TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Page 1 of 5MIDYEAR AUDIT REPORT - DISTRICT NO. 57Due at WHQ by February 15, 2010THE DECEMBER TREASURER REPORT MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO OPENING THIS FORMFOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 20092009 - DECEMBER 31, (OVER) UNDERI. FUNDS AVAILABLE ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCEAcct.# A. BEGINNING BALANCES:120 Balance in district reserve account at WHQ on July 1, 2009 17,522.49 17,522.49 -100 Reconciled balance in district local bank account(s) on July 1, 2009 1,105.57 1,105.57 -TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 18,628.06 A 18,628.06 A - AB. ESTIMATED NEW FUNDS AVAILABLE - INCOME:Add : Membership income from World Headquarters400 18,443.54 B 36,694.71 B 18,251.17 BC. OTHER INCOME:410 Fall conference net income 4,108.29 3,200.00 (908.29)430 Spring convention net income - 3,200.00480 Interest - - -490 Other: Refund from Storage facility 2,947.00 2930 (17.00)WHQ pay for District International Conference Travel - 1300 1,300.00 N/A - N/A N/ATotal other income 7,055.29 C 10,630.00 C 3,574.71 CTOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (A plus B plus C) 44,126.89 D 65,952.77 D 21 ...