in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District
Request for Comment on Interagency Guidance on Response Programs
to Protect Against Identity Theft
The four federal bank and thrift regulatory agencies have requested comment on proposed
guidance entitled Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer
Information and Customer Notice. In addition, as part of their continuing efforts to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, the agencies invite the general public and other federal agencies to comment on a
proposed information collection as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter
The Board must receive comments by October 14, 2003. Please address comments to Jennifer
J. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution
Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20551. However, because paper mail in the Washington area and at the
Board is subject to delay, please consider submitting your comments electronically to All comments should refer to Docket No. OP–1155.
A copy of the Board’s notice as it appears on pages 47954–60, Vol. 68, No. 155 of the Fed-
eral Register dated August 12, 2003, is attached.
For more information, please contact Gary Krumm, Banking Supervision Department, at
(214) 922-6218. Paper copies of this notice or previous Federal Reserve Bank notices can be printed from
our web site at
For additional copies, bankers and others are encouraged to use one of the following toll-free numbers in contacting the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas: Dallas Office (800) 333-4460; El Paso Branch Intrastate (800) 592-1631, Interstate (800) 351-1012;
Houston Branch Intrastate (800) 392-4162, Interstate (800) 221-0363; San Antonio Branch Intrastate (800) 292-5810.47954 Federal Register/Vol. 68, No. 155/Tuesday, August 12, 2003/Notices
inspected and photocopied at the OCC’s DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
Public Information Room, 250 E Street,
Office of the Comptroller of the SW, Washington, DC. You can make an
Currency appointment to inspect the comments
by calling (202) 874–5043.
[Docket No. 03–18]
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System: Comments should refer DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
to Docket No. OP–1155 and may be
mailed to Ms. Jennifer J. Johnson, Office of Thrift Supervision
Secretary, Board of Governors of the
[No. 03–35]
Federal Reserve System, 20th Street
and Constitution Avenue, NW., BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE
Washington, DC 20551. However, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
because paper mail in the Washington
[Docket No. OP–1155] area and at the Board of Governors is
subject to delay, please consider
FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE submitting your comments by e-mail to
faxing them to the Office of the
Interagency Guidance on Response
Secretary at (202) 452–3819 or (202)
Programs for Unauthorized Access to
452–3102. Members of the public may
Customer Information and Customer
inspect comments in Room MP–500
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays
pursuant to 12 CFR 261.12, except as AGENCIES: Office of the Comptroller of
provided in 12 CFR 261.14, of the the Currency, Treasury (OCC); Board of
Board’s Rules Regarding Availability of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Information, 12 CFR sections 261.12 and System (Board); Federal Deposit
261.14.Insurance Corporation (FDIC); and
Federal Deposit Insurance Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury
1 Corporation: Send written comments to (OTS).
Robert E. Feldman, Executive Secretary,
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
Attention: Comments/OES, Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th SUMMARY: The OCC, Board, FDIC, and
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20429. OTS (the Agencies) are requesting
Comments also may be mailed comment on proposed guidance entitled
electronically to Interagency Guidance on Response
Comments may be hand delivered to the Programs for Unauthorized Access to
guard station at the rear of the 17th Customer Information and Customer
Street building (located on F Street) on Notice (‘‘the proposed Guidance’’).
business days between 7 a.m. and 5 In addition, as part of their continuing
p.m.; Fax Number (202) 898–3838. efforts to reduce paperwork and
Comments may be inspected and respondent burden, the Agencies invite
photocopied in the FDIC Public the general public and other Federal
Information Center, Room 100, 801 17th agencies to take this opportunity to
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20429, comment on a proposed information
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on business collection, as required by the Paperwork
days. Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Office of Thrift Supervision: chapter 35).
Comments may be sent to Regulation
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
Comments, Chief Counsel’s Office,
or before October 14, 2003
Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552,
invited to submit written comments to: Attention: No.03–35; FAX number (202)
Office of the Comptroller of the 906–6518, Attention: No. 03–35; or e-
Currency: Public Information Room, mail address regs.comments@ots.treas. gov, Attention: No. 03–35, and include
Currency, 250 E Street, SW, Mail stop your name and telephone number.
1–5, Washington, DC 20219, Attention: Comments may also be hand delivered
Docket No. 03–18, Fax number (202) to the Guard’s Desk, East Lobby
874–4448 or e-mail address: Entrance, 1700 G Street, NW., from 9 Due to a.m. to 4 p.m. on business days,
delays in the delivery of paper mail in Attention: Regulation Comments, Chief
the Washington area, commenters are Counsel’s Office, No. 03–35.
encouraged to submit their comments Commenters should be aware that there
by fax or email. Comments may be have been unpredictable and lengthy
delays in postal deliveries to the
1 The National Credit Union Administration Washington, DC area and may prefer to
(NCUA) participated in the guidance of
make their comments via facsimile, e-development process and will separately issue
comparable proposed guidance. mail, or hand delivery. OTS will post
VerDate jul<14>2003 15:12 Aug 11, 2003 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\12AUN1.SGM 12AUN1Federal Register/Vol. 68, No. 155/Tuesday, August 12, 2003/Notices 47955
comments and the related index on the financial institutions relating to guidance, file a Suspicious Activity
OTS Internet Site at http:// administrative, technical, and physical Report and notify appropriate law In addition, you may safeguards to: (1) Insure the security and enforcement agencies;
C. Take measures to contain and inspect comments at the Public Reading confidentiality of customer records and
control the incident to prevent further Room, 1700 G Street, NW., by information; (2) protect against any
unauthorized access to or use of appointment. To make an appointment anticipated threats or hazards to the
customer information, including for access, you may call (202) 906–5922, security or integrity of such records; and
shutting down particular applications or send an e-mail to (3) protect against unauthorized access
third party connections, reconfiguring gov, or send a facsimile transmission to to or use of such records or information
firewalls, changing computer access (202) 906–7555. (Please identify the that could result in substantial harm or
3 codes, and modifying physical access materials you would like to inspect to inconvenience to any customer.
controls; and assist us in serving you.) We schedule Among other things, the Security
D. Address and mitigate harm to appointments on business days between Guidelines direct financial institutions
individual customers. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. In most cases, to: (1) Identify reasonably foreseeable
The proposed Guidance describes the appointments will be available the internal and external threats that could
following corrective measures a business day after the date we receive a result in unauthorized disclosure,
financial institution should include as a request. misuse, alteration, or destruction of
part of its response program in order to customer information or customer FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
effectively address and mitigate harm to information systems; (2) assess the OCC: Aida Plaza Carter, Director,
individual customers: likelihood and potential damage of Bank Information Technology
A. Flag Accounts—The institution these threats, taking into consideration Operations Division, (202) 874–4740;
should identify accounts of customers the sensitivity of customer information; Clifford A. Wilke, Director, Bank whose information may have been
and (3) assess the sufficiency of policies, Technology Division, (202) 874–5920; compromised, monitor those accounts
procedures, customer information Amy Friend, Assistant Chief Counsel, for unusual activity, and initi

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