MidYear Audit Report








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TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 1 of 5MIDYEAR AUDIT REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57Due at WHQ by February 15, 2010THE DECEMBER TREASURER REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OPENING THIS FORMFOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 20092009 - DECEMBER 31, (OVER) UNDERI. FUNDS AVAILABLE ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCEAcct.# A. BEGINNING BALANCES:120 Balance in district reserve account at WHQ on July 1, 2009 17,522.49 17,522.49 -100 Reconciled balance in district local bank account(s) on July 1, 2009 1,105.57 1,105.57 -TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 18,628.06 A 18,628.06 A - AB. ESTIMATED NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE - INCOME:Add : Membership income from World Headquarters400 18,443.54 B 36,694.71 B 18,251.17 BC. OTHER INCOME:410 Fall conference net income 4,108.29 3,200.00 (908.29)430 Spring convention net income - 3,200.00480 Interest - - -490 Other: Refund from Storage facility 2,947.00 2930 (17.00)WHQ pay for District International Conference Travel - 1300 1,300.00 N/A - N/A N/ATotal other income 7,055.29 C 10,630.00 C 3,574.71 CTOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (A plus B plus C) 44,126.89 D 65,952.77 D 21 ...
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TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 1 of 5 MIDYEAR AUDIT REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57 Due at WHQ by February 15, 2010 THE DECEMBER TREASURER REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OPENING THIS FORM FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2009 - DECEMBER 31, 2009 (OVER) UNDER I. FUNDS AVAILABLE ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE Acct.# A. BEGINNING BALANCES: 120 Balance in district reserve account at WHQ on July 1, 2009  17,522.49 17,522.49 -100 Reconciled balance in district local bank account(s) on July 1, 2009  1,105.57 1,105.57 -TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 18,628.06 A  18,628.06 A  -A B. ESTIMATED NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE - INCOME: 400 Add : Membership income from World Headquarters 18,443.54 B  36,694.71 B  18,251.17 B C. OTHER INCOME: 410 Fall conference net income 4,108.29 3,200.00 (908.29) 430 Spring convention net income - 3,200.00 3,200.00 480 Interest - - -                               490 Other: Refund from Storage facility 2,947.00 2930 (17.00) WHQ pay for District International Conference Travel - 1300 1,300.00 N/A - N/A N/A Total other income 7,055.29 C  10,630.00 C  3,574.71 C TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (A plus B plus C) 44,126.89 D  65,952.77 D  21,825.88 D II. EXPENSES: 600 A. Marketing 3,150.66 18,900.00 15,749.34 610 B. Communications and public relations 119.15 700.00 580.85 620 C. Education and training 2,417.90 10,600.00 8,182.10 630 D. Speech contests 2,365.15 5,200.00 2,834.85 640 E. Administration 2,871.91 6,440.00 3,568.09 650 F. Travel 1,875.38 4,280.00 2,404.62 700 G. Other 4,453.46 5,530.00 1,076.54 TOTAL EXPENSES  17,253.61 E  51,650.00 E  34,396.39 E III. 570 LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE  1,820.00 F  4,610.00 F  2,790.00 F IV. DISTRICT STORE 450 1. Sales 2,696.05 2,500.00 (196.05) 551 2. Purchases from WHQ (1,843.98) (1,800.00) 43.98 559 3. Other store expenses - (125.00) (125.00) DISTRICT STORE INCOME (LOSS), NET  852.07 G  575.00 G  (277.07) G V. 200 OUTSTANDING BILLS / OBLIGATIONS (Line 8 from page 2) -H N/A H  -H VI. NET FUNDS AVAILABLE AT December 31, 2009 (D - E - F + G + H) 25,905.35 I  10,267.77 (15,637.58)
VII. DISTRICT FUNDS ANALYSIS (district share of membership dues)
1. Balance in district reserve account at World Headquarters on July 1, 2009 2. Add: Membership income from WHQ 3. SUB TOTAL 4. DEDUCT: Funds requests from WHQ during July 1 to December 31 DEDUCT: Purchases from WHQ during July 1 to December 31 5. District reserve account balance on December 31, 2009 ( line 3 minus line 4 ) (This figure must agree with the district reserve statement at December 31, cell O14) ANALYSIS OF CASH BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2009 6. Reconciled balance in district local bank account(s) December 31, 2009 (Includes funds in any division, area or other accounts) 7. ADD: Balance in district reserve account at World Headquarters (line 5 above) 8. DEDUCT: Unpaid bills / obligations at December 31 (INPUT NEGATIVE NUMBER) TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE (agrees with page 1, Sec. VI, line I)
 17,522.49  18,443.54  35,966.03  (12,000.00)  (2,641.79)  21,324.24
 4,581.11  21,324.24
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Following is a brief description/explanation of the actual expenses as compared to what was budgeted. Any variance, positive or negative requires an explanation of what caused the variance. The white rows are not password protected. Users may adjust the white area as necessary by adjusting the row height. Alternatively, a separate sheet may be used. Each section of this narrative page must be completed in order for this report to be considered complete and counted as received by WHQ. Funds available (Section I) Membership funds are on target. The fall conference exceeded net income estimate by $900. Other -  $1300 item reimbursement for District Governor travel to International contest was handled by WHQ therefore no income or expenses entered.
Marketing (Section II, A) Marketing currently under first half budget. $3150 actual versus $9450 budget. Programs are being implemented with expenses to follow such as a 6000.00 joint effort with public relations. Expect PR consultant expenses of 2000.00 in Jan/Feb.
Communications and public relations (Section II, B) Currently under annual budget. $119 actual versus $700 budget. Public relations website program budgeted at $600.00 expected to be implemented in Jan/Feb timeframe.
Education and training (Section II, C) Currently under budget for first half. $2417 actual versus $5300 budget. In the first half, we developed monthly club officer training programs. Expect increase in monthly training programs in the second half.
Speech contests (Section II, D) Speech contests are slightly under budget for the first half of the year $2365 versus $2600.
Administration (Section II, E) Administration slightly under budget for the first half. $2871 versus $3220. Primarily due to decrease expenses at the monthly DECM. New programs are being implemented and attendance is increasing for the second half.
Travel (Section II, F) Below budget for the first half. $1875 versus $2140. In the second half extensive within-District travel to remote divisions and areas to both support with officer training and encourage club growth.
Other (Section II, G) Rapidly approaching the annual budget $4453 of $5530. $1560 of this is due to the paying of prior year outstanding obligations. In addition, installation dinner expenses of $2910 were a wash offset by admission fees indicated in Acct 490 Other $2947.
Following is a brief description/explanation of the actual expenses as compared to what was budgeted. Any variance, positive or negative requires an explanation of what caused the variance. The white rows are not password protected. Users may adjust the white area as necessary by adjusting the row height. Alternatively, a separate sheet may be used. Each section of this narrative page must be completed in order for this report to be considered complete and counted as received by WHQ. Leadership Institute (Section III) TLI is on target with expenses. Meeting facility deposits have been paid. Additional expenses for printing and copying
District Store Income and Expenses (Section IV) The bookstore was opened for the Fall Conference and sold $2696 exceeding income budget of $2500. The sales amount includes cash sales $1881 and Gift certificate redemption $815. Gift certificates are being awarded to clubs for membership growth and must be redeemed at the bookstore by May 31, 2010.
Fall Conference Net Income (Section I, C, 1) Conference netted $4108 exceeding the estimated $3200 net. Information gathered will simply the estimating for future District leadership
Spring Conference Net Income (Section I, C, 2)
Scheduled for May 2010
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  Based on the District 57 mid-year audit completed on Thursday, January 28, 2010, the following recommendations were observed by the audit committee:  1) While reviewing monthly Treasurer’s reports, we found signatures on the reports but no names were printed below the signature line.  Recommendation: Whenever a signature is required on a document and there is no place to print their name, it is recommended that the signer prints their name beneath the signature line. This way the signer can be easily identified.  2) Our audit found the monthly Treasurer’s reports are not being presented to the District and LT. Governors.    Recommendation: It is recommended that the monthly Treasurer's report be presented to the District Executive Committee Meetings an d a copy of the report made available to the member of the executive committee upon request.  3) Our audit found the monthly Treasurer’s reports are not being presented at the District Council meetings.  Recommendation: It is recommended that the district treasurer present the monthly Treasurer's report at the District trio meetings on a monthly basis.  4) Our audit found one monthly Treasurer’s report was dated more than 45 days from the reporting period.  Recommendation: It is recommended that the monthly Treasurer's report be printed upon completion and the Treasurer sign and date the signature page in order to determine when the reports are prepared.  5) During our audit, we asked the District Treasurer and found that there is no inventory detailed listing and physical inventory count. Recommendation: It is recommended that the District take inventory of the district book store at mid-year and at year-end, and include the inventory in the District assets and make available to the audit committee.  NOTE: The mid-year audit committee reviewed a sampling of the District Financial records to make their determinations and recommendations.  
TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 1 of 8 MONTHLY TREASURER'S REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57 FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 1, 2009 - DECEMBER 31, 2009 THIS REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OPENING THE MID YEAR AUDIT REPORT MONTH Y-T-D I. FUNDS AVAILABLE ACTUAL (1) ACTUAL (2) BUDGET (3) Acct.# BALANCE IN DISTRICT RESERVE ACCOUNT AT WHQ: 120 Beginning of the month/year 20,722.42 17,522.49 17,522.49 B. FUNDS AVAILABLE FROM WHQ 400 Add: Membership income 601.82 18,443.54 36,694.71 120 Less: Funds requests INPUT NEGATIVE NUMBER (12,000.00) 120 Less: District orders INPUT NEGATIVE NUMBER (2,641.79) 120 District reserve balance - End of the month 21,324.24 21,324.24 C. RECONCILED BALANCE IN DISTRICT LOCAL BANK ACCOUNTS: 100 Beginning of the month/year 12,098.92 1,105.57 1,105.57 120 Add: Funds requests - 12,000.00 D. OTHER INCOME (List specific sources): 410 1. Fall conference net income (from page 4) (6,775.62) 4,108.29 3,200.00 430 2. Spring conference net income (from page 5) - - 3,200.00 480 3 Interest - -                               490 4. Other: Refund from Storage facility 2,947.00 2,930.00 WHQ pay for District International Conference Travel - 1,300.00 N/A - N/A Total other income (6,775.62) 7,055.29 10,630.00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE  26,647.54 41,485.10 65,952.77 (Adds lines in I.A, I.B, I.C and I.D for columns 1, 2, and 3.) II. EXPENSES: 600 A. Marketing (from page 2) 610 B. Communications and public relations (from page 2) 620 C. Education and training (from page 2) 630 D. Speech contests (from page 2) 640 E. Administration (from page 2) 650 F. Travel (from page 3) 700 G. Other (from page 3) TOTAL EXPENSES III. 570 LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (from page 3) IV. DISTRICT STORE 450 1. Sales (50.30) 2,696.05 2,500.00 551 2. Purchases from WHQ (INPUT NEGATIVE NUMBER) (1,843.98) (1,800.00) 559 3. Other store expenses (INPUT NEGATIVE NUMBER) - - (125.00)                        DISTRICT STORE INCOME (LOSS), NET  (50.30) 852.07 575.00 V. ADJUSTMENT FOR Y-T-D DISTRICT ORDERS  - 2,641.79 N/A VI. EXCESS OF FUNDS AVAILABLE OVER EXPENSES  25,905.35 25,905.35 10,267.77 (Totals: Sec.I. - Sec.II. - Sec.III. + Sec.IV.) A Treasurer's report must be provided to the district governor and lt. governor within 45 days of month-end, beginning with the July period. Treasurer's reports for the period ending September 30 and for the period ending March 31 must be received at World Headquarters within 45 days of these periods. Toastmasters International policy also requires that a Treasurer's report be presented at every district executive committee and district council meeting.
 250.00 3,150.66 18,900.00  79.06 119.15 700.00  - 2,417.90 10,600.00  2,365.15 5,200.00 - 421.83 2,871.91 6,440.00  - 1,875.38 4,280.00  (59.00) 4,453.46 5,530.00  691.89 17,253.61 51,650.00  - 1,820.00 4,610.00
 243.13  100.00 1,441.49  85.00                  - 1,231.04  150.00 150.00  250.00 3,150.66
                 --                                  - 40.09  79.06 79.06  79.06 119.15
TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 2 of 8 MONTHLY TREASURER'S REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57 FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 1, 2009 - DECEMBER 31, 2009 MONTH Y-T-D VII. DETAIL OF EXPENSES: ACTUAL ACTUAL Acct.# A. 600 Marketing 601 1. Building new clubs 602 2. Membership growth 603 3. Club coaches 604 4. Rebuilding 605 5. Recognition 606 6. Other TOTAL Marketing (goes to page 1, Sec II. A) B. 610 Communications and public relations 611 1. District newsletter 612 2. W eb page 613 3. Directory 614 4. Postage 615 5. Other TOTAL Communications and public relations (goes to page 1, Sec II. B.) C. 620 Education and training 621 1. Distinguished clubs 622 2. Training club officers 623 3. Training division and area governors 624 4. Distinguished areas and divisions 625 5. Other TOTAL Education and training (goes to page 1, Sec II. C.) D. 630 Speech contests 631 1. Awards and certificates 632 2. Other TOTAL Speech contests (goes to page 1, Sec II. D.) E. 640 Administration 641 1. Stationery 642 2. Phone 643 3. Postage 644 4. W ebsite 645 5. Other TOTAL Administration (goes to page 1, Sec II. E.)
 104.88  979.00  562.20                  - 771.82  - 2,417.90
 1,507.65  857.50  2,365.15 -
 118.99  164.13 317.78  174.01  183.00  257.70 2,078.13  421.83 2,871.91
TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 3 of 8 MONTHLY TREASURER'S REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57 FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 1, 2009 - DECEMBER 31, 2009 MONTH Y-T-D VII. DETAIL OF EXPENSES (con't): ACTUAL ACTUAL Acct.# F. 650 Travel 651 1. Within district 652 a. District governor/lt. governor 653 b. Division governors 654 c. Area governors 655 d. Other district officers 651 Total travel within district 660 2. Mid year training (DG & LGS) 661 a. Transportation 662 b. Accommodation/registration 660 Total mid year training 670 3. Regional conference transportation/registration/accommodation 671 a. District governor elect 672 b. Lt. governor-elect 673 c. Current district governor 674 d. District treasurer 675 e. District public relations officer 670 Total regional conference expense 680 4. International convention transportation/registration/accommodation 681 a. District governor 682 b. Lt. governor education & training 683 c. Lt governor marketing 684 d. Immediate past district governor 680 Total international convention expense 650 TOTAL Travel expense (goes to page 1, Section II. F) G. 700 Other 705 a. Equipment purchase 710 b. Miscellaneous 700 TOTAL Other expenses (goes to page 1, Section II. G) VIII. LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: 470 Donation basket 570 Leadership institute expenses 571 1. Supplies from WHQ 572 2. Other supplies 573 3. Program and printing 574 4. Audiovisual equipment 575 4. Meeting room 576 4. Awards, certificates 577 4. Postage 579 5. Other 570 TOTAL LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (goes to page 1, Sec III.)
 342.36 -                 -                                  - - 342.36                                          -                 -- -                                                   -                 -                 -                 -                 -                                  - - 1,055.00                  - 478.02                  - - 1,533.02  - 1,875.38 -                  (59.00) 4,453.46  (59.00) 4,453.46                  --                 -                                  --                  1,820.00 -                                  -                 - - 1,820.00
IX. FALL CONFERENCE INCOME AND EXPENSE Acct.# 410 A. Fall conference income 411 1. Member registrations 412 2. Spouse / guest registrations 413 3. Late registrations 414 4. Luncheon tickets 415 5. Banquet tickets 416 6. Speech contest 417 7. Other revenue - Raffle 418 Advertising Friday night event Refunds 410 TOTAL Fall conference income 510 B. Fall conference expenses 511 1. Supplies purchased from TI 512 2. Other supplies 513 3. Programs and printing 514 4. Audiovisual equipment 515 5. Hotel / meeting room expenses 516 6. Awards, certificates, etc. 517 7. Postage 518 8. Meal expense 519 9. Other Registration Supplies Paypal and credit card processing fees N/A 510 TOTAL Fall conference expenses 410 NET FALL CONFERENCE INCOME (LOSS) (A - B) (goes to page 1, Sec I./D. 1.)
at at at at at at
 - 12,360.00  - 390.00  - 1,330.00                                - -- -                               - -                                14.00  435.00  515.00  (60.00) (90.00)  (60.00) 14,954.00  - 1.18           194.36 227.95  391.81 1,717.15  25.00 25.00  2,439.15 3,000.05  - 422.08  15.84  3,500.00 3,500.00                 - 287.04  157.80 480.30  7.50 1,169.12  6,715.62 10,845.71  (6,775.62) 4,108.29
X. SPRING CONFERENCE INCOME AND EXPENSE Acct.# 430 A. Spring conference income 431 1. Member registrations 432 2. Spouse / guest registrations 433 3. Late registrations 434 4. Luncheon tickets 435 5. Banquet tickets 436 6. Speech contest 437 7. Other revenue - Raffle 438 N/A N/A N/A 430 TOTAL Spring conference income 530 B. Spring conference expenses 531 1. Supplies purchased from TI 532 2. Other supplies 533 3. Programs and printing 534 4. Audiovisual equipment 535 5. Hotel / meeting room expenses 536 6. Awards, certificates, etc. 537 7. Postage 538 8. Meal expense 539 9. Other Registration Supplies Paypal and credit card processing fees N/A 530 TOTAL Spring conference expenses NET SPRING CONFERENCE INCOME (LOSS) (A - B) (goes to page 1, Sec I./D. 2.)
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